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Milk Drinking

1 People everywhere drink milk.Most people drink cows’ milk. In different parts of the world some people also use the milk of goats,buffaloes,sheep,horses,donkeys,camels,zebras, or reindeer.

2 Milk has most things needed for helping people grow and keep well. Its three main parts are water,fatty matter,and other matter. These three food parts are easily used by the body.They build bones,teeth,and blood.They make the skin clear and the eyes bright,and they help repair worn-out or hurt body parts.

3 Many animals feed their newly born babies milk from the mothers’ own bodies.It takes the place of the blood that carried food to the babies before they were born.In this way milk works like blood.But it doesn’t have the same red color.

4 Cows’ milk is used mainly as a food.When it is used fresh it is first heated to kill germs.Then it is put into bottles or hard paper boxes.Some milk is canned or dried.This allows it to be kept longer.This means you can keep it in your house for many months.If you need milk every day,you just open a can or package.Some people like this better than going to the store every day.Milk is also made into buttermilk,cheese,butter,ice cream,and other foods.Foods made from milk are called dairy foods.

5 Parts of milk are made into many things that have nothing to do with food.Among these are cold-water paints,face creams,buttons,combs,knife and brush handles medicines,and toys.It has many more uses than most people ever dream of.Think of that the next time you drink a glass of milk.

1 Paragraph 1

2 Paragraph 2

3 Paragraph 4

4 Paragraph 5

A.Information about dairy foods

B. Usage of milk in food industry

C. Daily allowance of milk drinking

D. Usage of milk in non-food industry

E. Different types of milk

F. Nutritious stuff in milk and the function

5 In different parts of the world, people

6 The nutritious stuff in milk

7 When fresh milk is used, first we’d better

8 Diary foods

A.does good to human body and health

B. heat it to kill something harmful to human bodies

C. are different from the colour of blood

D. prefer cows’ milk only

E. use different types of milk

F. are produced from milk







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