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1 These are their motives for doing it

A reasons

B excuses

C answers

D plans

2 The river widens considerably as it begins to turn west

A twists

B stretches

C broadens

D bends

3 Henry cannot resist the lure of drugs.

A abuse

B flavor

C temptation

D consumption

4 These programmes are of immense value to old people.

A natural

B fatal

C tiny

D enormous

5 A great deal has been done to remedy the situation

A maintain

B improve

C assess

D protect

6 John is collaborating with Mary in writing an article

A cooperating

B competing

C combining

D arguing

7 He is determined to consolidate his power

A strengthen

B control

C abandon

D exercise

8 Many scientists have been probing psychological problems

A solving

C settling

B exploring

D handling

9 Hearing problems may be alleviated by changes in diet and exercise habits

A removed

B cured

C worsened

D relieved

10 And the cars are tested for defects before leaving the factory

A functions

C motions

B faults

D parts

11 The food is insufficient for three people.

A instant

B infinite

C inexpensive

D inadequate

12 Thousands of people perished in the storm.

A died

B suffered

C floated

D scattered

13 But in the end he approved of our proposal

A undoubtedly

B certainly

C ultimately

D necessarily

14 For young children,getting dressed is a complicated business.

A strange

B complex

C personal

D funny

15 In Britain and many other countries appraisal is now a tool of management.

A evaluation

B efficiency

C production

D publicity



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