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1. He _______ the idea that he couldn’t do the job and was determined to show them that he was qualified for it.

A. refused B. declined

C. rejected D. opposed

2. The Evening News identified at least two village officials said to be actively _____ the illegal trade.

A. related to B. linked with

C. integrated into D. involved in

3. One reason for the present interest in both polar regions is that the world may soon be _____ fresh water.

A. deprived of B. cut of

C. short of D. empty of

4. Travelers flying across time zones often find themselves exhausted because human bodies can’t make an immediate _____ to new time schedules.

A. adjustment B. change

C. difference D. modification

5. In today’s society, people are _______ for different reasons, such as their achievement, their wealth, or even their appearance.

A. celebrated B. congratulated

C. prized D. encouraged

6. Higher education witnessed a ______ increase in the number of students going for graduate programs.

A. growing B. stable

C. constant D. steady

7. He claimed that the Spring Festival is the only time in a year that he could______ from his busy schedule.

A. spare B. save

C. choose D. take

8. Alice ______ from golf and went on to become a successful broadcaster.

A. resigned B. retired

C. retreated D. regressed

9. In no country other than Britain, it has been said, ______ experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

A. one cannot B. one can

C. cannot one D. can one

10. Manufacturing is Canada’s most important economic activity, ______ 17 percent of the workforce.

A. to engage B. engages

C. engaging D. engaged

l 1. Sheep are important tamed animals because they provide food and clothing; ______, they are used in making other products such as soap and glue.

A. moreover B. therefore

C. however D. otherwise

12. Her remarks left me wondering ______ she could have changed so suddenly.

A. when B. how

C. whether D. that

13. Caroline could do ______ but leave although she would have liked to stay and continue talking with him.

A. something B. anything

C. everything D. nothing

14. The businessman regretted having spent so much time traveling when he ______ with his family.

A. should have stayed B. had stayed

C. was to stay D. must stay

l5. Music is the only language ______ you never say a mean or sarcastic thing.

A. for that B. in which

C. that D. which







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