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What,S Lacking in“Sicko”?

when.t comes to economic decisions,there are always trade offs(取舍)?Gain 0ne thing and you lose something else._________(46)

The central argument of Michael Moore’s movie“Sicko”一that the cure t0 the nation,s health care problems is a single—payer system—is hardly novel and Is certainly worth consideration,whether or not you agree with it.But in comparing the American system with single-payer plans of other countries—Britain,F(xiàn)rance,Canada and Cuba Mr.Moore left Out the trade-offs,characterizing those countries as health care paradises. ___________(47) Kurt Loder, the film critic who is best known as the anchor(主持人)of“MTV News,”wrole a critique(批評(píng))of the film for MTV’s website."Sicko,"he said, "does a real service”in portraying(描繪)victims of American insurance companies’-like the people,who died because their only treatment options were considered“experimental" and therefore not covered._______(48)

When" governments attempt to regulate the balance between a limited supply of health care and an unlimited demand for it,they’re inevitably forced to ration treatment’

Mr. Loder asserted.________(49)Mr. Loder cited the short film“Dead Meat,”which presents anecdotes(軼事)of failure In the Canadian single-payer system in its one—sidedness,“Dead Meat',might have made for a nice double feature with "Sicko," and left movie-goers with a more complete understanding Of the complications of deciding on a health care system _____________(50)

This all makes an otherwise “emotionally compelling film not necessarily an intellectually satisfying one,”wrote Darren Barefoot,a Canadian blogger. (博各作者).

A This is particularly true in health care,a market in which scarce(稀罕的)goods are ridiculously expensive,but needed by everybody

B Mr. Moore also decided to ignore problems in other countries,like France’S high taxes and Britain’ S cash—short hospitals

C But the film as a whole,he concluded,is“breathtakingly meretricious(似是而非的),”in large part because of its characterizations of other countries’health care systems.

D The problems have been noticed—and criticism is coming not just from Mr. Moore’S detractors(詆毀者).

E He ticked off a number of negative statistics to counter the positive ones offered by Mr. Moore

F Health care is the prevention,treatment,and management of illness








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