


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2013/9/25 9:32:16 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點(diǎn)擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信



第一篇 The Smell of Money

For many years large supermarkets have been encouraging us to spend money by pumping the smell of freshly-baked bread into their stories. Now Dale Air, a leading firm of aroma (香氣) consultants, has been approached by Barclay's Bank to develop suitable artificial smells for their banks. Researchers have suggested that surrounding customers with the "smell if money" will encourage them to feel relaxed and optimistic and give them added confidence in the bank's security and professionalism.

But before a smell can be manufactured and introduced into banks' air conditioning systems. It must be identified and chemically analyzed, and this has proved to be difficult. The problem is that banknotes-and coins tend to pick up the smell of their surroundings. So cash that has been sitting in a cash register at a fishmonger's (魚販) will smell of fish, and banknotes used to pay for meals in restaurants will tend to smell of food.

It may be a challenge, but aroma experts have little doubt that the use of artificial smells can be an effective form of subconscious advertising. Lunn Poly, a British travel company, introduced the smell of coconuts (椰子) into its travel agencies and saw a big increase in spending by holiday makers. Many cafes now have electric dispensers (自動(dòng)售貨機(jī)) that release the smell of freshly roasted coffee near their entrances, subtly encouraging customers to come in and have a drink or snack. Even prestigious car maker Rolls-Royce has been spraying the inside of its cars to enhance the smell of the leather seats.

"The sense of smell is probably the most basic and primitive of all human senses," explains researcher Jim O'Rordan. " There is a direct pathway from the olfactory (嗅覺的) organs in the nose to the brain." It is certainly true that most people find certain smells incredibly strong, stringing memories and feelings in a way that few other stimulants (刺激物) can rival. It is a phenomenon marketing consultants have long recognized, but until recently have been unable to harness. "We've made great progress but the technology of odour production is still in its infancy," says O'Riordan, "Who knows where it will take us."

31. Artificial smells have NOT been used in ___________.

A cafes

B banks

C travel agencies

D supermarkets

32. Researchers believe that introducing the "smell of money" into banks will encourage people___________.

A to spend money

B to feel confident about banks

C to earn more money

D to withdraw money from banks

33. The difficulty of producing the "smell of money" lies in that___________.

A people's attitudes toward money are different

B it's hard to identify and analyze it

C no technology can do it

D experts have no motive

34. The word "harness" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ___________.

A see

B study

C control

D understand

35. Researchers think___________.

A artificial smells help to improve people's memory

B the technology to produce artificial smells is in the early stage

C artificial smells are harmful

D the production of artificial smells is profitably


第4 部分:閱讀理解

31、B 文章一開頭就講到超市用新鮮面包的香味來促使顧客消費(fèi),在第三段具體提到一家旅行社和不少咖啡店都用氣味來吸引顧客。在第一段里提到銀行,但該銀行還只是處于和一家香氣咨詢公司商談階段,尚沒有開始使用。

32 、B 從第一段最后的一句話可得到答案: Researchers have suggested that surrounding customers with the "smell of money" will encourage them to feel relaxed and optimistic and give them added confidence in the bank's security and professiona1ism.

33 、B 請見第二段的第一句話: But before a smell can be manufactured and introduced into banks' air conditioning systems,it must be identified and chemically ana1ysed,and this has proved to be difficult.

34 、C harness 意為"駕馭、控制",和 control 同義。

35、B 回答這道題的關(guān)鍵是是否知道 infancy 這個(gè)詞的意思。在文章的結(jié)尾處有這樣一句話: We've made great progress but the technology of odour production is still in its infancy. infancy 的意思是"幼年",說 the technology of odour production is sti1l in its infancy 就是說生產(chǎn)香味的技術(shù)還處于初級階段。


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