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The Beginning of American Literature

American has always been a land of beginnings. After Europeans “discovered” America in the fifteenth century, the mysterious New World became for many people a genuine (51) of a new life,an escape from poverty and persecution, a chance to (52) again. We can say that, as nation, America begins with that hope. (53),however,does American literature begin? American literature begins with American (54). Long before the first colonists arrived, native

Americans (55) here. Each tribe*s literature was tightly woven into the fabric of daily life and (56) the unmistakably American experience of lining with the land. Another kind of experience, one filled with fear and excitement, (57) its expression in the reports that Columbus and other explorers (58) home. In addition, the (59) of the people who lived and died in the New England wilderness (60) unforgettable tales of hard end sometimes heartbreaking experiences of those early years.

Experience, then, is the (61) to early American literature. The New World provided a great variety of experiences, and (62) experiences demanded a wide variety of expressions by an even wider variety of early American writers. These writers (63) John Smith, who spent only two-and-a-half year: on the American, continent. They included Jonathan Edwards and William Byrd, who thought of themselves (64) British subjects,never suspecting a revolution that would (65) a United States of America with a literature of its own. American Indians,explorers, Puritan ministers, frontier wives, plantation owner 一 they are all the creators of the first American literature.

51 A article B hope C-concern D respect

52 A rise B discover C fall D start

53 A Which B What - C When D Why

54 A experiences B dreams C calls D efforts

55 A arrived B lived C left D fled

56 A provided B offered C reflected D gained

57 A found B caught C observed D changed

58 A abandoned B went C built D sent

59 A journeys B journals C belongings D deaths

60 A tell B read C write D hear

61 A point B beginning C key D reference

62 A these B both C all D other

63 A studied B exposed C described D included

64 A towards B as C like D with

65 A praise B give C create D treat


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