


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2012/10/29 9:11:00 來(lái)源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點(diǎn)擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信




Money or Friendship or Both

1 Friends and money don't mix. It's a dangerous combination since a fight over money is one of the fastest ways to end a friendship. But what if a friend asks you to lend him or her some money? If you don't lend your friend the money, you risk losing the friend If you do lend your friend the money, you risk losing both the friendship and your money

2 We have to face facts, so here are some situations you might run across with your buddies (伙伴) - and some helpful tips (忠告) on how to deal with them. Think about why this person needs to borrow in the first place. If he is always living beyond his means, it's his fault, not yours. Any sensible person would not put himself in a position of debt so often. So simply say "no" to this friend. Even if your friend really needs that money for emergency use and you are willing to help him, before you dived into your pocket, follow this reality check: Do you have the extra money? Are you sure you don't need it? Are you willing to write off that amount if it's not returned? If your answers are negative, do yourself a favor and say "no".

3 Let's assume you can't stand saying "no" to your friend because you don't want him living off cat food. What do you do? Write down these details on a sheet of paper before opening up your wallet:

Amount of the loan.

Date of the loan.

Time of repayment.

Amount of interest (if any).

Lender's and borrower's signature.

This will at least keep the borrower from forgetting the loan so easily. If your friend's loan is past due, it's important that you ask him - and it's actually not rude. The longer you wait, the more you brood (憂傷), and the more your resentment builds.

4 You can send him a friendly reminder via e-mail. Tell him something like 'Tm going over my bank account and I'm just wondering when we'll be able to settle that money thing." E-mail saves you from an uncomfortable face-to-face confrontation. There is almost no chance of turning a bad reaction into an argument. Unlike a public conversation, an e-mail message will always be private.

5 After asking two or three times, you might have to wnte it off and the friendship with it. That's what happens. If he just doesn't have the money or is unwilling, then what kind of friend is that?

23 Paragraph 2

24 Paragraph 3  

25 Paragraph 4

26 Paragraph 5

A Unconditional assistance to friends in need

B Things to consider when you have to say "no" to your friend

C Things to think over when you don't want your friend to eat cat food

D Strategies for borrowing money

E Advantages of e-mail in handling money issues

F Time to break off a friendship

27 Sometimes you may find it very difficult to decide

28 Before you lend money to your friend,

29 If the loan is past due,

30 If your friend refuses to return the money,

A you can lend more money to him or her

B you must get to know why he or she needs that money

C if you should lend money to your friend

D you can call the police to settle the issue

E there is no need to maintain a friendly relation with him or her

F you can remind your friend of it via e-mail


B 24. C 25. E

26. F 27. C 28. B 29. F 30. E






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