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  • 第1頁:Passage One
  • 第2頁:答案解析

詞匯理解模擬題:Passage One

  Tea is the steady companion of the Scottish day. Each hotel, no matter how humble? stocks its rooms with supplies for brew-ups ('泡茶);electric pot for 1__________ water, ceramic pot for brewing, china cups and small tea-creamers, a great number of teas, honey, fresh milk, and lemons. This is a delight and 2__________ , for not only is there no such thing in American hotels, but room service even in 3__________ ones, when asked for tea with milk, can 4__________ a plastic kettle of hot water covered by a square of Saran Wrap, and a glass of milk.
It is nearing four o’clock in the afternoon. We come upon a small caravan camper with its door open to a late -middle -aged Scottish couple, sitting at a folding table, taking tea and biscuits. Passing by, one only has a 5__________ : his thick, white socks and heavy black shoes; her plump pear form and print dress; the electric kettle on the table. The archaeologists are 6__________ as to why the people of ancient Skara Brae would locate their huts so close to the sea, and have guessed that in fact the settlement was 7__________ located in a protected hollow, that time has eroded the shoreline inland toward the huts. That would make sense. Indeed, when presented at Skara Brae with the lure of a (an) 8__________ sea and the howling wind, we ourselves tucked into the hollow of a dune for lunch, eating cheese and apples in the sun with wind 9__________ our heads, blowing the sand into rippling ridges, flattening the beach grasses. Probably the archaeologists are right, but this utterly typical sense of Scottish 10__________ merrily planted at the edge of harsh cliffs, afternoon tea conducted in the wind and cold, suggests another possibility.

A) deliver

I) skimming

B) sparkling

J) domesticity

C) confused

K) cooperate

D) considerate

L) boiling

E) slash

M) respectable

F) immediately

N) glowing

G) astonishment

0) originally

H) glimpse





  • 第1頁:Passage One
  • 第2頁:答案解析

  文章精要:文章描述了蘇格蘭人對(duì)茶的特殊喜愛,并從考古學(xué)的角度簡單描述了茶對(duì) 蘇格蘭人聚居地的意義。

  1. L 空格前的electric pot for與water后的ceramic pot for brewing為并列關(guān)系。后
  者的意思是“用來沖泡的陶瓷壺”,那么前面的意思可能為“用來燒水的電 熱水壺”,其中“燒”這個(gè)詞要用其動(dòng)名詞形式,與brewing對(duì)應(yīng)。選項(xiàng)中只 有boiling符合題意。
  2. G 空格前為名詞delight和and,判斷空處應(yīng)為名詞,幾個(gè)名詞選項(xiàng)中,只有 astonishment“令人驚訝的事”符合語境。此處要表達(dá)“這是一件令人髙興的 事,也是一件令人驚訝的事”。
  3. M 空格前是介詞,空格后為代詞ones,空處應(yīng)該填形容詞。幾個(gè)形容詞選項(xiàng)中只有respectable“體面的;相當(dāng)好的”符合題意,此處表示的是“體面的 飯店”。
  4. A 空格前是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞can,判斷此處應(yīng)填動(dòng)詞原形。根據(jù)句意“……當(dāng)被要求來一杯奶茶時(shí),可能會(huì) 一個(gè)裝有熱水的塑料水壺,水壺上包著一塊保鮮膜……”和上下文的語境推測此處應(yīng)填一個(gè)表示“遞給”的動(dòng)詞,故 deliver最合適。
  5. H 空格前為限定詞a,判斷空處應(yīng)填一個(gè)名詞。幾個(gè)名詞選項(xiàng)中,只有g(shù)limpse符合題意,意為“瞥了一眼”。
  6. C 空格所在句子大意為“關(guān)于為什么古代史卡拉坡城的居民會(huì)把他們的茅屋建造在離大海這么近的地方這一問題,考古學(xué)家們是 ”,空格前為系動(dòng)詞are,由此判斷空格處應(yīng)填一個(gè)形容詞,作表語,選項(xiàng)所給的形容詞中 只有confosed合適,意為“疑惑的”。
  7. O 空格前是系動(dòng)詞was,空格后是動(dòng)詞located,由此推測空格處應(yīng)填一個(gè)副詞,所給的副詞中只有originally(起初)符合題意。
  8. B 空格前是不定冠詞a(an),空格后為名詞sea、并列連詞and和the howling wind,分析此處應(yīng)填一個(gè)和howling并列的、修飾sea的形容詞。sparkling意 為“波光粼粼的”,符合題意。
  9.1 空格前后都出現(xiàn)了名詞,且空格前還有表示伴隨的介詞with,分析此處應(yīng)填動(dòng)詞的現(xiàn)在分詞形式。此處語境:在陽光下吃著奶酪和蘋果,風(fēng) 我們的頭,把沙子吹進(jìn)起伏的山脊,吹平了海草。由語境推測應(yīng)填入動(dòng)詞 skim “掠過”的現(xiàn)在分詞形式skimming。
  10. J空格前為形容詞,分析此處應(yīng)填一個(gè)名詞。全文都在介紹蘇格蘭的家庭生 活,故此處應(yīng)填入domesticity,意為“對(duì)家庭的摯愛”。typical sense of Scottish domesticity即“蘇格蘭人典型的對(duì)家庭的摯愛之情”。




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