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Running Marathon

Overtaken on a hill,three runners in an American marathon race were left behind by a l3-year old boy. (1) Wesley’s father, a doctor from Taiwan now living in Kansas,started jogging,worried about his weight.Wesley,then a child of 3 and a half,joined him. (2) Ever since then, Wesley became extremely interested in such exercise. Running together,the two completed Wesley’s first marathon when he was 7.Although the boy spent 4 days in bed after the race, he thought it was not too hard, and was training again within a month. (3) Wesley has run in 2 hours 41 minutes and 57 seconds – faster than some runners in the Los Angeles Olympics Marathon Race.Already the holder of 13 United States long-distance records,Wesley has got his eye on the 1988 Olympics. Many people are deeply impressed by his excellent performances. (4) Believing that still-growing bones may be damaged by such exercises,they argue that young runners may not grow to their full height. So Wesley,having twice been accepted for the New York Marathon, which he ran when he was 8 and again 9, can no longer take part. The organizers set a minimum age limit of 16 in 1981. (5) However Wesley never gives up, meanwhile he continues to practise accompanied by his father, determined to qualify for the l 988 Olympics both by age and performance.

A.Some doctors and experts,however,are not in favor of children running long distances, especially Marathon

B. He was Wesley Paul, experienced in 18 marathon races in 5 years

C. At that time,Wesley was badly injured in an accident and was forced to do some physical exercises to restore his health

D. Having been impressed by his son’s early ability in running,Dr Paul encouraged him

E. Similarly,under-eighteens are not allowed to take part in London Marathon

F. Each marathon race is 26 miles,385 yards








更多關(guān)注:職稱英語教材 職稱英語考后真題點評 職稱英語零基礎(chǔ)通關(guān)


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