
face   [feis] n  表情expression 正面
            v 面對(duì),面臨be confronted with 承認(rèn) 朝 ,向
 face to face                   面對(duì)面地
 in the face of                 不顧,面對(duì)
 make a face at              ―――做鬼臉
 save one’s face          挽回面子
 face up to                        大膽面對(duì)
e.g. we should keep cool in the face of danger.
fact [fækt]   n 事實(shí) reality   實(shí)情   真相 truth
 as a matter of fact               事實(shí)上,實(shí)際上
 in fact                                    事實(shí)上,其實(shí)
e.g. he doesn't mind. in fact, he is even pleased.
factor    ['fæktə]   n 因素 元素 element
 a factor in                                    影響―――的因素
e.g. luck was a factor in his success.
factory['fæktəri] n.   工廠(plant, mill)
factory hour                              工廠(工作)時(shí)間
factory management               工廠管理
e.g. a new factory was established near my home.
faculty ['fækəlti]  n. 能力ability, capability, competence, capacity,
the faculty of memory                  記憶力
faculty members                         大學(xué)教學(xué)人員
e.g. this boy has a faculty of making friends(交朋友) easily.(容易地)
fail [feil]  v.失敗(be defeated),沒有做到, 使失望(disappoint),(使)不及格
fail to do sth.                           沒有...
fail (in) an examination       沒通過考試
e.g. he failed(in) his examination.
failure ['feiljə]   n. 失敗(defeat),失靈(break down, collapse), 失敗者(loser)
end in failure (= meet with failure)       終歸失敗
water/power failure                  停水/停電
heart failure                         心力衰竭
e.g. failure is the mother of success(成功).
 faith [feiθ]   n信任,信仰 trust, belief ,
     have/lose faith in ---                相信/不再相信―――――
   e.g. he who loses faith, loses all.
fall vi.  fell, fallen, falling  倒下(collapse),落下(drop), 進(jìn)入(某種狀態(tài))
fall down                     倒下
fall behind in...              在...方面落后
fall into...                  落入..., 陷于(混亂,錯(cuò)誤等),分成...
fall asleep                   墜入夢鄉(xiāng)
fall ill                      病倒
fall into debt                   負(fù)債
fall back                         后退, 退卻
fall back on...                 依靠, 求助于...
fall in love with...             愛上...
e.g. he fell into the lake.
false   adj    錯(cuò)誤的mistake, wrong ,虛偽的,假的
 e.g.better an open enemy than a false friend.
fan [fæn]    n. 狂熱愛好者(lover),風(fēng)扇
a movie fan                         影迷
a sports fan                         體育迷
electric fan                         電扇
e.g. i have a small fan on my desk.

farm [fɑ:m]     n. 農(nóng)場 v. 耕作(cultivate)
e.g. we worked on the farm last(最近的) summer(夏季).
farmer['fɑ:mə]        n. 農(nóng)夫,農(nóng)場主
fashion    n.風(fēng)尚,風(fēng)格(style, manner) 時(shí)尚,樣式 ,時(shí)裝
be out of fashion                       不流行
be in fashion                           流行
e.g. loose(寬松的) trousers(褲子) are the latest(最新的) fashion.
father['fɑ:ðə]         n. 父親, 創(chuàng)始人
father's day                            父親節(jié)
fault   n. 過錯(cuò),缺點(diǎn)(defect, mistake),故障(breakdown, failure)
find fault in...                     找出...的毛病
find fault (with...)                   挑剔, 對(duì)...吹毛求疵
e.g. the fault lies with(在于)me, not with you."
favor['feivə]     n. 贊賞 ,偏愛(preference),恩惠 vt.支持(support) 有利于(facilitate), 偏愛,贊同(agree with, approve of)
in favor of...                       贊成,支持
do sb a favor                     幫某人一個(gè)忙
e.g. i am in favor of stopping(停止) work now.
fear [fiə]   v.害怕(be afraid/scared),為...擔(dān)心(worry)n. 害怕
for fear of doing ...                  生怕..., 以免...
for fear that...                       生怕..., 以免...
e.g. there is no medicine藥 for fear.
feature   n.(眼、口、鼻等)特征(characteristic),特色,(報(bào)紙的)特寫
a feature article                       一篇特寫
e.g. her eyes(眼睛) were her best(最好的) feature.
feel [fi:l]      vt. 摸(touch), 感覺, 覺得, 以為(consider)
feel at home                          感覺自在
feel like...                             摸上去如同..., 想要...
e.g. i felt the branch(樹枝) touch(接觸) my face.
feeling ['fi:liŋ]      n. 感情(emotion),觸覺, 感覺(sense)
mixed feelings                        歡樂與恐懼參半
e.g. i have a feeling he'll come(來).
fellow       n. 家伙,小伙子, 同伴,同事(colleague) adj. 同伴的
fellow students                       同學(xué)
fellow traveller                        旅伴
e.g. he was cut off(切斷,失去聯(lián)系)from his fellows.
fever ['fi:və]      n. 發(fā)燒,發(fā)熱,狂熱 vt. 使發(fā)燒, 使發(fā)狂
have a high fever                      發(fā)高燒
e.g. he is in a fever(在發(fā)燒).
fiction   n. 小說,虛構(gòu)
science fiction                        n 科學(xué)幻想小說
e.g. fact is stranger(更奇怪的) than fiction.
field [fi:ld]       n.領(lǐng)域(area, range, scope),運(yùn)動(dòng)場(playground), (一塊)田地
an oil field                            油田
field research                         現(xiàn)場調(diào)查研究
e.g. he is doing field research on people’s attitude towards (對(duì)...的態(tài)度)aids(艾滋病).
fight [fait]        n./vi.(fought, fought, fighting) 打架, 戰(zhàn)斗
fight against...                     對(duì)抗...
fight for...                          為...而戰(zhàn)
e.g. people often have to (不得不)fight for (為...而戰(zhàn))their liberty(自由).
figure ['figə]     n. 外形,體形(shape, form),數(shù)字(number) vt.演算, 認(rèn)為(believe, think)
figure out(= work out)                計(jì)算出..., 領(lǐng)會(huì)到...
e.g. i figure the manager(經(jīng)理) will be back (返回)soon(很快).

fill [fil]             vt. 裝滿,填(寫)(write)
fill ...with...                        使...充滿...
fill out/up a form                   填表
fill in...                             填寫..., 替代...
e.g. george is the best(最好的) person to fill this vacancy ['veikənsi](空缺).
film[film]     n.電影(movie),薄膜, 膠卷 vt.把...拍成電影
develop a film                        沖洗底片
e.g. have you seen any(任何的) good films lately(最近)?
find [faind]     vt.(found, found, finding) 找到, 發(fā)現(xiàn)(discover)
find out...                             發(fā)現(xiàn)..., 查明(真相等)
e.g. i find russian grammar(語法) very difficult(困難的).
finding ['faindiŋ]    n. 發(fā)現(xiàn)(discovery),(pl.)調(diào)查/研究的結(jié)果
e.g. the research(研究) findings will be published(公布)next week.
finger ['fiŋgə]    n.   手指
keep one’s fingers crossed              祈求成功
green fingers                           綠手指,園藝能手
e.gevery finger of hers is dirty.
finish     vt.完成(accomplish, complete, fulfill),結(jié)束(end) n. 最后階段, 完成,結(jié)束,完美
e.g. i have finished cleaning(使清潔) the room(房間).
fire ['faiə]      n. 火, 火災(zāi) vt. 點(diǎn)燃, 放槍, <口>解雇(dismiss),著火
catch fire                             著火
be on fire                             起火, 正興奮著
set fire to...                            點(diǎn)燃...
make a fire                            生火
e.g. according to (根據(jù))the law of labour(勞動(dòng)法), bosses(老板) can't fire workers at will (任意地)any longer(不再).
fix [fiks]   vt.   固定(install, fit), 修理(repair, mend),安排(arrange), 注目
fix up                                 安排,修理, 解決
e.g. i asked(要求) the boy to fix the bicycle(自行車).
flight [flait]     n. 飛行,航班,飛機(jī)的航程
flight course                      航線
flight crew member                 機(jī)組人員
e.g. did you have a good(愉快的) flight?
flood   n. 洪水,水災(zāi) v. 淹沒,大量涌到
flood in...                         大量地涌到...
flood... with...                      使...充滿
e.g. there was a flood of complaints(抱怨) from the press(報(bào)紙上的報(bào)道) about him.
flow [fləu]   vi. (液體)流動(dòng),飄動(dòng)(wave) n. 水流(current, stream)氣流, 流量
flow away                         流走
flow into...                         流入...
e.g. her tears(眼淚) flowed fast(很快地) at the bad(懷的) news(消息).
flower ['flauə]      n. 花 v. 開花(bloom)
e.g. it's quite a beautiful flower.
flu [flu:]      n. 流感(= influenza)
catch a flu                      患了流感
e.g. i caught a flu and had to不得不 lie in the bed.臥床休息
fly [flai]      vi. (flew, flown, flying)乘飛機(jī), 飛越, 使飄揚(yáng)n. 蒼蠅
fly a kite                          放風(fēng)箏
fly disease                        蠅疾病
fly high                           有雄心大志, 情緒高漲
e.g. housework家務(wù) keeps mother on the fly忙碌 all day.
focus ['fəukəs]      n. (興趣活動(dòng)等的)中心(center)v. 聚焦(concentrate)
focus... on/upon...                   把(精力/注意力)集中在…
e.g. you must try to focus your mind(思想) on work(工作) and study(學(xué)習(xí)).
fog [fɔg]     n.  
thick fog                             濃霧(一級(jí)能見度)
e.g. i was really in a fog 一團(tuán)糟after the exam.
follow   vt.跟隨(chase, go after, pursue),理解(understand, comprehend, catch on),遵循(comply with, keep to, obey, observe),從事,注視
as follows                              如下
e.g. the children followed their mother into the room(房間).
food [fu:d]       n. 食物, 養(yǎng)料
fast food                                快餐
e.g. i like chinese food very much.
foot [fut]   n. 足,英尺 腳
stand on one’s feet                    站立起來(病后恢復(fù))
on foot                              走路
e.g. we decided(決定) to go(去) on foot.
football  n.   足球(比賽)
play football                           踢足球
football match                          足球比賽
e.g.   we play football on the grass.草地
force n. 力量(power, strength),武力(violence) (pl.)軍隊(duì)(army, troop) vt.強(qiáng)迫(compel)
force sb  to do sth.                     迫使某人做...
put sth into force                      使...生效
come into force                        生效,實(shí)施
e.g. the thief(小偷) took(拿走) the money from the old man by force(用暴力).
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