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  1. The study has posed a question about this nature.

  A. supported

  B. cancelled

  C. aroused

  D. raised

  2. The sports meeting is cancelled due to the heavy rain.

  A. because of

  B. regardle.ss of

  C. rather than

  D. up to

  3. The old man died of a deadly disease.

  A. risky

  B. serious

  C. fatal

  D. worrying

  4. The American Medical Association has called for the sport of boxing (拳擊) to be banned.

  A. forbidden

  B. regulated

  C. studied

  D. reorganized

  5. When required by their parents to eat cabbage and other green vegetables, many children only do so reluctantly.

  A. initiatively

  B. impatiently

  C. unwillingly

  D. unlikely

  6. He decided to quit smoking because of his cough.

  A. take up

  B. put up

  C. set up

  D. give up

  7. The pay of this job is somewhat lower than 0therjobs.

  A. much

  B. very

  C. a little

  D. less

  8. I often go to that park because there are always so many people.

  A. normally

  B. seldom

  C. continuously

  D. usually

  9. The behavior is stemmed from his idea.

  A. flows

  B. comes

  C. watches

  D. observe

  10. The price of this machine is not reasonable.

  A. helpful

  B. kind

  C. fair

  D. effective

  11. Lake Erie is linked to Lake Ontario by the Niagara River.

  A. connected to

  B. turned into

  C. emptied into

  D. diverted to

  12. Eleanor Roosevelt's dedication to humanitarian causes won her affection and honor at home and abroad.

  A. on the air

  B. henceforth

  C. nearby

  D. in foreign countries

  13. Few disputes between neighbors cannot be settled outside the courtroom.

  A. conversations

  B. exchanges

  C. meetings

  D. arguments

  14. Hundreds of years ago cloves were used to remedy headaches.

  A. disrupt

  B. diagnose

  C. evaporate

  D. cure

  15. Sequoyah created the Cherokee syllabary, an extraordinary achievement that made it possible for the Cherokee to print newspapers in their own language.

  A. an inevitable

  B. a remarkable

  C. a linguistic

  D. a journalistic


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