
play[plei]n. 游戲(amusement, fun, recreation),運動(sport, exercise),戲劇(drama, performance)v. (have fun)扮演(act, perform, represent, take the part of)播放(operate, switch on),進行比賽(challenge, compete against, oppose)
play a joke on sb.                  開某人的玩笑
come into play                        開始活動,開始起作用
bring...into play                     使...開始活動/開始運轉
play a part in...                    在...中扮演一個角色, 參與...
play an important role in...         在...中起重要作用
play tricks on...                     捉弄...
play with ...                       與...一起玩
player['pleiə] n.比賽者(competitor), 演員(actor, actress, entertainer, performer),做游戲的人
please [pli:z] vt.使喜歡(amuse, delight, entertain, make happy), 使?jié)M足(satisfy, content)int.
please hold on.                         請別掛上
be pleased with oneself                得意, 洋洋自得
e.g. please let me know my balance.余額
point[pɔint]n. 點(sharp end, tip),地點(location, place, position, site, situation)分數(shù)(mark)要點(aim, essence, goal, idea, intention, meaning, motive, object, objective, purpose, subject, theme)v.指向(direct, guide, lead, steer),指出(indicate, show)
point out...                         指出...
point at/to...                       指向...
make a point of...                   重視...
e.g. i'm in a hurry, so come to the point.
policy  ['pɔlisi]n. 政策(intentions, plan of action, program, proposals)方針(code of conduct, guidelines, practice, rules, strategy, tactics)保險單(document)
foreign policy                     對外政策
policy maker                       決策者
policy of insurance                保險單
e.g. honesty is the best policy.
polish ['pɔliʃ]v. 擦亮(brush up),推敲n. 光澤(brightness, shine),優(yōu)雅(grace)
polish shoes                       擦鞋
polish up...                       擦亮...,改善...,提高...
polish off                         草草做完
polish the apple                  討人歡心, 拍馬屁
e.g. polished my buttons with a handkerchief.['hæŋkətʃi:f]
pollute[pə'lu:t] vt. 弄臟,污染(contaminate, infect, poison, stain)
be polluted with...          ...所污染
polluted air                 被污染的空氣
polluting strength            污染強度
e.g. the river has been polluted by waste products from the factory.
pollution [pə'lu:ʃən]  n.污染(contamination)
air pollution                  大氣污染
environment pollution         環(huán)境污染
e.g. many young people could not resist the spiritual['spiritjuəl]精神上 pollution.
population  [,pɔpju'leiʃən] n. 人口(citizens, community, inhabitants, natives, residents)
population boom                    人口爆炸
population census ['sensəs]            人口普查
e.g. what is the population of this country?
portion['pɔ:ʃən]n. 一部分(bit, fraction, fragment, part, piece, ration, section, segment, share, slice)
a portion of ...                          一部分...
e.g. the driver must bear a portion of the blame for the accident.
pose [pəuz] v. 提出(ask, present, put forward, suggest)造成(cause)使擺好姿勢n. 姿勢(position)
pose an argument                          提出觀點
e.g. let's pose for a group photo.
position [pə'ziʃən]n. 位置(location,place, point, site, spot)職位(employment, job, occupation),立場(attitude, opinion, perspective, standpoint, view, viewpoint),形勢(situation, state, circumstances, condition)
in a difficult position                   處于困難境況
be in a position to do sth.               能夠...,...的機會
put oneself in sb.’s position            設身處地
e.g. before the debate[di'beit], both sides made their positions clear.
n. 可能性(chance, feasibility, opportunity, potential, probability),可能發(fā)生的事物
there is no possibility of... 不可能...
e.g. let's examine this possibility.
n. (column, pillar, pole), 崗位(location, place, point, position),職位(employment, job, position, occupation, work), 郵政(mail)vt. 張貼(put up, stick up),郵遞(mail, send, transmit)
post card            明信片
post office          郵電局
post letters         郵寄信件
post-free           免郵資的, 郵資已付的
e.g. tell me where i can post them.
power ['pauə]
n. 能力(ability, capability, competence, faculty, mighty, skill, talent),動力(energy, mighty, force, strength, vigor),權力(authority, right)
vt.供以動力,激勵(inspire, prompt, motivate)
come into power            (開始)掌權,上臺
fall from power            下野,下臺
power politics             強權政治
power station              發(fā)電所
e.g. sitting out here, you really can feel the power of the sun.
practice ['præktis]
n.實際(application, effect, reality),練習(exercise, training),實習開業(yè)(business),慣例(custom, habit, tradition)
v.練習(exercise, train, warm up), 實踐(apply, carry out, do, engage in, perform, put into practice),開業(yè)
put...into practice           實施...
have a practice of...         ...的習慣
practice medicine             行醫(yī)
in practice                   實際上
practice lesson              實習課
e.g.   practice makes perfect.     熟能生巧.
praise [preiz]
vt. 贊揚(admire, applaud, compliment)
n.贊揚,贊美(applause, approval, compliment)
in praise of...                為贊美...
speak in praise of...          贊美...
e.g. let us give praise to god.
prefer [pri'fə:]
vt. (preferred, preferred, preferring)更喜歡,寧愿(choosem favor, like, pick out, single out, vote for)
prefer ...rather than...     寧愿[愿意]...而不愿...
prefer a to b                喜歡a勝過b
e.g. i much prefer cats to dogs.
prepare [pri'pɛə]
v. 準備,預備(arrange, get ready, organize, plan)
be prepared for [to do]   準備著...
prepare against...      準備應付(不好的事情)
prepare for...           為...作準備
prepare oneself for(= be prepared for/be ready for )
e.g. he is preparing his speech for the meeting tomorrow.
presence ['prezns]
n. 出席(attendance),存在(existence)
in the presence of sb. (= in sb.’s presence)   在某人眼前
with presence of mind         鎮(zhèn)定,沉著
e.g. she was so quiet that her presence was hardly noticed.
n. 禮物(gift),現(xiàn)在(present time)
adj. 現(xiàn)在的(current),出席的(at hand, here, in attendance)
vt.介紹(introduce),贈送(award, confer, donate, give, hand over. offer)提出(put forward)
at present               現(xiàn)在,目前
for the present          眼前,暫時
present oneself            出席,到場
present evidence           []提供證據(jù)
present sb. with sth.        贈送某人某物
e.g. how about your present salary?
preserve [pri'zə:v]
vt.保存 (conserve, keep, retain, look after, sustain, keep safe)維持(defend, guard, maintain, protect, secure, sustain), 防腐
preserve peace       維持和平
preserve nature      保護自然
preserve food         保藏食物
preserve... from...    保護...使其不遭受...(損害)
e.g. i think these interesting old customs should be preserved.
press [pres]
v. (compress, condense, crush, squeeze),(depress, push),熨平(衣服等)( iron) n.新聞界(newspaper, magazines, the media),
at (the) press (=in press/come to the press)  
press conference             記者招待會
press the button             按按鈕
press... on...               把...強加于...
e.g. press this button to start the engine.
pressure ['preʃə]
n. 壓,壓力,壓迫(burden, force, load, power, stress, weight)
under pressure                                被迫地, 在強制下
release the pressure                           釋放壓力
air pressure                                    氣壓
e.g. we must bring pressure in him.
prevent [pri'vent]
v. 防止,預防(avoid, take precautions against), 阻止(check, hamper, hinder, stop)
prevent diseases      預防疾病
prevent...(from)...   阻止...做(某事), 預防...遭受到...
e.g. what can we do to prevent the disease spreading?
price [prais]
n. 價格,代價vt. 給...定價
at any price                無論花多大代價
at the price of...           以...的代價,以...的價格
pay the price for...          為...付出代價
adjust the price              調價
reduce the price               降價
raise the price               漲價, 提價
price bargain                  討價還價
e.g. this is our latest price list.
principle ['prinsəpl]
n. 原則,行為準則(belief, doctrine, rule, values) ,(pl.)原理(essentials, laws, fundamentals)
by/on principle             按照原則,根據(jù)原則
in principles                基本上,原則上
stick to one’s principles      堅持某人的原則
moral principles             道德標準
principle of work          工作原理
e.g. we adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly.
problem ['prɔbləm]
n.問題(mystery, puzzle, question),難題(burden, difficulty, dilemma, headache, trouble, worry)
solve a problem                解決問題
problem of unemployment         失業(yè)問題
problem child                   難管教的兒童
e.g. the students are working on a mathematical problem.
n. 程序, 手續(xù)(course of action, process, routine, system, proceeding)
procedure of teaching      教學程序
e.g. he studied out a new procedure.
n. 過程(course, development, evolution, experience), 步驟(method, operation, technique)
vt. 加工, 處理(alter, change, convert, deal with, prepare, refine, transform, treat)
in the process of...    ...的過程中
e.g. producing a dictionary is a slow process.
produce [prə'dju:s]
vt. 提出(bring out, disclose, display, exhibit, furnish, offer, present, put forward, reveal, show, supply),制造(construct, create, form, generate, give rise to, make, manufacture, result in,turn out)(果實)(grow, yield),創(chuàng)作(compose, develop, invent, think up)n. 產(chǎn)物農(nóng)產(chǎn)品(crop, harvest, output, products, yield)
produce electricity                發(fā)電
produce evidence                   提出證據(jù)
produce effect                    產(chǎn)生效果
e.g. she can produce delicious meal from very simple ingredients.
product ['prɔdəkt]
n. 產(chǎn)品(commodity, goods, merchandise, output, produce, production),結果(consequence, effect, fruit, outcome, result)
electrical products     電氣器材
product for society     社會用產(chǎn)品
e.g. this product finds few buyers.
production  [prəu'dʌkʃən]
n. 生產(chǎn),生產(chǎn)量(capacity, output, yield),產(chǎn)品(output, product),作品(writing, works)
production cost         生產(chǎn)成本
production line          生產(chǎn)線,流水線,裝配線
production procedure    生產(chǎn)程序
e.g. they tried to increase production by using better methods and tools.
n. 職業(yè)選手, 專業(yè)人員(career man, expert, specialist)
adj. 專業(yè)的, 職業(yè)的(competent, efficient, expert, proficient, qualified, skilled, trained, responsible)
professional ability/competence 業(yè)務能力
professional cancer         職業(yè)性癌
professional college         職業(yè)學院
professional credit         專業(yè)學分
professional society   n.專業(yè)學會, 專業(yè)社團
e.g. i love my professional in art.
professor[prə'fesə] n. 教授
profit ['prɔfit]
n. 利潤益處(benefit, advantage, gain, interest, return, yield)
v. ...有益(benefit, help, pay, serve)
make a profit on...   ...上獲利
profit by [from]...     ...中得到益處[吸取教訓]
e.g. there is very little profit in selling newspapers at present.
progress ['prəugres]
n. 前進,進步(advance, breakthrough, devlopment, gain, improvement, movement)
vi.前進,進展(advance, develop, improve, move forward, proceed)
in progress               正在進展中
make progress in...       ...方面取得進步[進展]
make progress with...      在...(方面)取得進展
progress of events        事情的進展
e.g. willing to learn and progress.
project ['prɔdʒekt]
n. 計劃(design, idea, plan, proposal, scheme),項目(activity, assignment, piece of work/research, task)v.發(fā)射(導彈等) (cast, throw out), 伸出(extend, stick out)
project manager           項目管理人[經(jīng)理]
project team              項目研究小組
project oneself           突出自己, 表現(xiàn)自己
project oneself into...   設想自己處身于...
e.g. do you have a project in mind?
promise ['prɔmis]
n. 允諾(assurance, commitment, guarantee, pledge, vow, word of honor), 前途(potential)
v.允諾(agree, assure, guarantee, pledge, swear, vow)預示(indicate, suggest)
make [give] a promise        答應,許諾
promise to do sth.           答應/許諾...
promise sb. that...          答應/許諾某人...
of promise                   有前途的
e.g. i promise i'll keep it secret
promote [prə'məut]
vt.促進(back, boost, encourage, help, sponsor, support),提升(raise, upgrade)推廣(advertise, make known, market, push, sell)
be promoted (to be) ...    被提為...
promote growth              促進增長
promote cooperation         促進合作
e.g. we should promote world peace.
proof [pru:f]
n. 證據(jù)(demonstration, evidence, facts, grounds), [印刷]校樣
in proof of... ...的證據(jù)
e.g. proof is better than argument.
proper ['prɔpə]
adj. 適當?shù)?/span>(acceptable, suitable, advisable),正確的(appropriate, correct, fair, just, lawful, legal, right, valid, orthodox), 有禮貌的(decent, modest, polite, respectable)
proper child       n. 守規(guī)矩的兒童
e.g. the pages aren't in proper order.
proportion [prə'pɔ:ʃən]
n. 比例(ratio)部分(fraction, part, piece, section, share)
vt. 使成比例
in proportion as [to]...    ...的比例,...成比例
in proportion        相稱
e.g. her head is out of proportion to the size of her body.
proposal [prə'pəuzəl]
n. 提議,建議(plan, project, proposition, recommendation, scheme, suggestion)
make a proposal of marriage      求婚
make a proposal               建議
e.g. the boss approved my proposal.
propose [prə'pəuz]
vt.建議(present, put forward, recommend, suggest)打算(aim, intend, mean, offer, plan),()
propose to do sth.        打算...
propose that...          建議...
propose marriage         求婚
propose a toast          建議舉杯祝酒
propose sb. for...        提名/推薦某人任(某職)
e.g. he proposed that a change should be made.
protect [prə'tekt]
vt.保護(defend, guard, keep safe, safeguard, preserve, secure, shield)
protect... from [against] ...      使...免于遭受到...
protect sb. from danger            保護某人使其免遭危險
e.g. he raised his arm to protect his child from hurt.
protection [prə'tekʃən]
n. 保護(defence, guard, shelter, shield)
under the protection of...      ...保護之下
protection from/against...       防衛(wèi)...
e.g. she put on dark glasses as a protection against the strong light.
prove [pru:v]
vt. 證明,證實(confirm, demonstrate, justify, turn out)
prove (oneself) to be...        證明(自已)...
prove... by experiment           實驗證明...
e.g. perhaps this book will prove to be of some use to you in your studies.
provide [prə'vaid]
v. 供應,供給(afford, arrange for, cater, contribute, donate, endow, equip. furnish, give, grant, lend, supply),規(guī)定(prescribe, regulate)
provide against...        ...做好準備,預防(災荒困難)
provide for...             ...做準備,防備...,規(guī)...
provide sb. with sth.       給某人提供某物
provide sth. to sb.       給某人提供某物
e.g. the hotel provides a reservation of tickets for its residents.
public ['pʌblik]
n. 公眾,公共場所adj. 公眾的,公共的,公立的(accessible, national, open, popular, shared)
in public              公開地
public opinion         公眾輿論
public education       學校教育(區(qū)別于家庭教育)
public health          公共衛(wèi)生,公共衛(wèi)生設施
public holidays         公共假期
public school           公立中小學
public service          公用設施, 公共服務
public speaking          演說, 演講
public university        公立大學
e.g. public opinion is against him.
v. 出版(issue, put out),公布(declare),發(fā)表(make public)
e.g. he has published quite a lot of articles.
v. (drag, draw, haul),,(extract, remove, take out)
n. ,,拉力
pull down...           毀壞...,破壞...
pull in                進站, 靠岸
pull out...            拔出..., 離開
pull up...             拔起..., 停下
pull together          齊心協(xié)力
pull on...             穿...,...
pull off...             脫下...,(成功地完成...
pull over              ()駕駛到路邊
pull through...         (使)度過危機/難關,(使)恢復健康
e.g. don't pull my hair!
purpose ['pə:pəs]
n.目的意圖(aim, ambition, design, end, goal, hope, intention, motive, object, objective, outcome, plan, result, target, wish),用途(application, use, value)
on purpose                故意地
for (the) purpose of...    以...的目的
with the purpose of...     以...為目的
e.g. the plan has a triple purpose.
vt. ,推動(drive, impel, press)
逼迫(compel, persuade, put pressure on),
推銷(advertise, make known, promote)
n. 推動,干勁
push ahead with...                推動..., 推進...
push on with...                   繼續(xù)進行...
push... aside/away                ...推開,避開...
push for...                       奮力爭取...
push in                           ...推入, 擠入
push off                          離開
push... out                       ...推出去
push the button                   按按鈕
push button                       按鈕
e.g. he pushed her into making a decision.
put [put]
vt.(put, put, putting) ,安置(arrange, leave, place, set down),表達提出(express, say, state, suggest, utter)
put... across                            解釋...
put... aside              儲存...備用,撇開......放在一邊
put ...away               ...收好
put down...                寫下...,記下...
put forward...             提出(意見、建議)把時針向前撥
put in                      打斷,插嘴
put off...                 . 推遲...
put on...                  增加...上演(戲劇),穿上...
put out...                 熄滅...,生產(chǎn)...,出版...
put... through               接通電話
put up...                   建立...,建造...
put up with...                 忍受..., 容忍...
put ...in mind                 記住...
e.g. i want to know how to put this in french.
puzzle ['pʌzl]
n.難題,謎(difficulty, dilemma, mystery, problem, question)
v. (使)迷惑(confuse),(使)為難(worry)
puzzle about/over...    苦苦思考...
e.g. the question puzzled me.

quality ['kwɔləti]
n. 質量, 品質(attribute, characteristic, feature, property, trait)
of good quality         上等的,優(yōu)質的
of poor quality           劣質的,劣等的
e.g. he shows quality of leadership.
quarrel ['kwɔrəl]
v. 吵架爭論(argue, conflict, clash, disagree with, dispute)
n. 吵架,爭論(argument, clash, conflict, controversym difference, disagreement, dispute)
quarrel with(complain about/disagree with/dispute/object to/oppose/ pick holes in/question)     抱怨...,不同意...
e.g. it's not good time to quarrel.
quarter ['kwɔ:tə]
n. 四分之一,一刻鐘,(美圓)兩角五分
a quarter of...    四分之一...
e.g. a quarter of the apple is bad.
n. 問題(mystery, problem, puzzle)質疑(argument, controversy, debate, dispute, doubt, objection)
v. 詢問(ask, examine, interview, probe),懷疑(argue over, challenge, dispute, doubt, enquire about, inquire about, object to, oppose, quarrel with)
in question               在考慮中,在議論中
out of the question         不可能
beyond/without question      毫無疑問
an open question             未解決的問題,容許爭論的問題
question paper               試卷
e.g.the question is when to start.
race [reis]
n.種族(ethnic group, nation, tribe), 賽跑(chase, competition, contest)vi.賽跑(hurry, run, rush), 參加競賽(compete with, contest with, have a race with, try to beat)
race engine     賽車用發(fā)動機
race track      賽馬場, 跑道
race relations    同一國家中的種族關系
horse race       賽馬
radiation [,reidi'eiʃən]   n. 輻射 (/)
radiation of heat                     熱輻射
radiation disease/illness             射線病, 放射病
e.g. radiation reached unheard-of levels.
n. , 下雨, 雨天vi.下雨
rain cats and dogs                   下傾盆大雨
rain off/out...                      因下雨而取消或延期)...
mild rain                            小雨,細雨
rain forest                          (熱帶的)雨林
rain height                          降雨量
rain water                           雨水
e.g. i'm afraid it's going to rain.
raise [reiz]
vt.提高(hold up, lift, put up, elevate, pick up, boost, increase, promote), 飼養(yǎng)(breed, rear), 撫養(yǎng)(bring up, care for, cultivate, look after, nurture)籌集(collect, get, make, receive), 提出(advance, introduce, pose, present, put forward, suggest)
raise a question       提出問題
raise money              籌錢
raise one's hand         舉手
e.g. she raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.
random ['rændəm]
n. 隨意任意adj. 任意的,隨便的(accidental, aimless, arbitary, casual, unplanned)
at random              隨便地,胡亂地
random failure         隨機故障, 偶然故障
e.g. the librarian took a book at random from the shelf.
range [reindʒ]
n.一系列(chain, line, row, series, string),山脈,行列,范圍(area, extent, field, scope, spectrum, variety)
v. 排列成行(arrange), ...分類(classify, sort), (在一定范圍內變化(differ, fluctuate, vary)
in the range of...         ...范圍內
range over...              范圍涉及..., 包括...
range with...              使與...并列, ...平行
range from...to...        范圍在......之間
e.g. the children's ages range from 8 to 15.
rate [reit]
n.比率速度(speed, pace),等級(grade, rank),費用(charge, cost, fare, fee, price)vt. 評價(appraise, assess, consider, estimate, evaluate, judge, measure, rank, regard, value)
at any rate                 無論如何
a tax rate                    稅率
at the rate of...            ...速度
e.g. he works at a very fast rate.
reach [ri:tʃ]
vt. 到達,達到(achieve, arrive at, attain, get to, make),
夠得著(grasp, get hold of, take, touch),
...聯(lián)絡 (communicate with, contact, get in touch with)n. 延伸,
距離(distance, range)范圍(scope, extent)
reach for...                  伸出手去拿...
reach out(=extend/hold out/stick out/stretch) 伸出...
out of reach                    在...的范圍之外
out of the reach of...          無法拿到/聯(lián)系到...
e.g. the garden reaches down to the lake.
reaction [ri'ækʃən]
n.  反應(answer, reply, response),反作用
reaction to...             對...的反應/反作用
reaction against...        反對...
chain reaction             連鎖反應
action and reaction        作用和反作用
e.g. how do you see their reaction?
v.(read, read, reading) ,閱讀(dip into, glance ar, scan, skim),理解(decode, make out, understand),學習(study, learn), 寫明, 標明
read between the lines         領悟隱含的意義,看出言外之意
read out                        ...讀出
read through [over]...           從頭到尾細讀一遍...
read... aloud                      朗讀...
read... as ...                    ...錯誤地當作...
read... from cover to cover         一頁不漏地讀完...
e.g. i can read french but i can't speak it.
reading ['ri:diŋ]
n. 閱讀,讀物
a man of vast reading       學識淵博的人
reading lesson               閱讀課
reading room                 閱覽室
e.g. reading does good to our mind.
reality  [ri'æliti]
n. 現(xiàn)實事實(fact, truth),逼真
make sth. a reality                         實現(xiàn)某事,落實
in reality                                  事實上,實際上
e.g. we must face reality.
realize ['riəlaiz]
vt.認識到(accept, appreciate, be aware of, catch on to, comprehend, grasp, know, recognize, see, sense, understand, wake up to), 實現(xiàn)(accomplish, achieve, complete, fulfill, implement, perform)
realize one's mistake        認識過錯
realize one’s dream           實現(xiàn)某人的夢想
e.g. he didn't realize his mistake.
reason ['ri:zn]
n. 理由,動機(account, cause, excuse, explanation, grounds, incentive, motive),判斷力(common sense, intelligence, judgement, wisdom, wit)
vt. 講道理(argue, debate, discuss),推論(conclude, consider, deduce, infer, judge, think, work out)
with reason                         有理由地,合乎情理地
by reason of...                    因為
reason for...                     ...的理由
reason... into...                 勸說...接受...
reason with ...                  與...評理
e.g. you have no reason to envy me.
recall [ri'kɔ:l]
vt./n.回憶(remember),召回(bring back, call in, withdraw)
recall... from...      從... 撤回/召回...
recall... to life         使...蘇醒
e.g. the danger recalled him to a sense of duty.
receive [ri'si:v]
vt. 收到,接收(accept, acquire, be given/sent, collect, earn, get, obtain, take),接待(accommodate, entertain, greet, meet, welcome),遭受(bear, experience, suffer, sustain, undergo)
receive... into...            接納...加入...
received pronunciation       (英語的)標準發(fā)音
received standard english    標準英語
e.g. his speech was favorably received.
recognize ['rekəgnaiz]
vt. 發(fā)現(xiàn)(detect, diagnose, notice, perceive),承認(accept, acknowledge, admit to, be aware of, confess, realize, understand),認出(distinguish, identify, know, name, perceive, remember, recall, see, spot)
recognize...as...           承認......
recognized principle        公認的原則
e.g. can you recognize all of them?
recommend [rekə'mend]
vt.推薦(advocate, applaud, approve of, praise, speak well of),建議(advise, counsel, propose, suggest, urge)
recommend ... to sb.   向某人推薦...
e.g. the doctor strongly recommended that he take a holiday.
record ['rekɔd]
n. 檔案,紀錄, 唱片
vt.記錄(put/write/set down, register, note),錄音(keep, preserve) adj. 創(chuàng)紀錄的
record holder               紀錄保持者
record breaker              打破紀錄者
record-breaking             破紀錄 . 破紀錄的
record player              電唱機
keep ...on record         記錄下...
hold record               保持記錄
break record             打破紀錄
e.g. he has a long criminal record.
recover [ri'kʌvə]
vt.恢復,痊愈(come round, get better, heal, improve, mend, pull through, revive),重新獲得(get back, reclaim, regain, restore)
recover one’s reputation                     恢復名譽
recover oneself                               某人恢復常態(tài)
e.g. hope to you will recover soon.
v.拒絕, 謝絕(reject, say no to, turn down)
refuse sb.          拒絕某人[某人的要求]
refuse to do sth.    拒絕...
e.g. i refuse to kiss up to 討好,巴結anyone.
regard [ri'gɑ:d]
vt.當作(consider, reckon, respect, think, value),重視尊敬
n.注意(attention, care, concern, consideration, notice),尊敬(admiration, affection, esteem, honor, love, respect),(pl.)問候
in this regard                     關于這件事,在這方面
with/in regard to...              關于...
as regards...                   關于...
regard ...as...                ...視為...,認為......
e.g. she is generally regarded as one of the best writers in the country.
vt.管制, 控制(control, direct, govern, manage, organize, restrict, supervise), 調節(jié)(adjust, alter, change, vary)
regulate prices                規(guī)定價格
regulate a clock                    對鐘, 調鐘的時間
regulating speed motor               調速電動機
e.g. accidents sometimes happen even in the best regulated families.
reject [ri'dʒekt]
vt. 拒絕(decline, refuse, say no to, turn down),
抵制(discard, eliminate, exclude, throw away)
e.g. don't reject an offer of help.
relate [ri'leit]
vt. 敘述(describe, recite, report, tell),使聯(lián)系(associate, connect, consider together, link)...相關(concern)
relate... with...      使......關聯(lián)
be related to...           ...有關
e.g. children need to learn to relate to other children.
n. 關系(relationship),敘述(description, report)
bear/have no relation to ...      ...毫無關系
have relations with...           ...(某種)關系
have relation to...              ...有關系
in relation to                  關于..., ...相比
business relations              業(yè)務關系
e.g. their relationship has lasted many years.
vi. 放松(loosen)緩和(diminish, lessen, moderate, reduce, release, relieve),休息(feel at home, rest)
relax the muscles    松弛肌肉
e.g. you look tired and need relax.
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