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發(fā)表時間:2014/4/18 17:15:00 來源:中大網(wǎng)校 點擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信
1.They’ve fully prepared to _______________(投身于革命).

2. All things have passed; _______________(昔日的榮耀蕩然無存).

3. ________________(被告涉嫌參與)a murder case.

4. The acoustics in the Festival Hall _______________(效果好極了).

5. With the last hours of the afternoon ________________(她所有的希望、勇氣和力量都隨之消失了).


1. The customer complained that no sooner ______________(他剛起動這臺計算機,它就不運轉(zhuǎn)了).

2. What upset me was ______________(不是他所說的話,而是他說話的方式).

3. This piece of writing is ______________(與其說是短篇小說,不如說更像是新聞報道).

4. The court ruling ______________(剝奪了他的政治權(quán)利).

5. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning _____________(然而,動物的行為主要依靠本能).

1. throw themselves into the revolution

解析:本句意為:他們做好了充分的準備投身革命。“投身革命”是使自己參與到革命當中,但如果用take part in the revolution,表達就略顯平板。英文里有一個短語throw oneself into…中使用了反身代詞表示投身于某項事業(yè),大家要記住。

2. nothing remains of its former glory

解析:翻譯本句要注意防止漏譯錯譯。當everything,anything,something,nothing作主語時,相應的謂語動詞通常采用單數(shù)形式。“昔日的”可以用former作定語修飾glory,in former days通常在句中作狀語。另外,本句還采用了反譯法,原中文否定在動詞謂語部分,而譯文動詞用了不帶否定標記詞的remain,否定含義體現(xiàn)在主語nothing上。

3. The accused is suspected of being involved in

解析:“the+adj.”作主語指某個人或某抽象意義時,謂語動詞要用單數(shù)。這些形容詞還可以被其他詞語修飾,如:the extremely poor,the idle rich,the young at heart。若被both…and…修飾,the可以省略,如:Both young and old volunteer to give a helping hand.(年輕人和老人都主動來幫忙。)本題第二個考點是如何準確表達“涉嫌”?!吧嫦印奔础氨粦岩伞保虼擞胋e suspected of doing較為準確?!皡⑴c”雖然可以說take part in,join in,participate in,但這些都有主動且比較積極的含義;如果是參與到/被牽涉到某件不好的事情中,通常用be involved in,考生要注意詞語的感情色彩。

4. are extremely good

解析:本題旨在考查以-ics結(jié)尾的單詞作主語時的單復數(shù)問題。acoustics在句中表示“音響效果”,是一個特定的事物,所以謂語要用復數(shù)are;當acoustics指學科“聲學”的時候,謂語動詞要用單數(shù),如:Acoustics is a branch of physics.(聲學是物理學的一個分支。)

5. went her hopes,courage,and strength

解析:本題考查狀語位于句首,主句用倒裝語序。這可以起到強調(diào)或使句子平衡的作用。“隨之消失”的英文表達是go with…,如:go with wind,go with memory,go with tide。如果還原本句的正常語序,就是:Her hopes,courage,and strength went with the last hours of the afternoon.

1. had he started the computer than it stopped working

解析:本題考查對no sooner…than句型的掌握。no sooner…than和hardly(scarcely)…when都表示“剛一……就……”,注意其中連詞的區(qū)別。該句型有兩個特點:一是主句中一般使用過去完成時,而從句中一般使用一般過去時;二是no sooner或hardly(scarcely)位于句首時,要求句子采用部分倒裝語序。本句中no sooner位于句首,故句子采用了倒裝語序。

2. not what he said but the way he said it/ not what he said but the manner in which he said it

解析:本題考查對常見結(jié)構(gòu)“not…but…”的掌握。Not…but…意為“不是……而是……”,用來連接兩個并列成分,表示否定前者而肯定后者。“他所說的話”應用名詞性從句what he said表示。“……的方式”用the way (in which)…或the manner in which…表示都可以,前者中的in which常省略。

3. more like a news report than a short story

解析:本題考查對“more…than…”用法的掌握。“more…than…”可以表示“與其……不如……”,該結(jié)構(gòu)中可以使用形容詞,也可以使用名詞、代詞、動詞、介詞短語等。如:He is more diligent than clever.(與其說他聰明不如說他勤奮。)本句中是表示“更像”,于是用了“more like”。

4. deprived him of his political rights

解析:本題考查對固定結(jié)構(gòu)deprive sb. of sth.的掌握。Deprive sb. of sth.意為“剝奪某人某物”。“政治權(quán)利”常用political rights表達。court ruling意為“法庭的判決”。

5. while animal behavior depends mainly on instinct /whereas the behavior of an animal depends mainly on instinct



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