
machine [mə'ʃi:n]
n. 機(jī)器,機(jī)械
washing machine        洗衣機(jī)
e.g.what's wrong with---問(wèn)題了the machine?
magazine [,mægə'zi:n]
n. 雜志(journal),期刊
weekly /monthly magazine      周刊/月刊
e.g. i bought the magazines on my way home.在回家的路上
magic ['mædʒik]
n. 魔術(shù), 魔力(charm)
adj. 魔術(shù)的(magical),不可思議的(miraculous, mysterious, unimaginable, extraordinary)
e.g. make a little magic every day.
mail [meil]
n. 郵件, 信件(letters)
vt. 郵寄(post)
mail service         郵政服務(wù)
mail letters          郵寄信件
mail box            信箱,郵筒
e.g. i went to the post office to mail the letters.
maintain [men'tein]
vt. 維持(carry on, continue, keep up, retain)
維修(look after, preserve, take care of),
主張(argue, assert, claim, declare, insist, state)
maintain cars              保養(yǎng)汽車
maintain one’s family        養(yǎng)家
maintain peace             維護(hù)和平
e.g. part of my job is to maintain good relationship關(guān)系 with our suppliers.供應(yīng)商
majority [mə'dʒɔriti]
n. 多數(shù)(most),大半
be in the majority         占多數(shù)
e.g. the majority of people seem to prefer 更喜歡tv to radio.
make [meik]
vt. (made, made, making)制造(produce, manufacture, turn out),
使成為,迫使(force)獲得(earn, get),等于(equal, amount to)
make up...           捏造...虛構(gòu)..
make up for...        補(bǔ)償...
make out...          理解..., 辨認(rèn)出...
be made from...      ...制造經(jīng)化學(xué)變化
be made of...        ...制造經(jīng)物理變化
be made up of...      ...組成
e.g. news made her happy.
manage ['mænidʒ]
v. 經(jīng)營(yíng)管理(administer, be in charge of, conduct, control, operate, preside over, run, supervise ),設(shè)法做到(accomplish, achieve, carry out, finish, perform, succeed in, undertake),
處理(handle, deal with)
manage to do sth.        設(shè)法...
manage without...        在沒有...下應(yīng)付過(guò)去
manage with...          ...設(shè)法應(yīng)付
e.g. i finally managed to find the book i was looking for.
management ['mænidʒmənt]
n. 經(jīng)營(yíng), 管理,管理人員
management of enterprises      企業(yè)管理
traffic management            交通運(yùn)輸管理
e.g. what is your management style?
manager ['mænidʒə]
n. 經(jīng)理,主管人
e.g. our manager is very strict 嚴(yán)格with us.
manner ['mænə]
n.方式(way, method, means)風(fēng)格(style, fashion),(pl.禮貌
have no manners           沒有禮貌
have good manners         有禮貌
e.g. it is bad manners to interrupt.打斷
manufacture [,mænju'fæktʃə]
vt. 制造(make, produce, turn out),杜撰(make up) n. (pl.)制品(goods)制造業(yè)
manufacture from...      ...制造
e.g. the bikes are of home manufacture.
mark [mɑ:k]
n. 斑點(diǎn)(spot, stain),標(biāo)志(sign, symbol, token, indication),分?jǐn)?shù)(points, score)
vt. 做標(biāo)記于,打分?jǐn)?shù)(assess, correct, evaluate, grade)
full mark              滿分
mark down            降低...的價(jià)格, 降低...的分?jǐn)?shù), 記下
mark up              提高...的價(jià)格提高...的分?jǐn)?shù)
wide of the mark       遠(yuǎn)離目標(biāo),豪不相關(guān)
e.g. the road we should take is marked on the map.
market ['mɑ:kit]
n. 市場(chǎng)(fair), 需求(demand)v. 在市場(chǎng)出售(sell)
on the market    出售
e.g. the sales 銷售manager wants to open up new markets in the far east.遠(yuǎn)東
marriage  ['mæridʒ]
n. 結(jié)婚婚姻,婚禮(wedding)
early(late) marriage    ()
marriage certificate    結(jié)婚證書
e.g. marriage is a life of sharing.
marry ['mæri]
marry sb.        與某人結(jié)婚
be married to sb. 與某人結(jié)婚
marry sb. to...     把某人嫁給...
e.g. she married money.
mass [mæs]
n. (block, piece,load, lump, pile), 大多數(shù)(bulk), 質(zhì)量(quality), (pl.)群眾(the public)
a mass of/masses of     大量的
mass production        大規(guī)模生產(chǎn)
mass unemployment     普遍失業(yè)
mass education         大眾教育
mass media            大眾傳播媒體
mass sports             群眾性體育
e.g. i have a mass of typing to do.
master ['mɑ:stə]
 vt. 精通(learn, grasp, understand)控制(control, conquer, manage)n. 能手(expert, genius), (m-)碩士,主人(owner)
master's degree         碩士學(xué)位
master of arts          文科碩士
master of science       理科碩士
master in literature      文學(xué)大師
e.g. it's not easy to master a foreign language.
match [mætʃ]
 n. (足球,捧球藍(lán)球)比賽(game, competition, contest ),
對(duì)手(rival, opponent, counterpart, equivalent)火柴
v. 相配(go with, agree with)
a football match            足球比賽
match penalty              取消比賽資格
strike a match              劃火柴
e.g. the tie doesn't match my suit.
material [mə'tiəriəl]
n. 材料(stuff)原料(matter, substance) adj. 物質(zhì)的
raw material            原料
e.g. what material is this made of?
matter ['mætə]
n. 事情(affair, business, concern, issue, thing, situation)
問(wèn)題(difficulty, problem, trouble, worry),
物質(zhì)(material, stuff, substance)
vi. 有關(guān)系要緊(be important, make a difference)
as a matter of fact                  事實(shí)上,實(shí)際上
no matter how(what, when etc.)       不論怎樣(什么,何時(shí))
for that matter                      就此而言而且
it doesn’t matter.                   不要緊
e.g. i don't talk with my boss about my private matters.
may [mei]
aux.可能, 可以, ,
may as well do...     最好...
e.g. it may rain today.
mean [mi:n]
vt. (meant, meant, meaning)意味(signify, imply, indicate, convey, express, say, stand for),想要(aim, plan, want, intend, wish)
mean sth./doing sth.       意味著...,意思是...
mean to do...             打算...
be meant to do ...          照道理應(yīng)該...
mean much [a great deal] to sb       對(duì)某人很重要
mean business            []是當(dāng)真的, 不是隨便說(shuō)說(shuō)的
e.g. there is a mean in all things.
meaning ['mi:niŋ]
n. 意義(sense, definition),含意,重要性(significance, purpose)
word meaning      字義
e.g. what is the meaning of life?"
means [mi:nz]   n. 手段(measures),方法(way, method, manner)
by means of...          依靠...
by no means           決不,一點(diǎn)也不
by all means           一定,務(wù)必
by any means          無(wú)論如何
e.g. the quickest means of travel is by plane.
measure ['meʒə]
n. 尺寸(length, size, amount, quantity),措施(means, action, step)
vt. 測(cè)量(assess, calculate, gauge, judge, survey)
take measures/action           采取措施
beyond measure               無(wú)可估量, 極度地
measure up to...               符合..., 達(dá)到..., 夠得上...
e.g. the government has promised to take measures to help the unemployed.失業(yè)者
medicine ['medisin]   n. 醫(yī)學(xué),內(nèi)科學(xué)
take medicine           吃藥
prescribe medicine       開藥
e.g. the best medicine for you now would be a good holiday.
meet [mi:t]
vt.(met, met, meeting) 遇見(encounter, bump into, come across, run into, see)
會(huì)見,經(jīng)歷(experience, go through),
滿足(satisfy, fulfill)n. 集會(huì)(meeting),運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)
meet (someone) halfway      ...妥協(xié)
meet with...                 偶遇...,碰到...
sports meet                 運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)
e.g. they made a date to meet soon.
meeting ['mi:tiŋ]
n. 會(huì)議(conference)聚會(huì)(assembly)
meeting place         會(huì)場(chǎng), 聚會(huì)地點(diǎn)
mass meeting         群眾性集會(huì)
e.g. we have a meeting once a week.
membership  ['membə,ʃip]
n. 成員資格,會(huì)員資格
e.g. i must renew my membership of the sailing club.
memory ['meməri]
n. 記憶,記憶力回憶,存儲(chǔ)
bring... back [call] to memory     使想起...
from memory                  憑記憶
in memory of...                 以紀(jì)念...
memory training                記憶訓(xùn)練
e.g. he has a bad memory for dates.
mention ['menʃən]
vt./n. 提及(refer to, notice),說(shuō)起
not to mention... (=without mentioning...)
e.g. he was hesitant to mention it.
merit ['merit]
n. 優(yōu)點(diǎn)(virtue, strength),價(jià)值(value, worth)
v. 值得(deserve),應(yīng)得(be worth, , be entitled to)
e.g. there is little merit in passing the examination if you cheated.
message ['mesidʒ]
n. 消息(information, news, word),訊息
leave a message    留個(gè)話
e.g. can i take a message for john?
method ['meθəd]
n. 方法(way, means, manner, style)
e.g. i don't agree in their method.
might [mait]
aux. 可以,可能(may的過(guò)去時(shí))
might as well do...     最好...,不妨...
e.g. i asked him if(是否) i might leave.
might [mait]
n. 力量(force, power, strength),威力
e.g. we fear the military might of the enemy.
n. 頭腦(brain, head, intelligence, mental power),記憶(memory),注意力(attention)
vt. 介意(care),注意(be careful about, look out for, take notice of)照看(attend to, care for, look after)
bear/keep...in mind       ...記在心里
change one’s mind        某人改變主意
call... to mind             回憶起...,記起...
make up one’s mind(to do...)    下決心,決定
never mind               沒關(guān)系,別難過(guò)
in one’s mind’s eye        依據(jù)某人的相像
e.g. reading does good to our mind.
mineral ['minərəl]
n. 礦物,礦石adj. 礦物的
mineral water            礦泉水
mineral nutrition         礦質(zhì)營(yíng)養(yǎng)
e.g. coal is a kind of mineral fuel.
minister ['ministə] n. 部長(zhǎng),大臣
minister of state           國(guó)務(wù)部長(zhǎng)[大臣]
prime minister            總理, 首相
e.g. he was elected minister of education.
miracle ['mirəkl]
n. 奇跡(wonder, mystery),令人驚奇的人或事
miracle drug             特效藥
work/do a miracle        創(chuàng)造奇跡
e.g. taiwan's economy is a miracle.
miss [mis]
vt. 思念(long for, want, need), 錯(cuò)過(guò)(lose, skip) n. 小姐(lady), 姑娘(girl)
miss a target          沒打中目標(biāo)
miss a bus            沒趕上公共汽車
miss an appointment    沒有及時(shí)赴約
miss sb.              思念某人
e.g. sometimes i miss home cooking.
mission ['miʃən]
n. 使命, 任務(wù)(assignment, task), 代表團(tuán)(delegation)
e.g. he went on a secret mission.
mistake [mis'teik]
n. 錯(cuò)誤,過(guò)失(error, slip) v. ...弄錯(cuò)(confuse, misunderstand)
make mistakes         犯錯(cuò)誤
mistake ...for...         ...誤認(rèn)為...
by mistake            錯(cuò)誤地
e.g. you mistook my meaning entirely.
mix [miks]
v. 混合(blend, combine, mingle, put together)交往
n. 混合物(mixture, compound),混合
mix in with...     ...交往, ...廝混
mix ...up         混和..., 混淆...
e.g. she put the sugar into the coffee and mixed them up with a spoon.
mixture ['mikstʃə]
n. 混合物(compound)混合
e.g. air is a mixture of gases.
mode [məud]
n. 方式(fashion, manner, method), 模式(pattern, style)
e.g.the country girl was not used to their lavish ['læviʃ]奢侈 mode of living.
model ['mɔdl]
n. 模型,樣式(manner, mode),模范(example, ideal),模特兒
model airplane      飛機(jī)模型
e.g. this washing machine洗衣機(jī) is the latest model.
modify  ['mɔdifai]
vt. 更改,修改(adapt, adjust, alter, change, convert, improve, revise, vary)
e.g. he'll have to modify his views觀點(diǎn) if he wants to be elected.選舉
moment ['məumənt]
n. 瞬間(instant, minute)
at the moment       此刻,(正當(dāng))那時(shí)
for a moment        片刻
e.g. i'd like to speak to you for a moment.
money ['mʌni]
n. 金錢(currency),財(cái)富(fortune, treasure, wealth)
make money         掙錢
paper money         紙幣, 鈔票
e.g. money doesn't always bring happiness.
monitor ['mɔnitə]
n. 班長(zhǎng),顯視器(screen)
v. 監(jiān)控(inspect, watch)
e.g. the monitor collected the exercise books after the class was over.
mood [mu:d]
n. 心情(temper, spirit, state of mind), 情緒
in a ...mood      處于一種...的情緒中
be in no mood for sth. ( to do sth.)     沒有心思做某事
e.g. she in always in a good mood .
n. 月球, 月亮
moon cake       月餅(中國(guó)食品)
morning ['mɔ:niŋ] n. 早晨, 上午
in the morning     在早晨
good morning!    早晨好!
motion  ['məuʃən]
n. 移動(dòng)(movement),手勢(shì)(sign, gesture),(會(huì)上)提議(proposal)
motion picture    電影
motion testing    運(yùn)動(dòng)試驗(yàn)
e.g. he opened the door and motioned me to come in.
motive ['məutiv]
n. 動(dòng)機(jī),目的(aim, cause, intention, motivation, object, purpose, reason)
a motive for...         ...的動(dòng)機(jī)
e.g. his sole唯一的 motive is to make more money.
motor ['məutə]
n. 電動(dòng)機(jī)發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)(engine),汽車(car, motorcar, automobile)
motor locomotive    發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)機(jī)車
motor vehicles       機(jī)動(dòng)車輛, 汽車
motor industry       汽車制造業(yè)
e.g.the machines are driven by electric motors.
mountain ['mauntin]
 n. (hill, mount), 山脈
e.g. he looks down from the top of the mountain to the valley far below.
mouth [mauθ]
n. ,
v. 說(shuō)出(pronounce, say, utter),夸大地說(shuō)
keep one’s mouth shut     保持緘默
close [shut] one’s mouth    閉嘴,不作聲
give mouth to...           說(shuō)出...
e.g. the news spread from mouth to mouth.
move [mu:v]
vt. 移動(dòng)(remove, shift, transfer),感動(dòng)(affect, touch, arouse),遷移
n.步驟(act, action, movement,step )
move away       離開
move back       向后退
move in         進(jìn)入
move towards...   ...前進(jìn)
move up         上升
move down       下降
on the move       在運(yùn)動(dòng)中,在發(fā)展中在忙碌中
move on          繼續(xù)前進(jìn)
e.g. the earth move around the sun.
movement ['mu:vmənt]
n. 活動(dòng)(motion, action, activity),動(dòng)作(change, development, progress),群眾性運(yùn)動(dòng)(campaign)
mass movement        []群眾運(yùn)動(dòng)
e.g.the trade union movement工會(huì)運(yùn)動(dòng) works to obtain higher wages 工資and better conditions.條件
n. 電影(cinema),電影院(theater)
go to the movies      去看電影
e.g. i watched a great movie last night .
music ['mju:zik]
 n. 音樂(lè),樂(lè)曲
listen to music       聽音樂(lè)
face the music       接受處罰,承擔(dān)后果
soft music          輕音樂(lè)
pop music          流行音樂(lè)
folk music          民間音樂(lè)
country music       鄉(xiāng)村音樂(lè)
e.g. i like listening to pop music.
mystery ['mistəri]  n. 神秘, 神秘的事物
e.g. why he went there is a mystery to me.

name  [neim]
n. 名字,名聲(fame, reputation),知名人士(celebirty)
vt....起名(call, entitle, label)
name a after b      b的名字來(lái)給a命名
be named after...     ...命名
in the name of...     ...的名義
call sb. names       罵某人
e.g. he is an artist of great name.
nation  ['neiʃən]
n. 國(guó)家(country, state),民族部落(tribe)
the united nations      聯(lián)合國(guó)
e.g. one vote can change a nation .
n. 自然,本性,天性
conquer nature     征服自然
human nature      人性
in nature          本質(zhì)上,實(shí)際上
by nature          天生就,本來(lái)
e.g. nature is at its best in spring.
necessity  [ni'sesiti]
n. 需要(need, requirement),必需品
the necessaries of life    生活必須品
e.g. water is a necessity of life.

need  [ni:d]
n. 需要(demand, requirement),必需品(necessity)
vt. 需要(want, be short of, lack, demand, depend on, rely on) aux.
v. 需要必須
in need                在危難中,在危急中
the need for...           對(duì)...需要
need not have done...      原本不必...
e.g. you needn't have told(告訴) him the news; he knew it already(已經(jīng)).
neighbor  ['neibə]
n. <> 鄰居,鄰國(guó)
e.g.britain's nearest neighbor is france.
nerve  [nə:v]
n. 神經(jīng)勇氣(courage)
get on one’s nerve       惹得某人心煩
e.g.you'll need plenty of nerve to sit beside him when he is driving.
net  [net]
n. 網(wǎng),網(wǎng)絡(luò)(network),凈數(shù)adj. 凈余的,實(shí)得的
net profit             凈利純利
e.g. the net weight of this jar of coffee一瓶咖啡 is 180 grams.
network  ['netwə:k]
n. 網(wǎng)絡(luò)(net),網(wǎng)狀物,廣播網(wǎng)
network management      網(wǎng)絡(luò)管理
network television        電視廣播網(wǎng)
e.g. you can plug into接通the national computer network.
news  [nju:z]
n. 新聞, 消息(information, message, word)
news conference        記者招待會(huì)
release news            發(fā)布新聞
newspaper ['nju:speipə]  
n. 報(bào)紙(paper)
newspaper week           新聞周刊
in the newspaper            在報(bào)紙上
e.g. i learned this piece of news from the newspaper this morning.
night  [nait]
n. ,夜晚
at night            在晚上
night and day        夜以繼日地
have a good night      睡得好
night life              夜生活
e.g. we can see the stars at night.
noise [nɔiz]
n. 喧鬧聲噪聲
noise pollution                            噪音污染
e.g.there is so much noise in this restaurant; i can hardly hear you talking.
north [nɔ:θ]
n. ,北方
adj. 北方的
adv. 在北方向北方
north pole           北極
north star           北極星
in the north of...       ...的北部
e.g. china lies to the north of vietnam. [,viət'næm]越南
note [nəut]
vt. 注意到(observe, notice),記下(write down, put down)
n. 筆記注釋(remark),紙幣(paper money)
take notes             記筆記
take note of...          注意...留意...
e.g. let me note down your address and telephone number.
nothing  ['nʌθiŋ]
n. 什么也沒有,無(wú)關(guān)緊要之事
for nothing          免費(fèi)徒然
nothing but...        除了...以外什么也不,只有...
say nothing of...      何況...更不必說(shuō)...
e.g. nothing ever happens in this town.
notice ['nəutis] v. 注意到(observe, note, discover, find, see, take note of)n. 布告(announcement, advertisement, sign),注意
take notice of...           注意...,留心...
notice sb. do ...           注意到某人做過(guò)...
notice sb. doing ...        注意到某人正在...
without notice           不預(yù)先通知
give sb. notice          給某人解雇通知
e.g. her appearance外表 attracted my notice.
notion ['nəuʃən]
n. 概念(concept, conception), 觀念(idea), 想法(intention, opinion, view)
have no notion of...        沒有理解...,不明白...
e.g. i have no notion of resigning.辭職
number ['nʌmbə]
n. 數(shù)字(figure)數(shù)量(amount, quantity, sum, total),號(hào)碼
a number of...         多的...
number one          最好, 第一
e.g.what’s your telephone number?
nurse  [nə:s]
n. 護(hù)士保育員,保姆v. 護(hù)理(care for, look after)
nurse a cold     護(hù)理傷風(fēng)
e.g. my daughter is a nurse

n. 物體(article, item, thing)目標(biāo)(goal, aim, target, purpose, objective, intention),對(duì)象
vi. 反對(duì),拒絕
achieve one’s object    實(shí)現(xiàn)某人的目的
object to ...            反對(duì)...
e.g.put the object賓語(yǔ) after the verb.動(dòng)詞
observe [əb'zə:v]
vt. 觀察(detect, keep an eye on, look at, monitor, notice, see, spot, stare at, study, watch),遵守(abide by, adhere to, comply with, conform to, follow, keep, obey, respect),評(píng)論(comment on, review),慶祝(celebrate)
observe a rule           遵守規(guī)則
observe time            遵守時(shí)間準(zhǔn)時(shí)
observed result          觀察結(jié)果
observed value/number     觀測(cè)值
e.g. i observed him entering the bank with a gun.
obtain [əb'tein]
v. 獲得(acquire, attain, earn, gain, get, rcerive, win)
obtain employment      找到工作, 就業(yè)
e.g. i hope to obtain your opinion.
n. 機(jī)會(huì)(chance, opportunity),時(shí)刻(moment, time),大事(affair, event, incident, occurrence)
on occasion       有時(shí),偶爾
e.g. i only wear a tie領(lǐng)帶 on special occasions.
occur [ə'kə:]
v(occurred, occurred, occurring) 發(fā)生(come about, happen, take place),出現(xiàn)(appear, arise)存在(come into being, exist)
(sth. )occur to sb.      某人想起/想到...
e.g. don't let this accident occur?
offer ['ɔ:fə]
v. 提出(put forward, suggest, propose),提供(provide)表示愿意(volunteer) n. 提議(proposal, suggestion),報(bào)價(jià)(bid)
offer comments       提意見
offer excuses for...     ...找借口
offer one's hand       伸出手
offer to do ...         愿意...,主動(dòng)...
e.g. he offered his seat to me.
office ['ɔ:fis]
n. 辦公室,重要的職位(occupation, position, post, work)
office building      <>辦公樓
office hours        辦公時(shí)間, 營(yíng)業(yè)時(shí)間
office worker       上班族
in office           執(zhí)政,當(dāng)權(quán)
out of office        不執(zhí)政,不當(dāng)權(quán)
e.g. on the wall of his office was a large map.
operate ['ɔpəreit]
v. 操作(deal with, drive, handle, manage, use, work),運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)(act, function, go, perform, run, work)起作用,動(dòng)手術(shù)
operate on sb.     給某人動(dòng)手術(shù)
e.g.i expect to operate computers.
operation  [,ɔpə'reiʃən]
n. 運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)(action, activity, movement),操作,作用,手術(shù)(surgery)
be in operation           在運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)中在實(shí)施中,在生效中
come/go into operation/effect     開始工作[運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)],生效
perform an operation on sb.       給某人動(dòng)手術(shù)
put... into operation             實(shí)施...,執(zhí)行...
e.g.the elevator is in operation.
opinion [ə'pinjən]
n. 意見,看法(attitude, comment, feeling, idea, impression,notion, point of view, thought, view)
public opinion     公眾輿論
have an ill opinion of...      對(duì)...有不好的評(píng)價(jià)
opinion poll             選舉投票,民意測(cè)驗(yàn)
e.g. public opinion is against him.
opportunity [,ɔpə'tju:niti]
n. 機(jī)會(huì)時(shí)機(jī)(chance, occasion, time)
a golden opportunity    絕好的機(jī)會(huì)
e.g. i regret the lost opportunity.
oppose [ə'pəuz]
v. 反對(duì)(be against, argue against, challenge, fight, contradict)
be opposed to sth(doing sth.)  反對(duì)...(...)
e.g. they opposed the government's new policies.
order ['ɔ:də]
n.順序(arrangement, sequence),正常(工作)狀態(tài)(condition, state),命令(instruction),定單(demand, request)
vt. 命令(command, direct, instruct, require)定購(gòu)(apply for, book)
in order that...    為了...,目的在于...
in order to...     為了...起見,以便...
be in order       狀況良好整齊
be out of order    狀況不好,次序混亂
place an order for... 訂購(gòu)...
put...in order      ...整理好
e.g. we are going to make an order.
organ ['ɔ:gən]
n. 器官,機(jī)構(gòu),風(fēng)琴
e.g. the heart is a vital['vaitl] organ.
organization [,ɔ:gənai'zeiʃən]
n. 組織(arrangement, planning),機(jī)構(gòu),團(tuán)體(association, society, union)
e.g. the organization of such a large-scale party takes a lot of time and energy.
vt. 組織,安排(arrange, put in order, sort out, tidy up),籌辦(create, establish, plan, set up)
the meeting was badly organized.
origin ['ɔ:ridʒin]
n. 起源(beginning, birth, source, start),起因(cause, reason),出生(family, background)
the origins of civilization      文明的起源
e.g. identify 識(shí)別the origin of data.數(shù)據(jù)
ought[ɔ:t] aux. 應(yīng)當(dāng)應(yīng)該(should)
ought to do...     應(yīng)該...,應(yīng)當(dāng)...
e.g. you ought to work harder.
outcome ['autkʌm]
n. 結(jié)果(result, consequence)成果
e.g. what was the outcome of your meeting?
outline ['autlain]
n. 提綱,概要(framework, plan, sketch, summary), 輪廓(figure, form, profile, shape)
v. 概括(draft, sketch)
e.g. he saw the outline of a building against the sky.
vt. (overcame, overcome, overcoming)戰(zhàn)勝克服(defeat, beat, deal with, win over, conquer)
overcome difficulties       戰(zhàn)勝困難
overcome one’s shortcomings 克服某人的缺點(diǎn)
e.g. can you overcome your shortcomings?
owe [əu]vt. (債等)(be in debt), 感激, ...歸功于
owe...to...    ...歸功于...
e.g. it seems i owe you an apology.
n. []
oxygen treatment   n. ()()()
e.g. she died from lack of oxygen .

p 字母開頭(1
n. 痛苦(suffering, discomfort, distress, torture), (ache, hurt) (pl.)勞苦
(be) in pains    疼痛,在苦惱中
take pains to do sth.   努力地...
suffer pains       感到痛受苦
pain-killer       止疼藥
e.g. i will grow through this pain.
paint [peint]
n. 油漆,顏料(color)
v. 油漆(coat/cover with paint, decorate),(用顏料等)(depict, describe)
e.g. who painted this picture?
pair [pєə]
n. 一對(duì),一雙(couple, twins)
v. 使成對(duì)(mate)
in pairs       成對(duì)地
a pair of...     一對(duì),一雙
pair off with...   ...結(jié)成對(duì)子
e.g. i want to buy a pair of pants.
paper ['peipə]
n. (sheet, leaf), 報(bào)紙(newspaper),文件(documents, files, records),
論文(article, essay, thesis)考卷
on paper        在紙上,以書面形式
paper work       文書工作
paper currency/money   紙幣
e.g. we've run out of typing paper.
paragraph ['pærəgrɑ:f]
n. ,節(jié)
e.g. look at the second paragraph on page fifteen.
parent ['pɛərənt] n.父親(或母親)(family),動(dòng)植物的母體,起源(origin)
parent-teacher association       教師家長(zhǎng)會(huì)
parent company/corporation/firm/enterprise      母公司,總公司
parent language          母語(yǔ)
e.g. she has only a single parent.
park [pɑ:k]
n. 公園(nature reserve, public garden, recreation ground),停車場(chǎng)(car-park)
vt. 停放(汽車等)(leave, place)
parking lot/ground           停車場(chǎng)
parking ticket               違規(guī)停車罰單
parking meter               停車計(jì)時(shí)器(以硬幣付費(fèi))
parking space              停車位
theme park                主題公園
e.g. i often take my children to play in the park.
part [pɑ:t]
n. 部分(bit, branch, component, division, fraction, fragment, ingredient, piece, portion, section, segment, share, area, district, region), 零件,角色(character, role)
vt. 分開(cut off, divide, separate, split),斷裂(break)離開(depart, go away, leave, say goodbye, withdraw)
have/play a part/role in ...      參與...,扮演...角色, ...方面起作用
take part in...                參加...
in part                    部分地
part of...                  ...的一部分
on the part of...           ...方面,由...作出的
e.g. i hope we can part as friends.
participant [pɑ:'tisipənt]
n. 參與者
a participant in...       ...的參與者
e.g. each participant must collect 收集,籌募minimum $150 in order to participate 參加this event.活動(dòng)
n.配偶(husband, wife, spouse),合伙人(assistant, colleague, companion)
a business partner      意合伙人
e.g. are you sure you want him to be your partner?
party ['pɑ:ti]
n. 宴會(huì)(celebration, festival, gathering),政黨,一伙人(group)
communist party       共產(chǎn)黨
democratic party      美國(guó)民主黨
e.g. he will have a birthday party.
pass [pɑ:s]
vt. 通過(guò)(go by, move past),越過(guò)(go beyond, overtake),
審查通過(guò)(agree, approve, authorize, confirm, pronounce),度過(guò)(live/get through, spend),
傳遞(deliver, give, hand over, submit)
n. 通行證(licence, permission, ticket, permit)考試及格
pass away           消失,死亡
pass an examination       通過(guò)考試
pass by...               經(jīng)過(guò)...
pass... down             遺傳...
pass certificate           及格證書
pass student             [](成績(jī))普通學(xué)生
pass word              口令 
pass out               昏過(guò)去
pass over...             忽略
pass a good/bad night     睡得好 [不好]   
pass a crisis            渡過(guò)危機(jī), 脫離危險(xiǎn)期
pass along...           沿...
e.g. i passed the store商店 on my way to the library.圖書館
n. 通道(tube, way, tunnel),經(jīng)過(guò)(passing, moving on),段落(paragraphs, section, episode)
the passage of time    時(shí)間的推移
flying passage      天橋
e.g. i had to find the passage back,
path [pɑ:θ] n. 小路, 路線(alley, road, route, track, trail, way, pathway)
e.g. the path leads to the village.村莊
patient ['peiʃənt]
n. 病人,患者(suffer)adj. 忍耐的耐心的
be patient with sb.      對(duì)某人有耐心
be patient of sth.       容忍某物
e.g. i think i am quite a patient耐心的 person.
pattern ['pætən]
n.模式,花樣(arrangement, design, shape),模范(example, guide, model)
vt. 模仿,仿造(imitate, simulate, copy)
e.g. this cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares.正方形
pay [pei] n. 工資(income, salary, wages)v. (paid, paid, paying)支付(spend)償還(pay up),進(jìn)行訪問(wèn)),對(duì)...有利(be profitable)
pay off                還清,報(bào)復(fù)
pay for...                ...付款
pay a visit/call to ...       去參觀..., 拜訪...
pay attention to...        注意...
e.g. they will pay $100 in advance.
peace [pi:s] n. 和平(agreement, harmony, order)安寧(calmness, silence, stillness)
make peace            和解
maintain peace        維護(hù)和平
world peace            世界和平
peace of mind         內(nèi)心的寧?kù)o
at peace             處于和睦或平靜狀態(tài)
e.g. it gave me strength力量 and peace.平安
penalty ['penlti]
n. 處罰(punishment), 罰款(fine)
pay the penalty for...    ...而遭受處罰
e.g. she has paid the penalty for her crimes with five years in prison.
people ['pi:pl]
n. , 人們(humans, human beings, individuals, mankind, persons, citizens, the public), 民族(nation)
e.g. people in seattle love coffee.
percent [pə'sent]     n. 百分比,百分?jǐn)?shù)
one hundred percent   百分之百
e.g. it's about 99.9 percent alike.相似
v. 執(zhí)行完成任務(wù)(accomplish, achieve, bring about, carry out, complete, do, execute, finish, fulfill),表演(act, appear, play, take part)
perform well/badly           表現(xiàn)出色/糟糕
perform an experiment on/with/upon...         對(duì)...做實(shí)驗(yàn)
perform a ceremony          舉行儀式
e.g. their football team performed very well in the match yesterday.
n. 表現(xiàn)(achievement, behavior, conduct, exhibition), 表演(acting, play, show),性能(capability)
e.g. our performance was a success. 我們演出很成功。
period ['piəriəd]
n. 時(shí)期(age, era, phase, session, stage, term), 學(xué)時(shí), 節(jié)(season), 周期(cycle)
a period of time       一段時(shí)間
come to a period      終止,結(jié)束
e.g. we have three periods of chemistry化學(xué) a week.
v. (permitted, permitted, permitting)允許(agree to, allow, approve of, authorize, consent to, give permission for) n. 許可證, 執(zhí)照(authorization, licence, pass, passport, ticket, visa)
permit sb. to do sth.       允許某人...
permit of...            [常用于否定句]容許...
e.g. you are not permitted to smoke here.
person ['pə:sn]
n. (figure, human, human being, individual, man, woman)
in person     親自地
e.g. you are just the person i want to see.
persuade [pə'sweid]
v. 說(shuō)服勸說(shuō)(bring around convince, influence, talk into, urge, ad)
persuade sb. to do sth.         勸服某人...
persuade sb. into doing sth.     勸服某人...
persuade sb. out of doing sth.    勸服某人不...
e.g.then she persuade me to buy one.
phone [fəun] n. 電話,電話機(jī)(telephone)v. (...)打電話(call, dial, ring, telephone)
e.g. i'll phone the result of the test to you.
phrase [freiz] n. 短語(yǔ),習(xí)慣用語(yǔ)(expression)
fixed phrase    固定短語(yǔ)
physician [fi'ziʃən]
n. 醫(yī)師, 內(nèi)科醫(yī)師(doctor)
e.g. nature自然 is the best physician.
pick [pik]
vt. (collect, cut, gather, harvest, pull off), 挑選(choose, decide on, elect, prefer, select, settle on, single out, vote for),拾取(collect)
pick holes in...     挑剔..., ...中尋找錯(cuò)誤
pick out...         挑選...
pick up...         撿起..., 獲得..., 加速,接人
e.g. where do i pick up the ticket?
picture ['piktʃə]
 n.圖畫(drawing),照片(photo, photograph)影片(movie, film)
put sb. in the picture    把基本情況告訴某人
take a picture of...      拍攝...
e.g. may i take a picture of you?
piece [pi:s] n. ,,,(bar, bit, block, chip, division, fragment, part, portion, section, segment, share, slice, article, item )
a piece of cake        輕松[愉快]的事情
piece price           單價(jià)
break... into pieces     使...成為碎片
piece by piece         逐漸地
e.g. i'd like a piece of chocolate.
pile [pail]
n. , 大堆(heap, mass, quantity)
v. 堆起, 堆積(accumulate, assemble, bring together, build up, gather, heap up)
pile... on ...        使...堆積在...
pile up            堆積, 積累
e.g. we put the books in piles on the floor.
pipe [paip]
n. 導(dǎo)管(hose), 煙斗, 管樂(lè)器
tobacco pipe      煙斗
pipe organ        管風(fēng)琴
pipe work         管道工程
e.g. the workers are laying pipes under the road.
place [pleis]
n. 地方(location, position, site, situation, spot, area, district, neighbourhood, region)職位(job, position),名次vt. 放置(arrange, lay, put down, set down)訂貨
take place         發(fā)生
take the place of...   代替...,替代...
place emphasis on/upon...    注重..., 強(qiáng)調(diào)...
in the first place    首先
in place of...      代替...
out of place             不在合適的位置不合適的
place an order for sth. with ...    ...定購(gòu)某物
in sb.’s place   處于某人的位置, 為某人設(shè)身處地想一想
in place      在合適的位置
e.g. she's left her books all over the place.
plan [plæn]
n. 計(jì)劃(design, idea, intention, programme, project, proposal, scheme, strategy),
設(shè)計(jì)圖(chart, diagram, drawing)
vt. (planned, planned, planning)設(shè)計(jì)(arrange, design, devise, invent, scheme, think out, work out)打算(aim, mean, propose, intend)
draw up a plan     制訂計(jì)劃
plan to do sth.      打算...
plan target        計(jì)劃指標(biāo)[任務(wù)]
e.g. the police worked out a plan to catch the thief.
财经| 柯坪县| 磐石市| 本溪市| 睢宁县| 文山县| 甘肃省| 上饶市| 油尖旺区| 平南县| 扬州市| 宁强县| 尤溪县| 庆云县| 车致| 永嘉县| 永新县| 兴宁市| 电白县| 曲水县| 同仁县| 察雅县| 雅安市| 榕江县| 钦州市| 内江市| 滨州市| 准格尔旗| 天峻县| 兴海县| 即墨市| 吐鲁番市| 宁陵县| 丰原市| 墨玉县| 绵竹市| 佛学| 察哈| 历史| 安泽县| 新竹市|