


發(fā)表時(shí)間:2012/10/27 16:36:00 來(lái)源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點(diǎn)擊關(guān)注微信:關(guān)注中大網(wǎng)校微信




What’s Lacking in “sicko”?

When it comes to economic decision, there are always trade—offs(取舍).Gain one thing and you lose something else -------------(46)

The central argument of Michael Moore’S movie“ Sicko”一that the cure to the

nation,s health care problems is a single—payer system—is hardly novel and is certainly worth consideration,whether or not you agree with it.But in comparing the American system with single—payer plans of other countries—Britain,F(xiàn)rance,Canada and Cuba—Mr.Moore left Out the trade.offs,characterizing those countries as health care paradises------------(47)

Kurt loder,the film critic who is best known as the anchor(主持人)of“MTV News,”wrote a critique(批評(píng))of the f¨m for MTV’s website.…Sicko,”he said,“does a real service,ice”in portraying(描繪)victims of American insurance companies—like the people who died because their only treatment options were considered“experimental” and therefore not covered--------------(48)

when“governments attempt to regulate the balance between a limited supply of health care and an unlimited demand for it,they’re inevitably forced to ration treatment,”Mr.Loder asserted----------------(49)Mr.Loder cited the short film“Dead Meat,”which presents anecdotes(軼事)of failure in the Canadian single’payer system. in its One-sidedness,“Dead Meat”might have made for a nice double feature with“Sicko,”and left movie—goers with a more complete understanding of the complications of deciding on a health care system.-------------------(50)

This all makes an otherwise “emotionally compelling film not necessarily an intellectually satisfying one,”wrote Darren Barefoot,a Canadian blogger (博客作者).

A. Mr.Moore also decided to ignore problems in other countries,like France’S high taxes and Britain’s cash—short hospitals

B. But the film as a whole,he concluded,is“breathtakingly meretricious(似是而非的),”in large part because of its characterizations of other countries’health care Systems

C. The problems have been noticed—and criticism is coming not just from Mr Moore’S detractors(詆毀者)

D. He ticked off a number of negative statistics to counter the positive ones offered by Mr.Moore

E. Health care is the prevention,treatment,and management of illness

F. This is particularly true in health care,a market in which scarce(稀罕的)goods are ridiculously expensive,but needed by everybody






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