


發(fā)表時間:2015/4/30 10:13:18 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信



1)Doing…+ v. Reading is an art.閱讀是門藝術(shù)。Seeing is believing.眼見為實。

2) It is + no use, no good (fun, a great pleasure, a waste of time, a bore…)等名詞+doing sth.

It is no use crying.哭沒有用。It is no good objecting.反對也沒有用。

It is a great fun playing football.打籃球很有趣。

It is a waste of time trying to explain.設(shè)法解釋是浪費時間。

3)It is + useless (nice, good,interesting, expensive等形容詞)+ doing sth.

It is useless speaking.光說沒用。

It is nice seeing you again.真高興又遇到了你。

It is good Playing chess after supper.晚飯后弈棋挺好。

It is expensive running this car.開這種小車是浪費。

4)There is no + doing…(there is no 表“不可能”)

There is no telling what he is going to do.說出他要干什么是不可能的。

There is no saying what may happen.說出將要發(fā)生什么是不可能的。

5)There is no use (good/point/sense/harm)+doing sth.做某事沒用(不好/意義/重要性)

There is no use crying over spilt milk.牛奶灑了,哭也無用。

6)have difficulty /trouble/problem + (in)+doing

have作有解時,后接情感名詞(in可省略),再接動名詞。這類詞還有trouble, fun, a hard time, a good time.

例如:We had difficulty (in) carrying out the plan.我們執(zhí)行計劃有困難。

7)feel like + 名詞 感覺像動名詞 “ 想要” =would like to +原形動詞

I feel like a newborn baby.我感覺像一個新生的嬰兒。

Do you feel like going to a movie?你想看電影嗎?

I don't feel like studying tonight.今晚我不想讀書。

8) spend/waste time doing sth.

They spent a lot time (in) making preparations.他們花了許多時間作準(zhǔn)備。


This problem requires studying with great care.這個問題需要仔細(xì)研究。

10)cannot help doing sth.忍不住(做什么)

I cannot help laughing, once I see john in that big trouser.



She smelt something burning and saw smoke rising.她聞到有東西在燃燒并看到有煙升起來了。

I watched them rehearsing the play.我看他們排演戲。

I could feel the wind blowing on my face.我能感覺到風(fēng)在我臉上吹過。


I caught them stealing my apples.我抓住他們偷我的蘋果。

If she catches me reading her diary,she'll be furious.如果她抓住我偷看她的日記,她會憤怒的。

We found him waiting to receive us.我們發(fā)現(xiàn)他正等著接待我們。

3)go +現(xiàn)在分詞表示“從事…”之意,這時現(xiàn)在分詞做主語補語。go之后所接現(xiàn)在分詞均表示短暫而又愉快的戶外活動。如:jogging慢跑,fishing釣魚,dancing跳舞,skating溜冰,bowling打保齡球,shopping 購物,sightseeing游覽,camping露營。

I'll go camping tomorrow.我明天去露營。

I'll go shopping.我去商店。

Would you like to go skating with me?你想和我去溜冰嗎?

4)be busy + v-ing(現(xiàn)在分詞)忙著做…

I am busy writing my thesis.我正忙著寫論文。

His assistant is busy(in) correcting papers.他的助教忙于批閱考卷。

或者be busy with + n.忙著做某事。

He is busy with his work.他忙著工作。

5)What do you say to + ing分詞?(……怎么樣?)

What do you say to joining us for dinner?和我們一起進(jìn)餐,你看怎么樣?



can not help but do, can not but do, cannot choose but do, can do nothing but do, have no choice/alternative to do

When I consider how talented he is as a painter, I cannot help but believe that the public will appreciate his gift.






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