


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2014/9/21 9:25:29 來(lái)源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點(diǎn)擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信

Swine Flu Outbreak

1 From its name, swine influenza is a viral disease transmitted among pigs. This is a respiratory disease that circulates within pig populations, but certain outbreaks occur on cold season, on winter and fall, just like how ordinary flu affects human beings.

2 Swine flu infects human beings and over two thousand cases of affected individuals confirm that swine flu is indeed something to be taken seriously. Normally, swine flu is not transmitted to humans. But within the bodies of swine, a process called the antigenic shift make swine flu a very contagious disease not only among pigs but also among us, people. Pigs are not only carriers of ordinary swine flu viruses, they are also carriers of other animals’ viruses- such as of birds and of human beings. This ordinary human flu can turn into a human-infecting swine flu once combined with other flu viruses. As different types of viruses are being carried by pigs, viruses may reassort and swap genes with each other to develop a new strain of flu virus. This evolved virus is now being responsible for the present swine flu epidemic.

3 Swine flue affects people like the ordinary flu such as sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, fever, headache, chills body aches, and fatigue. Some patients also reported diarrhea and vomiting as symptoms. Although swine flu is curable with some drugs, about 150 deaths that were caused by swine flu have been reported.

4 To prevent swine flu, people should take personal health precautions such as cleaning one’s hands and other hygienic practices. Since swine flu appears to be just like an ordinary flu, it would be wise for people, whether they think they have swine flu or not, to cough and sneeze on tissue papers and properly dispose them on trash cans. People should also refrain from touching their lips, eyes and nose unless their hands are really clean. Swine flu is not transmitted by eating pork since swine flue viruses are killed in meat-cooking temperature. However, one should still be careful when eating or drinking. It would be safe to make sure that one’s food is safe from germs.

23Paragraph 1

24Paragraph 2

25Paragraph 3

26Paragraph 4

A.The definition of swine flu

B. The disease is incurable

C. The way the disease is transmitted to people

D. The disease has caused much deaths

E. Things we should do protect ourselves

F. The symptoms and influence of swine flu

27Pigs not only carry swine flu viruses, they also

28Viruses inside pigs may exchange genes to

29To prevent swine flu, people should

30Cooked pork will

A.form hygienic and healthy habits

B. develop a new strain of flu virus

C. still help transmit swine flu viruses

D. carry other animals’ viruses

E. become an antiviral medicine

F. not help transmit swine flu viruses







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