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Breastfeeding Can Cut Cardiovascular(心血管的)Risk

Breastfeeding Can reduce the risk of a heart a attack or stroke later in life and could prevent hundreds of_________ (51)of deaths each year,researchers said on Friday.

Babies who are breastfed have fewer childhood infections and allergies(過敏)and are less _________(52)to obesity(肥胖).British scientists have now shown that breastfeeding and slow growth in the first weeks and months of life has a protective effect _________ (53) cardiovascular disease.

“Diets that promote more rapid growth put babies at risk many years later in_________ (54)of raising their blood pressure,raising their cholesterol(膽固醇)and increasing their tendency to diabetes(糖尿病)and obesity—the_________ (55)main risk factors for stroke and heart attack,”said Professor Alan Lucas of the Institute of Child Health in London.

“Our evidence suggests that the reason why breast-fed babies do better is because they grow more_________ (56)in the early weeks.”

Lucas said the effects of breastfeeding on blood pressure and cholesterol later in life are greater than_________ (57)adults can do to control the risk factors for cardiovascular disease,other than taking drugs.

An estimated 1 7 million people die of_________ (58)disease,particularly heart attack and strokes,each year,according to the World Health Organization Lucas and his colleagues compared the health of 216 teenagers_________ (59)as babies had either been breastfed or given different nutritional baby formulas.They reported their_________ (60)in The Lancet medical journal.

The teenagers who had been_________ (61)had a 14--percent lower ratio of bad to good cholesterol and lower concentrations of a protein that is a marker for cardiovascular disease risk.

The researchers also found that,_________ (62)of the child’s right at birth,the faster the infants grew in the early weeks and months of life,the_________ (63)was their later risk of heart disease and stroke,The effect was the_________ (64)for both boys and girls;

“The more human milk you have in the newborn period.the lower your cholesterol level is,the lower your blood pressure is 16 years _________ (65),”Lucas said.

51. A.thousands B.hundreds C.millions D.numbers

52. A.likely B.possible C.prone D. easy

53. A.towards B.against C.onto D.for

54. A.words B.cases C.places D.terms

55. A.four B.two C.six D.five

56. A.quickly B.slowly C.weakly D.obviously

57. A.this B.that C.anything D.nothing

58. A.rare B. strange C.multiple D.cardiovascular

59. A.whom B.who C.what D. which

60. A.findings B.ventures C.examples D.decisions

61. A.trained Braised C.breastfed D.adopted

62. A.fond B.aware C.because D. regardless

63. A.greater B.smaller C.faster D.harder

64. A.true B. right C.same D.proper

65. A.after B.later C.more D.ago






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