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  1. The revelation of his past ledto his resignation.

  A.imagination                   B. confirmation

  C.recall                        D. disclosure

  答案為D. revelation(揭露)– disclosure(揭露)

  2. Jensen is a dangerous man, and can bevery brutal.

  A.careless                      B. cruel

  C.strong                        D. hard

  答案為B. brutal(殘忍的) – cruel

  3. You’ll have to sprint if youwant to catch the train.

  A.jump                           B.escape

  C. run                           D.prepare

  答案為C. sprint (快速奔跑) – run(奔跑)

  4. We are worried about this fluid situation full with uncertainty.

  A. changeable                      B. stable

  C.suitable                         D.adaptable

  答案為A. fluid(不穩(wěn)定的) –changeable (易變的)

  5. The new garment fits herperfectly.

  A.haircut                           B. purse

  C. clothes                          D.necklace

  答案為C. garment(衣服) –clothes(衣服)

  6. The phobia may have its root in achildhood trauma.

  A.fear                               B. joy

  C. hurt                              D.memory

  答案為C. trauma(精神上的創(chuàng)傷) – hurt(感情上的傷心或痛苦)

  7. They have to build canals to irrigatethe desert.

  A.decorate                           B. water

  C.change                             D. visit

  答案為B. irrigate(灌溉) –water(給…澆水)

  8. Her overall language proficiencyremains that of a toddler.

  A.disabled                           B. pupil

  C.teenager                           D. baby

  答案為D. toddler(學(xué)步的兒童) – baby(嬰兒)

 9. The coastal area has very mild winter, but the central plains remain extremely cold.

  A. warm                               B.severe

  C.hard                                D.dry

  答案為A. mild(溫暖的) – warm(溫暖的)

  10. The details of the costume weretotally authentic.

  A. real                               B.outstanding

  C.creative                            D. false

  答案為A. authentic(逼真的)– real (逼真的)

  11. We are aware of the potential problems.

  A.global                              B. possible

  C.ongoing                             D. central

  答案為B. potential(可能的)-possible(可能的)

  12. The idea was quite brilliant.

  A.positive                          B. clever

  C.key                               D. original

  答案為B. brilliant(絕妙的)– clever (聰明的)

  13. Stock market price tumbledafter rumor of a rise in interest rate.

  A.regulated                            B. increased

  C. fell                                D.maintained

  答案為C. tumbled(暴跌) –fell(下降)

  14. The course gives you basic instructionsin car maintenance.

  A. coaching                         B. idea

  C.term                              D. aspect

  答案為A. instructions (指導(dǎo)說明)—coaching(教導(dǎo))

  15. All houses within 100 metres of theseas at risk of flooding.

  A. in danger                      B. out of control

  C.between equals                  D. in particular

  答案為A  in danger of (處于危險中)— at risk of (處于風(fēng)險中)


第二篇 Deforestation and Desertification(沙漠化)

TheSahel zone lies between the Saharadesert and the fertile savannahs(熱帶大草原)ofnorthern Nigeria and South Sudan. The word sahel comes from Arabic and means marginal or transitional ,andthis is a good description of thesesemi-arid(半干旱)lands,whichoccupy much of the Western African countries of Mail,Mauritania,Niger,and Chad.

Unfortunately, over the last century theSahara desert has steadily crept southwards eating into once productive Sahellands. United Nations surveys show that over 70 percent of the dry land inagriculture use in Africa has deterioratedover the last 30 years. Droughts have become more severe, the most recentlasting over twenty years in parts of the Sahel region. The same process ofdesertification is taking place across southern Africa as the Kalahari desertadvances into Botswana and parts of South Africa.

One ofthe major causes of this desert advance ispoor agricultural land use, driven by the pressures of increasing population.Overgrazing一 keeping too many farm animals on the land一means that grasses and other plants cannot recover, and scarce water suppliesare exhausted. Overcultivation一 tryingto grow too many crops on poor land一 resultsin the soil becoming even less fertile and drier, and beginning to break up. Soilerosion (侵蝕) follows, and the land turns into desert.

Another cause of desertification is loss of tree cover. Trees are cutdown for use as fuel and to clear land for agricultural use. Tree roots help tobind the soil together, to conserve moisture, and to provide a habitat forother plants and animals. When trees are cut down, the soil begins to dry andloosen, wind and rain erosion increase, other plant species die, and eventuallythe fertile top soil may be almost entirely lost, leaving only bare rock anddust.

The effects of loss of topsoil and increased drought are irreversible. Theyare,however, preventable. Careful conservation of tree cover and sustainableagricultural land use have been shown to halt deterioration of soils and lessenthe effects of shortage of rainfall. One project in Kita in south-west Malifunded by UNDP has involved local communities in sustainable management offorest,while at the same time providing a viable(有活力的)agriculturaleconomy. This may be a model for similar projects in otherWest African countries.

35 order to prevent desertification,the author proposes ___.

A. making good use of international aids

B. developing a sustainableagricultural economy

C. gaining international support

D. converting agricultural land intoforest


36.The Sahel zone is an area which ___.

A. is covered with sad and grass

B. has a long history

C. occupies much of South Nigeria

D. belongs to Sudan


37. What is the situation about thedesertification in Africa?

A. The deserts are replaced withgrasslands

B. The deserts are expanding

C. the deserts are moving northwards

D. the deserts are being deserted


38. The word “deteriorated ” in paragraph2 means ___.

A. deepened

B. suffered

C. slipped

D. worsened


39. What is the root causeof desertification?

A. poor farming

B. overpopulation

C. radical climate change

D. disappearance of rare plant species


40. In order to prevent desertification,the author proposes ___.

A. making good use of international aids

B. developing a sustainableagricultural economy

C. gaining international support

D. converting agricultural land intoforest



OlderVolcanic Eruptions

Volcanoes were more destructive in ancient history, not because theywere bigger,but because the carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)theyreleased wiped out life with greater ease.

Paul Wignall from the University of Leeds was investigating the linkbetween volcanic eruptions and mass extinctions. Not all volcanic eruptionskilled off large numbers of animals, but all the mass extinctions over the past300 million years coincided with huge formations of volcanic rock. To hissurprise, the older the massive volcanic eruptions were, the more damage theyseemed to do. He calculated the "killing efficiency" for thesevolcanoes by comparing the proportion of life they killed off with the volumeof lava (熔巖) that they produced. He found that sizefor size, older eruptions were at least 10 times as effective at wiping outlife as their more recent rivals

The Permian (二疊紀)extinction, for example, which happened 250 million years ago, is marked byfloods of volcanic rock in Siberia that cover an area roughly the size ofwestern Europe. Those volcanoes are thought to have pumped out about 10gigatonnes (十億噸) of carbon as carbon dioxide. The globalwarming that followed wiped out 80 percent of all marine genera (種類)at the time, and it took 5 million years for the planet to recover. Yet 60million years ago, there was another huge amount of volcanic activity andglobal warming but no mass extindtion. Some animals did disappear but thingsreturned to normal within tens of thousands of years. "The most recentones hardly have an effect at all," Wignall says. He ignored theextinction which wiped out the dinosaurs (恐龍) 65million years ago, because many scientists believe it was primarily caused bythe impact of an asteroid (小行星). Hethinks that older volcanoes had more killing power because more recent lifeforms were better adapted to dealing with increased levels of CO2.

Vincent Courtillot, director of the Paris Geophysical Institute in France,says that Wignall's idea is provocative. But he says it is incredibly hard todo these sorts of calculations. He points out that the killing power ofvolcanic eruptions depends on how long they lasted. And it is impossible totell whether the huge blasts lasted for thousands

or millions of years. He also adds that itis difficult to estimate how much lava prehistoric volcanoes produced, and thatlava volume may not necessarily correspond to carbon dioxide emissions.

41.Older volcanic eruptions did moredamage than more recent ones because

A. older volcanoes were brighter.

B. carbon dioxide made the earth muchwarmer

C. older volcanoes were hotter

D. carbon dioxide killed off life moreeasily


42. Wignall calculated the killing powerof those older volcanic eruptions by

A. estimating how long they lasted

B. counting the dinosaurs they killed

C. comparing the proportion of lifekilled with the volume of lava produced

D. studying the chemical composition oflava


43. When did dinosaurs become extinct?

A. 300 million years ago.

B. 250 million years ago

C. 65 million years ago

D. 60 million years ago


44. It can be inferred from Paragraph 3that the cause of dinosaur extinction is_______

A. a political issue.

B. self-evident.

C. quite certain

D. controversial


45. What is the main thesis of thearticle?

A. Volcanic eruptions are not alwaysdeadly.

B. Carbon dioxide emissions often giverise to global warming.

C. Older volcanic eruptions are moredestructive

D. It is not easy to calculate the killingpower of a volcanic eruption



CellPhone Lets Your Secrets Out

Your cell phone holds secrets about you.Besides the names and numbers that you've programmed into it, ______traces____(51) of your DNA linger (遺留) on thedevice according to a new study

DNA is genetic (遺傳的)material _____that_____ (52) appears in every cell. Like your fingerprint, yourDNA is _____unique______ (53) to you——unless you have an identical twin. Scientiststoday analyze DNA in blood, saliva (唾液), orhair left ____behind_______ (54) at the scene of a crime. The results oftenhelp detectives identify ____criminals______ (55) and their victims. Your cellphone can reveal more about you ____than_____ (56) you might think.

Meghan J. McFadden, a scientist at McMasterUniversity in Hamilton, Ontario, heard about a crime in which the suspect bledonto a cell phone and later dropped the____device_____ (57). This made herwonder whether traces of DNA lingered on cell phones一evenwhen no blood was___involved_____(58). She and colleague Margaret Wallace ofthe City University of NewYork analyzed the flip-open phones(翻蓋手機)of10 volunteers. They used swabs (藥簽) tocollect _____invisible___ (59) traces of the users from two parts of the phone:the outside, where the user ____holds_____(60) it, and the speaker which isplaced at the user's ear

The scientists cleaned the phones using asolution made mostly__of____(61) alcohol. The aim of washing was to remove alldetectable traces of DNA. The owners got their phones back for another week.Then the researchers ___returned________ (62) the phones and cleaned each phoneonce more.

The scientists discovered DNA that _____belonged______(63) to the phone's speaker on each of the phones. Better samples werecollected from the outside of each phone, but those swabs also picked up DNAthat belonged to other people who had apparently also ____handed______ (64) thephone

Surprisingly, DNA showed up even in swabsthat were taken immediately after the phones were scrubbed. That suggests thatwashing won't remove all traces of ___evidence________ (65) from a criminal'sdevice. So cell phones can now be added to the list of clues that can clinch (確定)a crime-scene investigation.

51. A. name B.pictures C. shapes D. traces


52. A. that B. while C.as D.what


53. A. common B. good C. helpful D. unique


54. A. behind B. away C. aside D.over


55. A. visitors B. travelers C.scientists D.criminals


56. A. until B. before C.unless D. than


57. A. paper B. document

C. device D.file


58. A. checked B. involved C. tested D. gathered


59. A. invisible B.emotional C. poisonous D. magical


60. A. holds B. watches C. drops D. covers


61. A. with B.by C. for D. of


62. A. collected B. answered C. returned D. used


63. A. moved B.changed C. belonged D.turned


64. A bought B. repaired C.seen D. handed


65. A. smell B. evidence C.sound D.color










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