
vii. 讓步狀語從句.
讓步狀語從句通常although(though)(雖然),as(雖然),while(雖然),even if (though)(即使),however(不管怎樣),whatever(不管,無論什么),no matter what(how, where, when)不管什么(怎樣\哪里\何時),whether...or (不管…還是)等連詞引導, 如:
he will not reveal the secret(秘密) though he knows(知道)it.
the galaxy(銀河系), vast(遼闊的) as it is , is only a small island(島嶼) in the endless(無止境的)universe.
while this is true of(對。。。適用) some, it is not true of all.
we’ll carry our experiment(實驗) through(進行) no matter what obstacles(障礙) we should have in our way. 不管在我們道路上有什么障礙,我們一定要把試驗進行到底.
however hard(努力地) you try, you won’t be able to (能夠)do it alone(單獨地).
(不管…還是)whether you like(喜歡) it or not, you’ll have to (不得不)do it.
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