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下面的短文后列出了 7個句子,請根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)容對每個句子做出判斷;如果該句提供的是 正確信息,請選擇A;如果該句提供的是錯誤信息,請選擇B;如果該句的信息文中沒有提及,請 選擇C。

Baseline Exam Is Key to Eye Health

Even people with no signs or risk factors for eye disease can suffer vision loss and need to get baseline (基線)eye exams at age 40,says the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)(美國眼科學會)

The reminder (提示)is part of the AAO,s EyeSmart campaign to mark Save Your Vision Month in February.

“Many eye diseases progress without any warning signs,” Dr. Stephanie Marioneaux, a clinical correspondent for the AAO, said in a prepared statement. “Gradual changes in vision can affect your ability to function independently and have confidence in your abilities.”

Based on the finding from the initial screening, an eye doctor will create a schedule for follow-up eye exams.

People of any age who have symptoms of eye disease or are at high risk due to family history, diabetes (糖尿病)or high blood pressure should consult with their eye doctor to determine how often they should have their eyes checked, the AAO recommends.

By 2020,43 million Americans will be at significant risk for vision loss or blindness due to age- related eye diseases such as cataracts (白內(nèi)障)and glaucoma (青光眼).That’s a more than 50 percent increase over the current number of Americans with such vision-threatening diseases.

But many Americans are unconcerned about the risk of vision loss. Only 23 percent of Americans are very concerned about losing their vision, while most feet weight gain and joint or back pain are greater worries than vision loss, according to an AAO survey conducted for its EyeSmart campaign.

16. People with no signs of eye disease don’t need any eye exams.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

17. Changes in vision cannot affect people’s lives.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

18. There’s a great shortage of eye doctors in the US.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

19. High blood pressure is one of the risk factors for eye disease.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

20. Older people are at higher risk for vision loss or blindness.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

21. Most Americans are worried about the risk of vison loss.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned

22. Weigh gain and joint or back pain are big worries in Europe.

A. Right B. Wrong C. Not mentioned


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