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An Absent-minded Professor

Professor Smith lived alone. He was very absent-minded. He used to __1__ the university to give a lecture and find that he had forgotten to bring his notes. Or he __2__ lose his spectacles and be unable to see the __3__. He could never find any chalk to __4__ with, and he often forgot the time and would ramble __5__ for hours because he had __6__ his watch at home. But the most __7__ thing of all about him was his __8__. His overcoat was rarely __9__, as most of the buttons were __10__. His shoes were usually untied because he had lost the laces. He __11__ his comb as well because his hair was always standing __12__, that is unless he was __13__ his battered old hat with the brim missing. His trousers were __14__ by an old tie instead of a belt. He was a chain smoker. He would smoke __15__ in class. Cigarette ash was liberally scattered over his waistcoat.

1. A) arrive in B) arrive at C) arrive D) arriving

2. A) was used to B) was accustomed to C) could D) would

3. A) blackboard B) floor C) door D) window

4. A) teach B) deliver C) write D) address

5. A) of B) at C) in D) on

6. A) put B) placed C) left D) forgotten

7. A) exciting B) amazing C) attractive D) delightful

8. A) appearance B) act C) behavior D) conduct

9. A) tied B) fastened C) ironed D) patched

10. A) losing B) falling C) missing D) hanging

11. A) has lost B) loses C) must have lost D) must lose

12. A) on end B) up C) aside D) back

13. A) putting on B) wearing on C) wearing D) having

14. A) rounded up B) stuck together C) put together D) held up

15. A) even B) frequently C) constantly D) continuously








更多關(guān)注:職稱英語教材  職稱英語零基礎(chǔ)通關(guān)  2015年職稱英語報考條件


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