
第十四篇 young adults who exercise get higher iq scores

young adults who are fit have a higher iq and are more __1__ to go on to university, reveals a major new study carried out at the sahlgrenska academy and sahlgrenska university hospital.

the results were recently published in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences (pnas). the study involved 1.2 million swedish men doing military service who were born between 1950 and 1976. the research group analyzed the __2__ of both physical and iq tests the youngsters took right after they started serving the army.

the study shows a clear link __3__ good physical fitness and better results for the iq test. the strongest links are for __4__ thinking and verbal comprehension. but it is only fitness that plays a __5__ in the results for the iq testand not strength. “being fit means that you also have good heart and lung __6__ and that your brain gets plenty of __7__ ,” says michael nilsson, professor at the sahlgrenska academy and chief physician at the sahlgrenska university hospital. “this may be one of the reasons __8__ we can see a clear link with fitness, but not with muscular __9__. we are also seeing that there are growth factors that are important. ”

by analyzing data for twins, the researchers have been __10__ to determine that it is primarily environmental factors and not genes that explain the link between fitness and a __11__ iq.

“we have also shown that those youngsters who __12__ their physical fitness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance,” says maria aberg, researcher at the sahlgrenska academy and physician at aby health centre. “this being the case6, physical __13__ is a subject that has an important place in schools, and is an absolute must if we want to do well in maths and other theoretical subjects.”

the researchers have also compared the results from fitness tests __14__ national service with the socio-economic status of the men later in __15__. those who were fit at 18 were more likely to go into higher education, and many secured more qualified jobs.


1. a. carefully.                    b. secretly.                   c. likely.                      d. happily

young adults who are fit have a higher iq and are more __1__ to go on to university

解析本文第一句就將主題和盤托出:young adults who are fit have a higher iq (身體健康的年輕人智商也高。根據此論斷可以推斷,智商高的人進入大學學習的可能性也高。讀完全文便可知這個推斷是對的。

2. a. answers.                      b. works.                     c. scores.                     d. results

the research group analyzed the __2__ of both physical and iq tests the youngsters took right after they started serving the army.


3. a. behind.                       b. between.                  c. among.                    d. without

the study shows a clear link __3__ good physical fitness and better results for the iq test.

解析:只有b項的between 能表達兩者之間的意思。

4. a. logical.                       b. critical.                    c. typical.                    d. positive

the strongest links are for __4__ thinking and verbal comprehension.

解析critical關鍵的,評論的typical (典型的 positive(正面的與上下文的thinking 不搭。

5. a. place.                          b. game.                      c. role.                        d. trick

but it is only fitness that plays a __5__ in the results for the iq test

解析play a role是固定詞組,填入所在句子后;上下文的意思連貫,所以是答案。play a place 沒有這種搭配。play a game (玩游戲)和play a trick (惡作劇)與上下文的意思搭不上。

6. a. capacity.                     b. disease.                    c. shape.                      d. treatment

…and not strength. “being fit means that you also have good heart and lung __6__ and that your brain gets plenty of __7__...

解析由于 “being fit means that you also have good heart and lung…” 說的是,健康意味著心肺功能好,所以選項disease(疾病)treatment(治療可以排除,good heart and lung后接shape(形狀),意思是好的心肺形狀這與健康的關系也遠了一些。本題只有capacity (能力)才是答案。

7. a. change.                       b. hydrogen.                 c. oxygen.                    d. memory

…and not strength. “being fit means that you also have good heart and lung __6__ and that your brain gets plenty of __7__...


8. a. what.                          b. why.                        c. how.                        d. where

“this may be one of the reasons __8__ we can see a clear link with fitness, but not with muscular __9__.

解析 reason(s)后面的定語從句中的關系副詞要用why。

9. a. exercise.                      b. training.                   c. strength.                   d. movement

“this may be one of the reasons __8__ we can see a clear link with fitness, but not with muscular __9__.

解析第三段第二句給本題的答案提供了線索:“but it is only fitness that plays a role in the results for the iq test, and not strength. (是健康,而不是力量,對智商測試的結果起了作用)。本題的句子重復了上述論斷,所以,缺失的詞應該是strength。這一次作者把 strength說得更清楚,指的是muscular strength (肌肉力量)。本題的答案c

10. a. able.                         b. clever.                     c. lucky.                      d. clear

by analyzing data for twins, the researchers have been __10__ to determine that it is primarily environmental factors and not genes that explain the link between fitness and a __11__ iq.

解析本句的意思是,研究人員分析雙胞胎智商上的差異來說明智商差異不會來自基因,因為 雙胞胎的基因是相同的;智商差異來自后天的環(huán)境因素。填入本句最適合的詞是able。 clever, luckydear都不合適,因為研究人員只有通過分析數據才能夠得出結論,而不是靠幸運、聰明等。

11. a. moderate.                  b. average.                   c. lower.                      d. higher

by analyzing data for twins, the researchers have been __10__ to determine that it is primarily environmental factors and not genes that explain the link between fitness and a __11__ iq.

解析文章反復論述,一個人身體健康,其智商也高。本句前面用的是fitness (健壯體魄),后面出現的是iq,修飾它的形容詞就一定是higher。

12. a. ignore.                      b. improve.                  c. like.                         d. determine

“we have also shown that those youngsters who __12__ their physical fitness between the ages of 15 and 18 increase their cognitive performance,”

解析根據全文的主要論點進行判斷本題的句子表達的意思一定是增強體質與提高智商成 正比。所以,填入句子的動詞的詞義一定與提高和改善認知能力(cognitive performance)有關。根據這一推論,入選的選項只有improve。

13. a. examination.              b. labor.                       c. movement.               d. education

“this being the case6, physical __13__ is a subject that has an important place in schools,解析研究一下句子“this being the case, physical is a subject... ”,就知道 physical 加上要填人空格中的詞應該是一門學科(subject) 名稱。四個選項中,只有physical education (體育)是門學科所以,答案是d

14. a. before.                      b. after.                       c. without.                   d. during

the researchers have also compared the results from fitness tests __14__ national service with the socio-economic status of the men later in __15__.

解析第二段曾說到新兵報到入伍時,接受了體格測試,本題的句子用的是復數形式的tests, 說明他們在服兵役期間可能接受多次體格檢查,所以要選during (national service)before、afterwithout都與上述意思不配合。

15. a. marriage.                   b. life.                         c. residence.                 d. service

the researchers have also compared the results from fitness tests __14__ national service with the socio-economic status of the men later in __15__.

解析研究人員將新兵報到入伍時體格測試和智商測試的結果和他們后來的社會經濟地位進行了比較。比較的是哪方面的社會經濟地位呢?最合理的選擇是later in life (后來的生活中)。而later in marriage (后來的婚姻中)、later in residence (后來的居住中)或later in service (后來的服務中)與社會經濟地位搭配,顯得十分勉強,所以不會是答案。

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