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下面的短文后有2項測試任務(wù):(1)第23?26題要求從所給的6個選項中為指定段落每段選 擇1個小標(biāo)題;(2)第27?30題要求從所給的6個選項中為每個句子確定一個最佳選項。

Understanding Dyslexia

1 Dyslexia (誦讀困難)is a type of learning disability. A person with a learning disability has trouble processing words or numbers. There are several kinds of learning disabilities; dyslexia is the term used when people have difficulty learning to read,even though they are smart enough and want to learn. Dyslexia is not a disease. If s a condition that you are bom with, and it often runs in families.

2 Research has shown that dyslexia happens because of the way the brain processes information. Pictures of the brain, taken with modem imaging tools,have shown that when people with dyslexia read, they use different parts of the brain than people without dyslexia. These pictures also show that the brains of people with dyslexia don't work efficiently during reading. So that’s why reading seems like such slow, hard work.

3 If you have dyslexia, you might have trouble reading even simple words you've seen many times. You probably will read slowly and feel that you have to work extra hard when reading. You might mix up the letters in a word, for example,reading the word "now" as "won” or "left" as "felt." Words may blend(混合)together and spaces are lost. You might have trouble remembering what you've read. You may remember more easily when the same information is read to you or heard on tape.

4 Although dealing with dyslexia can be tough, help is available. Under federal law, someone diagnosed with a learning disability like dyslexia is entitled to extra help from the public school system. A child or teenager with dyslexia usually needs to work with a specially trained teacher, tutor, or reading specialist to learn how to read and spell better.

23. Paragraph 1

24. Paragraph 2

25. Paragraph 3

26. Paragraph 4

A. What is it like to have dslexia?

B. What job can people with dyslexia do?

C. How common is dyslexia?

D. What causes dyslexia?

E. How can we deal with dyslexia?

F. What is dyslexia?

27. Individuals with dyslexia find it hard to

28. When people with dyslexia read, their brains

29. It is not easy for people with dyslexia to remember

30. Students with dyslexia in public schools can get extra help in learning

A. work extra-hard

B. how to read and spell better

C. learn to read

D. what they’ve read

E. why reading is so difficult

F. work inefficiently


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