
forest  n. 森林
forest conservation                森林保護
forest law                          森林法
e.g. he lost his way迷路 in the forest.
forget [fə'get]     vt.(forgot, forgotten, forgetting) 忘記,忽略(ignore, overlook, neglect)
forget to do sth.                  忘記了要做...
forget doing sth.                  忘記曾經(jīng)做過...
e.g.she forgot to post(郵寄) the letter.
form  n.形狀(shape),類型(type),表格v. 形成, 構(gòu)成(constitute)
in form                             形式上
fill in/out a form                    填表格
take the form of...                   采取...的形式,表現(xiàn)為...的形式
e.g.the footballer's been out of form((運動員)身體不適, 競技狀態(tài)不佳).
found [faund]   v. (founded, founded, founding)建立,創(chuàng)辦(establish),奠定...的基礎(chǔ)(base)
found a hospital                        創(chuàng)辦一所醫(yī)院
ill founded                             根據(jù)不足的
well founded                           十分有根據(jù)的
e.g. this firm(公司) was founded in 1724.
foundation [faun'deiʃən]    n.  基礎(chǔ)(base),基金 (會)
foundation school            靠捐助基金所維持的學(xué)校
foundation stone              (特指建筑物等開工典禮上放置的)基石
e.g.he laid(鋪設(shè)) the foundations (奠定基礎(chǔ))of his success(成功) by study and hard(辛苦的) work.
freedom ['fri:dəm]      n. 自由
freedom of choice                     自由選擇
e.g.the children enjoyed(享受, 享有) the freedom of the school holidays(假日).
friend [frend]      n. 朋友,友人(companion)
close friends                      密友, 知己
make friends with...                與...交友
make friends again                   言歸于好
e.g.the dog is a faithful(忠實的) friend of man(人類).
friendship    n. 友誼友好(companionship, fellowship)
e.g.true(真正的) friendship is worth(有價值的 prep. 值…的 n. 價值) more than money.
frighten ['fraitn]     vt. 使驚嚇(scare, take...aback)
frighten sb/ sth away/off                 把某人嚇走
e.g.you'll find that these girls(女孩) aren’t easily(容易地) frightened now(現(xiàn)在).
front   n.前面,正面adj. 前面的
in front of...                 ...前面,...
in the front of...               ...的前部
e.g.the teacher(老師) called the boy to the front.
fruit [fru:t] n. 水果, 成果(product)
bear fruit                   結(jié)出果實, 有成效
fruit tree                     果樹
e.g.his failure is the fruit of laziness(懶惰).
fuel [fjuəl]    n.燃料vt.加燃料,推動(drive, promote)
fuel gas                         燃氣
fuel oil                         燃料油
add fuel to the fire               火上加油
e.g.gas and coal are fuels.
fun     n.娛樂樂趣(delight, joy),有趣的人或事物
for fun                       開玩笑, 為了好玩
make fun of...                取笑...
e.g.he doesn't just write(寫,寫作) for fun; in fact, writing is his bread and butter(生計).
function    n.功能, 作用(work)vi. (機器等)運行發(fā)揮...作用(work, operate)
e.g.he is studying(研究) the function of the heart.
fund    n.資金(capital),基金,(pl.)存款(deposit)
a relief fund                       救濟金
a reserve fund                    公積金
e.g.the project(項目) was given up for lack of (缺少)funds.
future  n. 未來adj. 未來的
in the future                           未來將來
in future                                今后, 從今以后
future generations                      n. 后代
e.g.our future seems very uncertain不缺定的).

gain [gein]    v.得到(obtain, get, earn),增加(increase)(、表)走快n. (pl.)利潤(profit, benefit),收獲增加(increase)
gain weight                            體重增加
gain profit                            獲得利益
gain the advantage of...               勝過..., 優(yōu)于...
gain time                              走得快, 贏得時間
no pains no gains.                     不勞則無獲。
e.g.he quickly(很快地) gained experience(經(jīng)驗).
game [geim]    n.比賽(match)游戲(play),(pl.)運動會(sports)獵物
olympic games                            奧運會
computer games                           電腦游戲
game fish                                供垂釣的魚
e.g.football(足球) is a team game.
gap [gæp]  n.差距(difference, interval,gulf),缺口裂口
generation gap                            代溝
e.g.there are wide(寬的) gaps in my knowledge(知識) of history(歷史).
gas[gæs]  n. 氣體, 煤氣, 汽油(gasoline, petrol)
gas station                            加油站
coal gas                                煤氣
e.g. he is stepping on the gas (踩油門, 加速)in order to catch up with (趕上)the car ahead(在前面).
gather ['gæðə]    v.聚集(assemble, collect)收集(collect), 逐漸增加(gain)
gather information [experience]           逐漸獲得消息[積累經(jīng)驗]
gather taxes                              收稅
e.g. the teacher gathered the pupils(小學(xué)生)  round her.
gene     n. [遺傳]基因
gene engineering                           基因工程
gene therapy ['θerəpi]                              基因治療
e.g. scientists find language gene
generate  vt.使產(chǎn)生(produce),使發(fā)生(cause, bring about)
e.g.when coal burns(燃燒), it generates heat.
generation n.一代,一代人,產(chǎn)生(production)
the young generation                        年輕的一代
generation gap                              代溝
e.g.we belong to (屬于)the same(相同的) generation.
gentleman    n. 先生, 紳士
gentleman's agreement                     君子協(xié)定
e.g.when he made a speech(演講), he began by (以...開始)saying ‘ladies and gentlemen’.
germ  n. 微生物, 細菌(bacteria)
germ carrier             n. 帶菌者
e.g.is this milk free from (沒有...的)germs?
german n. 德國人, 德語adj. 德國的, 德國人的, 德語的
germany  n. 德國
get[get]  vt. (got, gotten, getting)獲得(gain, obtain, acquire, win, achieve),變成 (become, fall, grow)染上(catch, develop),抓住(seize), 到達
get to(=arrive at/in, reach)    到達...
get in the way                     妨礙
get off                            下車, 出發(fā), 動身
get through...                     做完, 通過, 度過
get out of order                    失控
get over                          做完,恢復(fù)
get along                         融洽相處, 進展
get together                      聚會
get up                            起床
get across (to sb.)                (某人)理解
get down to ...                    著手進行...
e.g.i'll get something to eat before i got out外出, 離開).
girl [gə:l] n. 女孩姑娘
girlfriend               女朋友
give [giv] vt.(gave, given, giving) ,授予(award, grant)贈送(present),舉行(hold), 傳遞(消息)
give up...                放棄(念頭、希望等)
give away                 泄露(秘密),贈送
give in                    屈服
give way (to...)          屈服于...,坍塌
give off...               發(fā)出(蒸汽、光等)
give out                  分發(fā), 發(fā)出(氣味、熱等), 發(fā)表
e.g.we gave her flowers() for her birthday生日).

glass[glɑ:s]   n. 玻璃(pl.)眼鏡,玻璃杯,
a pair of glasses                   一副眼鏡
e.g.many students學(xué)生have to不得不)wear short-sighted(近視的) glasses(眼鏡) for reading(閱讀, 看書).
go[gəu]   vi. (went, gone, going) 離去(leave),達到,運轉(zhuǎn)(run), 變成(become, fall, get),流通(circulate), 被放置
go on                             發(fā)生繼續(xù)
go out                            離開, 公布
go over...                        查看...復(fù)習(xí)...
go through...                  經(jīng)歷...
go through with...         完成..., ...進行到底
go up                               漲價,上漲
go after ...                       追逐..., 追求...
go along                          進行,繼續(xù),
go down                           下降,下沉
go in for...                      參加...
go without...                     沒有...也行
e.g.we went by plane(飛機).
goal [gəul]   n. 目的, 目標(purpose, aim, target), 球門進球得分
one’s goal in life               生活的目的[]
get a goal                        得一分,踢進一個球
keep goal                         守球門
e.g. his goal is to become a teacher.
goods[gudz]      n. 貨物(freight)
e.g. there's a large variety of 各種各樣的)goods in the shops(商店).
government     n. 政府,管理(management)
democratic [,demə'krætik] government                  民主政府
the local government                             地方政府
e.g.the government is planning(計劃) new tax(稅) increases(增加).
grade [greid]  n.等級, 級別(rank, degree),年級,分數(shù)(mark, score) vt. v. 分等級(class), 記成績
make the grade                      成功
e.g.she's inthe fourth grade.
graduate ['grædjueit] n. (大學(xué))畢業(yè)生,研究生 v.畢業(yè)
graduate from...                         從...畢業(yè)
a graduate student                       研究生
e.g.she graduated from an american college.
grant [grɑ:nt] vt.準予(permit, allow),授予(award, give, confer)n.撥款, 準許(permission)
grant sb. to do sth.           準許某人做某事
take ..for granted                        認為...理所應(yīng)當
social assistance grants                  社會救濟金
study grant                                助學(xué)金
e.g.the government gave us a grant(撥款) to build(修建) another classroom(教室).
ground   n. 地面(land)場所(place), 根據(jù)(basis)
on the grounds of...                   以...為理由
gain ground                             進展, 發(fā)展, 占優(yōu)勢
e.g.this is our football ground.
group [gru:p]  n. 組(team),群(gang, cluster),集團,類(kind) vt. 集合(gather, collect, assemble)把...分類(sort, class, classify, label)
group sales company                      集團銷售公司
e.g.a group of(一群)girls was waiting(等待) by(在旁邊) the school(學(xué)校).
grow [grəu]   vi.( grew, grown, growing) 生長(develop),成長漸漸變得 (become, get), 種植(plant)
grow up                                 長大
grow from...                            由...長大, 由...發(fā)展起來
grow into...                            成長為...
e.g.he grows vegetables(蔬菜).
growth [grəuθ] n. 生長(development, progress),發(fā)育,增加(increase, expansion, improvement, enlargement)
economic growth                                    經(jīng)濟增長
the growth of population                           人口的增加
e.g.childhood(孩童時期) is a period(時期) of rapid(迅速的) growth.
guess[ges]  vt.猜測,推測(suppose, think, assume, estimate, feel, believe)n. 猜測,推測
make a guess                            猜測
e.g.i guess you're right(對的,正確的).
guest[gest] n. 客人(visitor) v. 款待(entertain)
e.g.we have three guests to dinner(宴會).
guy[gai] n. 家伙(fellow), 人
e.g. this guy is definitely肯定地 stupid.
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