


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2012/10/26 9:30:15 來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點(diǎn)擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信




The ClockThat Wake Yozf When You Are Ready

Are you a teal grump(脾氣壞的人)in the mOITIings?Do you wake up every day feeling tired,angry aJld up8et,and all too ready to flit the Snooze(瞌睡)button?If so,then a new alarnl clock COilld be just for you.The c10ck,called S1eepSmart,measures your sleep cycle,and waits for you t0 be in your lightest phase of sleep before waking you up,Its makers say that should ensure you wake up feeling refreshed(恢復(fù)精力) every moiTling.

As you sleep you paSS through a sequence of aleep states—light sleep,deep sleep and REM sleep(快速眼動睡眼)一that repeats approximately every 90 minutes.The points in that cycle at which you wakeear affect hOW you feellater,aJld may even have a greater impact th.衄hOW 10ng or little you have slept.Being wakened during a light phase means you are more 1ikely t0 wake up cheefful and full 0f life and interest.

SleepSmart records the distinct pattern 0f bmin waves pmdueed during each phase of sleep,Via a head baJld equipped with electrodes(電極)and a mieroprocessor.This measures electric actiVity of the weare's brain,and eommunicates wirelessly with a clock unit near the bed.You program the clock with the latest time at which vou Wallt t0 be wakened,and it then at the pIDper time wakes you during the 1ast light sleep phase before that.

The concept was invented by a group 0f students at Brown Universl‘ty in Rhode Island after a friend complained 0f waking up tired and performing p00dy on a test“As sleep—depriVed(剝奪)people ourselves,we started thinking of what t0 do about it,’’says Eric Shashoua,a recent coUege graduate and now chief executive officer 0f Axon Sleep Research Laboratories,a company created by the students to develop their idea.They have almost finished a prototype and plan to market the product by next yeat".

31.SleepSmart is a clock that.

A.enables you t0 g0 to sleep.

B.enables you to sleep deeply.

C.enables you to get up eady.

D.wakes you up during your last light sleep phase

32.As you sleep,the headband.

A.a(chǎn)nalyses your sleep cycle every 90 minates.

B.records the time when you fall into deep sleep.

C.eommunicates wirelessly with a computer.

D.measures the electric activity 0f your bmin.

33.What should the 8leeper do to make the deVice work?

A.He should press the snooze button in time.

B.He should tum 0n the micmpmcessor in the clock.

C.He should set the 18test time for waking up.

D.He should adjust his headband.

34.The idea of making sueh a clock was developed by a group of.

A.students at Brown Universily.

B.teachers at Brown University.

C.sleep—deprived scientists.

D.forifler engineers at Axon Sleep Research Laboratories.

35.The WOrd“prototype”(paragraph 5)means.






31.D32.D33.C 34.A35.B






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