


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2012/6/12 17:32:05 來(lái)源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點(diǎn)擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信


Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.

W: Some of us try to eat away the blues, nutritionist Joy Bauer is here with some strategies to help get us healthy. Joy, good to see you again.

M: Good to see you Jolin.

W: So, you know, there’s emotional eating. It really is a problem, isn’t?

M: Oh, the emotional eating is when you eat in response to feelings rather than hunger. Stress, anxiety, nervousness, and maybe you’ve had a fight with the spouse, or coworker and you head straight to the fridge. The truth is we all do it occasionally.

W: To a certain extent.

M: And that’s not necessarily problematic, but if you struggle with your weight, and you are regularly using food as a coping mechanism, it’s like rubbing salts in a wound.

W: Right, because you will feel bad, or even worse, after you did it.

M: You feel worse, and you probably worse off emotionally than you were, that cause you to eat in the first place.

W: A vicious cycle.

M: Absolutely. There are some questions we should ask ourselves. That really can help you determine whether you are an emotional eater. First, do you reach for high-calorie food when you feel sorry for yourself? Are high-calorie foods your reward after a difficult day? Do you feel stressed and then put food in your mouth without realizing it.

W: Some of us might answer yes to these questions.

M: Absolutely, if you answer yes to the majority of these questions, you are an emotional eater. And you should put a huge effort into stopping this behavior , because it is destructive to the psyche.

W: Do man and woman go for different kinds of foods when they are looking for comfort?

M: It’s a great question, the number one food according to research in terms of comfort food for man and woman alike is ice cream.

W: Yes!

M: But it’s a vice. Women head straight for the sweets, cookies, chocolates, candies, and men go for the man food, real food, martial food.


M:Steak and mass potatoes, big pasta and pizza.

W: One of the things you can do to try to help stop this is measure your hunger on a hunger scale. What’s that?

M: That’s right. Awareness is huge, you wanna know if you are actually hungry or not, one being ravenous, and five being comfortably full. So before you reach for something, figure out if you are four or five. Avoid eating.

W: You say, if you feel like you have to eat something, eat healthy food first.

M: This is a great strategy. I call this three food interference. And it has helped thousands of people. Before you get into anything unhealthy, first eat three healthy items. There’ve always got to be in your fridge a bowl of carrots, one apple and container of yoghourt. After those 3 foods, if you still want to continue on, give yourself permission. But nine times out of ten, you are gonna fill up and you are gonna stop.


11. What is emotional eating?

12. Which of the following is true about emotional eating?

13. What is number one comfort food for man and woman alike?

14. What figure on a hunger scale indicates that you are comfortably full?

15. Which of the following is not one of the healthy foods as recommended by the nutritionist?


這是一篇訪(fǎng)談性對(duì)話(huà),圍繞著情緒化進(jìn)食 (emotional eating) 這個(gè)主題展開(kāi)。被采訪(fǎng)人是一位營(yíng)養(yǎng)學(xué)家,Joy Bauer。Joy Bauer首先介紹了什么是情緒化進(jìn)食及其危害,然后給出了情緒化進(jìn)食者的判斷標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。對(duì)話(huà)進(jìn)而談到,男人和女人分別會(huì)通過(guò)什么食物來(lái)尋求慰藉。最后,Joy Bauer 建議情緒化進(jìn)食者可通過(guò)饑餓量表來(lái)衡量自己的饑餓程度,如果實(shí)在要吃東西的話(huà),可以通過(guò)先吃三種健康食物來(lái)抑制食欲。

對(duì)話(huà)的關(guān)鍵詞emotional eating,考生可通過(guò)常識(shí)預(yù)測(cè)對(duì)話(huà)的內(nèi)容,難度一般。問(wèn)題設(shè)定的順序跟對(duì)話(huà)的進(jìn)程一致,答案在對(duì)話(huà)中明顯的體現(xiàn)出來(lái),解題關(guān)鍵在于理清對(duì)話(huà)的脈絡(luò),關(guān)注細(xì)節(jié)信息??忌枰⒁獾募?xì)節(jié)信息有:關(guān)于情緒化進(jìn)食的定義;男人和女人都愛(ài)吃冰激凌來(lái)尋求慰藉;健康量表指向5表示已經(jīng)非常飽了以及營(yíng)養(yǎng)學(xué)家提出的三種健康食物是什么。 Question 16-20 are based on the following talk.

Today, I’m going to talk about the health problems related to sun-tan. Sun-tan is preferred by lighter-skinned people, especially during the summer months. They like to give their skin a nice natural bronze color with the help of sun-tanning. Getting a natural tan is the sign of being healthy and being attractive. No wonder many people rush off to the beach at the onset of summer with their tanning lotions and laze away on a towel for hours on end. The result is healthy tanned skin, which people like to flaunt all day long. People often believe that a perfectly tanned skin improves their personality and the texture of their skin. However, it is not advisable to be in direct sunlight for a long time. Excess exposure of the skin to sunlight can actually damage the skin, and is the leading cause of skin cancer all around the world. Moreover, in countries like Australia, the atmosphere does not filter the sun rays completely, as the Ozone layer in the atmosphere is depleting quickly. The Ozone layer is responsible for filtering the harmful ultra-violet or UV rays of the sun that can damage the skin beyond repair.

So what does a tan mean? A tan refers to exposure of the skin to the rays of the sun for a considerable amount of time. The UVB rays of the sun encourage the cells of the innermost layer of the skin, to produce more melanin pigments, which on their way to the outmost layer are tanned by the UVA rays of the sun. As a result, Vitamin D3 is produced naturally under the sun. The vitamin helps protect the bone and also protects us from diseases like osteoporosis. The direct rays of the sun also make the immune system stronger against the invasion of germs, and increase the body’s overall physical powers. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, and improves blood circulation. Common skin diseases like acne and neurodermatitis can be treated with ultra-violet light. These are just some of the many positive effects that the sun offers in the form of its ultra-violet rays. You should take the advice of experts if you would like to go for a natural sun-tan. Different skins react differently to sunlight, and expert opinion should be sought, especially in the beginning. Do not overdo a sun-tan, as excess exposure to the sun’s rays can prove to be harmful to your skin. Wear a sun-tan lotion when you go out in the open during summer. Do not sunbath for more than once a day. Going to the beach or lying out in the sun once or twice a week is enough to maintain a good tan on the skin. Tanning in summer proves to be very beneficial, as it prevents skin fatigue, prepares your skin for the long summer months ahead, builds a natural protection, and produces a nice natural tan.


16. What is the main topic of the speech?

17. Which of the following is respons


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