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1 A motive:動機;reason:理由。這兩個詞意思比較接近。There is no reason to doubt his word.沒有理由不相信他的話。excuse:借口。answer:回答;plan:計劃。

2 C widen和broaden都有"拓寬"的意思。twist:彎曲;stretch:延伸。The forests stretch for hundreds of miles.森林綿延數(shù)百英里。bend:彎曲。

3 C lure:吸引。temptation:吸引。這兩個詞意思相近。abuse:濫用;flavor:滋味:consumption:消費。

4 D immense和enormous都有"巨大的"意思。It was an enormous disappointment.此事太令人失望了。natural:自然的;tiny:微小的;fatal:致命的。

5 B remedy:補救;improve:改進。這兩個詞意思相近。Herbal medicine can be used to improve our health.草藥可用于增進我們的健康。maintain:保持;protect:保護;assess:評估。

6 A collaborate:合作;勾結(jié);cooperate:合作。 She has agreed to cooperate with the police in the investigation.她同意在調(diào)查中跟警察合作。compete:競爭。combine:合并;argue:爭論。

7 A consolidate:鞏固;strengthen:鞏固,加強。To strengthen his position in Parliament.he held talks with leaders of the Peasant Party.為了加強在國會中的地位,他跟農(nóng)民黨的領導人進行了會談。control:控制。abandon:放棄;exercise:行使。

8 B probe:探索;explore:探索。這兩個詞意思很相近。Both parties are exploring ways of settling the dispute.雙方都在尋求解決爭端的辦法。solve:解決;settle:解決;handle:處理。

9 D alleviate:減輕。relieve:減輕;變小。remove:去掉;切除。cure:治療。worsen:嚴重。

10 B defect:缺陷;faults:缺陷;function:功能:motion:意向。part:部分。

11 D insufficient:不充分的;inadequate:不充分的。Supplies of food and medicine are inadequate.食物和藥品供應不足。instant:迫切的;infinite:無限的。inexpensive:不貴的。

12 A perish:死亡;die:死亡。The old man will die soon.這個老人很快會死去o suffer:蒙受;float:漂浮;scatter:散亂。

13 C in the end:最后;ultimately:最后。The food ultimately arrived at the end of last month.食品終于在上月末運到了。undoubtedly:無疑地;certainly:當然;necessarily:必定地。

B complicated:復雜的;complex;復雜的。The issue is very complex.這個問題太復雜了。strange:奇怪的;personal.個人的。funny)r:有趣的。

15 A appraisal:評價;evaluation:評價。Evaluation is standard practice for all training評價是各種教育通常的做法。production:生產(chǎn);efficiency:效率。publicity:出名。

16. A 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. B 21. C 23. D 24. F 25. C 26. B

27. E 28. B 29. C 30. A 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. B

36. C 37. A 38. D 39. B 40. A 41. D 42. C 43. D 44. D 45. A

46. F 47. A 48. B 49. D 50. C 51. A 52. C 53. B 54. A 55. B

56. A 57. C 58. C 59. D 60. C 61. B 62. D 63. A 64. D 65. C



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