
example [ig'zɑ:mpl] n 例子 instance   實(shí)例   例題 榜樣
as an example              例如
for example                 例如
e.g.   joe was set up 建立as our example.
exceed  [ik'si:d]   v   超越 勝過(guò)
exceed in             在―――方面超過(guò)
e.g. the price will not exceed 100.
excellent  ['eksələnt]    adj 優(yōu)秀的 杰出的 outstanding splendid wonderful
great impressive remarkable
e.g.   the boy made up his mind to become an excellent teacher.
except   [ik'sept]   prep 除了―――之外,若不是,除非
except for              除―――之外,只是
except that             除了
e.g. he has no friends except for us.
exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]   v /n 交換 change for 兌換 change 調(diào)換
make an exchange of              交換----
e.g. may i exchange seats with you?
excite   [ik'sait]   v 使興奮   激發(fā) arouse   cause   motivate
get excited by                         因―――而激動(dòng)
become excited about                  因―――而激動(dòng)
e.g. the good news excited everybody.
excited [ik'saitid]   adj    激動(dòng)的,激昂的
exciting [ik'saitiŋ]    adj 令人興奮的,使人激動(dòng)的
e.g. they were excited at the news.
he told us an exciting story .
exclude  [iks'klu:d]    v 拒絕接納 把―――排除在外,排斥
exclude sb from doing                 不準(zhǔn)某人做
e.g. we cannot exclude the possibility 可能性that he killed殺 his wife.
excuse [iks'kju:z]   v 原諒 forgive pardon 做為―――的托辭
                    n 接口 理由
excuse oneself from             借故推托
excuse sb for                   因―――而原諒某人
e.g. please excuse me coming late .
exercise ['eksəsaiz]   n 練習(xí) 習(xí)題 訓(xùn)練practice training
                  v 鍛煉 運(yùn)行 運(yùn)用能力 use put---into   practice
take exercise                   做體操
do one’s exercise               做功課
e.g. my legs hurt after i exercise.
exhaust [ig'zɔ:st] v 用盡 耗盡use up ,consume   使精疲力竭 wear out
                  n 排氣裝置    廢氣
feel exhausted                感到疲勞
be exhausted by              因―――而疲勞
e.g. i feel exhausted after a long time work.

.expand [iks'pænd] v 使膨脹 擴(kuò)大 enlarge broaden extend 展開 spead 擴(kuò)張
 expand on            細(xì)說(shuō)   闡述
 e.g. i shall expand my business.
.expect  [iks'pekt]   v 期待hope ,look forward to ,預(yù)期 predict   foresee
                     料想assume believe think
e.g. the journey was not as nice as we had expected.
.expense [ik'spens] n 花費(fèi) 費(fèi)用(pl)cost
.expensive   [iks'pensiv] adj 花費(fèi)的,昂貴的
e.g. it's too much of an expense for me to own a car.
a colour tv is more expensive.
.experience   [iks'piəriəns]   n 經(jīng)驗(yàn) 經(jīng)歷 v 經(jīng)歷 go through ,undergo
by experience         憑經(jīng)驗(yàn)   從經(jīng)驗(yàn)中
e.g. experience is the best teacher.
.experiment  [iks'perimənt]   n實(shí)驗(yàn),試驗(yàn),嘗試test try     v. 實(shí)驗(yàn),嘗試
do/perform an experiment            做實(shí)驗(yàn)
e.g. we will do a chemistry 化學(xué)experiment this friday.
.expert  ['ekspə:t] n 專家 常與at ,in 連用 specialist 
                 adj 熟練的 skillful   skilled
an expert in/at                           某方面的專家
e.g. . he is an well-known著名的 expert in finance.金融
explain  [iks'plein] v 解釋 說(shuō)明 make clear account for
explain away                   (把過(guò)失,懷疑等)搪塞過(guò)去
explain oneself                 為自己辯解,說(shuō)明自己的意圖
e.g. let me explain why i was late.
explode  [iks'pləud]   v (使)爆炸 ,blast ,blow up,burst 使爆發(fā) break, burst out
explode with anger                  勃然大怒 大發(fā)脾氣
e.g. the bomb 炸彈was timed to explode during the rush-hour.高峰時(shí)期
explosion  [iks'pləuʒən]   n (感情的)爆發(fā) 發(fā)出爆炸
knowledge explosion            知識(shí)爆炸 知識(shí)激增
 e.g.   the explosion shook 搖晃the house.
expose [iks'pəuz] v 使暴露 接露 disclose reveal uncover   使曝光
expose --- to ----        使――-暴露于―――
exposure  [iks'pəuʒə]   n 暴露 接露 曝光
e.g. don't expose it to the sunlight.陽(yáng)光
      they also have exposure control.

express [iks'pres]    v 表示show render 表達(dá)
                   n 快車 快遞
express onself                      表達(dá)自己的思想
air express                        特快空運(yùn)
e.g. i can't express how grateful激動(dòng) i am.
expression [iks'preʃən]   n 表達(dá)   表情 look face
without expression              毫無(wú)表情的
e.g. his face was without expression.
.extend [iks'tend]   v 擴(kuò)充 延伸 prolong   伸展 reach spread 給予 offer give
 extend from---to ------               從―――延綿到――――
 expand 是范圍上的擴(kuò)張       extend 是長(zhǎng)度上的延伸
 e.g. most muscles肌肉 extend from one bone骨頭 to another.
.extensive  [iks'tensiv]   adj   廣大的large vast spacious 廣闊的
廣泛的 comprehensive   broad
extensive knowledge            知識(shí)淵博
extensive reading              泛讀
extensive use                  廣泛應(yīng)用
e.g. he selected an extensive reading course this term.
.extent [iks'tent]   n 范圍 程度 區(qū)域
to a certain extent                   在一定程度上
to a great extent                    很大程度上
to that extent                       達(dá)到那樣的程度
to the full extent of                  充分地
to some extent                      某種程度上
e.g.   to some extent you are correct.
.extra  ['ekstrə]
adj 額外的    added additional excess
額外的食物     另外的收費(fèi)
extra cost                   額外成本   額外費(fèi)用
extra income                額外所得
e.g. he paid the extra cost without a murmur. 低聲的怨言
.extraordinary [iks'trɔ:dinəri] adj   非常的,特別的 special particular remarkable
e.g. he married a girl of extraordinary beauty.
.extract [iks'trækt] v   拔出 draw out remove take out 榨取 squeeze
                  n 提出物 concentrate
extract a tooth       拔牙
extract oil           提煉油
e.g. we can extract oil from olive. ['ɔliv] 橄欖
.extreme  [iks'tri:m]   adj 盡頭的 極端的 utmost maximum 極度的 偏激的
                    n   極端   盡頭end limit pole
extreme joy                              極度的高興
hold extreme opinions                      持偏激意見
go to extreme                              走極端
extremely  [iks'tri:mli] adv 極端地 非常地
e.g. love and hate are extremes.
i'm extremely grateful to you.
eye [ai]    n 眼睛 視力 sight view vision 觀點(diǎn) viewpoint standpoint
catch sb’s eye                              醒目 顯眼 引人注意
have an eye for                             對(duì)―――有判斷力
keep one’s eyes open for                     時(shí)刻提防                    
keep an eye on                              留神 照看
see eye to eye                               常用with 連用 ,意見一致
e.g. i see eye to eye with my wife. 意見一致
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