

1.will you please call my husband(丈夫)as soon as possible(盡快的)?

a contact (接觸,聯(lián)系)        

b consult(商量,請教)

c phone  n.電話,v.打電話)     

d. visit(拜訪,訪問)


[解析]call sb(up)=phone sb(up)

call on拜訪某人;call at拜訪某地;call for號召,召集

2.we'll give every teacher space to develop(發(fā)展)

a chancev.碰巧,冒險;n.機(jī)會,運氣)

b employment(n.雇用,使用)

c room(房間,空間)

d opportunity機(jī)會,時機(jī)


[解析]space空間,太空,間隔;give sb sth to do sth

3. i have to(不得不)go at once.

asoon (不久,很快adv.     b.  immediately(立刻,馬上)      

cnow (現(xiàn)在)                   d.  early (早點)

[解析]at once  立刻 馬上.


4. the policeman(警察) asked him to identify the thief().

a. name (v.命名,說出的名字;n. 名字)  

b. distinguish (區(qū)分,區(qū)別)   

c. capture(抓住,捕獲)

d. separate (分開,隔離)

[解析]indentify  v.1認(rèn)為和---一致; 2認(rèn)出,說出=name=recognize

ask sb to do sth

5. we were all there when the accident(事故)occurred.

ahappened ( 發(fā)生)                b.  broke (打破,弄破,中斷

c. spread (傳播, 伸展)               d.  appeared (出現(xiàn),顯得)

[解析]occur: v.1發(fā)生 ; 2 出現(xiàn),存在


6. it took me exactly (正好,恰好)a week to complete the work.

a. do ()                           

b. achieve (完成功績, 達(dá)到,實現(xiàn)

c. improve (改善,增進(jìn),提高)    

d. finish  (完成)

[解析]complete 完成, 使完整; it took sb some time to do sth .

7.the herb(香草)medicine() eventually cured (治愈)her disease(疾病).

a. nicely(漂亮地,恰好地)      

b. apparently(顯然地,似乎, 表面上)   

c. finally(最終)                     

d. naturally(自然地)

[解析]eventually adv 最后,終于


8. we had a long conversation about(關(guān)于) her parents(父母).

a. talk (談話)                      b.  speech (演講

cdebate(辯論)                  d.  discussion(討論)

[解析]conversation  會話  談話


9. please let me know if you are unable to(不能) attend the meeting(會議).

a. go to  (…)                 b. prepare for (做準(zhǔn)備)  

c. speak to (談話)                d.  do to (對某人做什么)

[解析]attend 參加 出席=go to =take part in

attend school 上學(xué)   attend a lecture 聽課  


10. he has made up his mind to give up(放棄) smoking(吸煙).

a. tried  (設(shè)法,嘗試 )                                b.  attempted (試圖,企圖)   

c. agreed  (同意)                       d.  decided(決定)

[解析]make up one’s mind to do sth 下定決心做某事

make up one’s mind =decide =determine

11. your teacher will take your illness (疾病)into account when(當(dāng)的時候)marking(評分) your exams(考試).

a.  calculation(計算,估計)  

b.  computation  (計算,估計)  

c.  consideration(考慮)           

d.  assessment (評定,估價)

[解析]account : 帳目,帳單,理由 

take sth into account 考慮某事,對某事加以考慮=take sth into consideration

12. we have to(不得不) put up with her behaviors(行為).

a.  tolerate (忍受)                                          b.  accept (接受)    

c.  swallowv.吞下,咽下;n.燕子)           d.  take(拿,取)

[解析]put up with 忍耐=tolerate =bear=endure=stand=undergo

13. they have given up the hope(希望)to save their friend from drowning(溺水).

a. ended (結(jié)束)            

b.  abandoned   (放棄

c.  built (建立,建造)       

d.  strengthen (加強)

[解析]give up 放棄 = quit  =   drop   =abandon

14. i seldom watch tv.

a. rarely(很少)               

b. frequently(經(jīng)常地, 頻繁地)  

c. normally(正常地)        

d.  occasionally(偶爾地)



15. the dentist(牙科醫(yī)生) has decided to(決定) take out the girl's bad tooth().

a.  dig (,翻土)    b.  draw( 畫,拉,吸引,提取 )

c.  pull (,)     d.  extract (取出、抽出)

[解析]take out 取出 拿出 拔出=extract 取出,拔出


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