


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2014/3/21 10:15:13 來(lái)源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點(diǎn)擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信


1.But if…,then…但如果……那么……

2.But that is only part of the story/explanation.Perhaps the most significant/remarkable thing about…is…但這只是部分原因?;蛟S,有關(guān)……最引人注目的是……

3.Not only…but also…不僅……,而且……

4.Despite/In spite of/For all the difficulty/problem/pressure,…盡管有困難(問(wèn)題、壓力),……

5.On the other hand,/On the contrary,/By contrast,…相反,……


7.Rather than/Instead of…,…不是…?一而是……

8.And the opposite is also the case.反之亦然。

9.Some people argue/claim that…But more often than not,the opposite/reverse is usually the case?有些人認(rèn)為……而在許多情況下,事實(shí)正好相反。

10.Some people assume that…Perhaps/Maybe it is just/quite the other way around/opposite/contrary?有人覺(jué)得……也許事實(shí)正好相反。

11.Contrary to the widely held/accepted belief/idea/assumption that…,new studies challenge the view/opinion/beliefthat…與普遍的信仰(看法、設(shè)想)……相反的是,新的研究對(duì)……的觀點(diǎn)(信仰)提出了挑戰(zhàn)。

12.We have been brought up to believe/myth that…Yet…我們從小到大都相信這種說(shuō)法……然而……

13.They argue/maintain/contend that…,that…,and that…However,…他們認(rèn)為……認(rèn)為……認(rèn)為……然而,……

14.At first glance,it may seem a sound solution/suggestion,but on second thoughts,we find…乍看起來(lái),這似乎是個(gè)合理的辦法(建議),但是仔細(xì)考慮一下,我們就會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)……

15.There is probably an element of truth in the observations,but they ignore a deeper and more basic/important/essential fact…可能這些話有一定的道理,但是他們忽略了一個(gè)更深層次 和更為基本(重要、本質(zhì))的事實(shí),……

16.It is partly fight to say that…,but we should not neglect the fact that…盡管……部分是對(duì)的,但是我們不能忽視……的事實(shí)。

17.It is true that…,but this is not to say………是事實(shí),但是也不能說(shuō)……

18.Given the fact that…,it by no means indicates that…盡管……是事實(shí),但是并不意味著……

19.In contrast with the drawbacks/demerits/flaws of…,…can serve as a better solution for the problem of… 與……的缺點(diǎn)相比,……能為……問(wèn)題提供更好的解決途徑。

20. Like aJlything else,it also has its own dark side,as evidenced in…與其他任何事物一樣,它也有黑暗的一面.表現(xiàn)在……


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