











being worked



having worked

having been worked







時態(tài)上, 現(xiàn)在分詞表示動作進行;過去分詞則表示動作已完成。

   boiling water  正在煮沸的水

   boiled water  已煮沸的水(可能已不熱了)


   an interesting book   一本有趣的書(令人-----

   an interested reader   一位感興趣的讀者 (被-----


 1 分詞做定語:


  e.g.  she is a charming招人喜歡的 child.

       let’s drop 放棄the subject for the time being.是一固定詞組。

       her job was to take care of照看 the wounded受傷的 soldier.士兵

       he wants his eggs fried.(表示尚未煎好的雞蛋)    fried eggs  已經(jīng)煎好的


e.g.   the men working here are all from來自于 the rural areas.農(nóng)村

the ship battered 損壞的by the storm 暴風(fēng)雨crept into慢慢滑動 the harbour. 港口

2 分詞做表語

 分詞或者分詞短語做表語可放在系動詞(be ,become , get, seem, stay)等詞之后做表語

   the story is very interesting.

   i am convinced確信 of his honesty.

分詞大多都被看出形容詞,---ing 現(xiàn)在分詞,譯為令人----的,讓人----的,主語是物

                        ----ed 過去分詞,譯為感到---的,主語是人

the book is interesting.

i am interested in the book.

interesting      令人有趣的

interested       感到有趣的

exciting        令人興奮的

excited         感到興奮的,激動的

shocking        令人震驚的

shocked         感到震驚的

3 分詞做狀語


     在表示時間,原因,條件,讓步,方式,伴隨情況的狀語可放在句首也可房子句尾。強調(diào)與謂語動詞同時發(fā)生時,可以和連詞when ,while 連用。

a   working down the street,沿著這條路走下去, i ran into 偶遇jim.    表時間

b   being sick生病 , i stayed at home.           表原因

c   knowing all this , they made me pay for 賠償the damage.毀壞   表讓步

d   united , we stand; divided , we fall.   團結(jié)則存,分裂則亡     表條件

e   walking on tiptoe腳尖, i approached 靠近the little window. 窗戶      表伴隨

f    the couple夫婦 took good care 照顧of the baby while occupied 從事占有by their work.   


a    it rained heavily 猛烈地, causing 引起severe 劇烈的flooding洪水 in that country

b    my sister works hard thus becoming a manager.經(jīng)理

4 分詞做補語


   表感覺: smell聞起來 、watch看、 notice注意到、 look at看、 listen to聽、feel 感覺到  find 發(fā)現(xiàn)

   使役動詞:  have讓,使、 get 讓,使, keep保持,使得、  make 使,命令  catch抓住,了解,leave委托,交由


 e.g.    i felt the house shaking .搖動

        i should like this matter settled immediately. 我希望此事立刻得到解決。

   做主語補足語: 主動語態(tài)變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài),賓補就變成主補了

  e.g.    she was heard singing唱歌 all the time.一直

         he was seen angered 發(fā)怒at the delay 延遲

5 分詞的獨立結(jié)構(gòu)


     the question being settled , we went home .回家

     weather permitting允許,we’ll have the match 比賽tomorrow.

     this done, we went home.

     all our savings gone, we started looking for jobs.



   egthe book is very exciting.(exciting:現(xiàn)在分詞)

如果ving形式在句中充當(dāng)主語、賓語、同位語,那么它一定是動名詞, 不能用程度副詞very,much等修飾。

    eg teaching english is her full-time job.(teaching:動名詞)




動名詞作定語時,說明被修飾的名詞的用途(可以用"use for +動名詞"這個結(jié)構(gòu)代替),它和所修飾的名詞在邏輯上沒有主謂關(guān)系;


e.g.: a sleeping car=a car used for sleeping 一節(jié)臥車車廂 sleeping此處為動名詞

reading text 閱讀課文    a sleeping bag 睡袋

 a sleeping child=a child who is sleeping 一個睡著的孩子 (sleeping此處為現(xiàn)在分詞

developing country 發(fā)展中國家      boiled water 開水 




例如:my hobby is swimming.可改為swimming is my hobby


例如:the story is interesting.不可改為:interesting is the story

練習(xí): 09年衛(wèi)生類理工類a級閱讀理解

youth年輕人 emancipation解放 in spain西班牙

    1 the spanish government 西班牙政府is so worried about---擔(dān)心 the number of young adults 成年人still仍然 living with---一起居住 their parents 父母that it has decided to help them leave the nest.安樂窩

    2 around大約 55 percent of people aged 年齡18-34 in spain still sleep in their parents' homes, says the latest report from the country's state-run institute of youth.

     3to coax (勸誘) young people from their homes, the institute 學(xué)會學(xué)院started開始 a "youth emancipation (解放)" programme 計劃this month. the programme offers提供guidance 引導(dǎo)in 4finding rooms and jobs.

     economists經(jīng)濟學(xué)家 blame 責(zé)備young people's family dependence on依賴 the precarious (不穩(wěn)定性)labour勞動力 market市場 and 5increasing housing prices. housing prices have risen 17 percent a year since 2000.

      cultural 文化的reasons 原因also contribute6 to促成,起作用 the problem, say sociologists (社會學(xué)家). family ties in south europe - italy, portugal and greece - are stronger than those in middle and north europe, said spanish sociologist almudena moreno minguez in her report "the late emancipation of spanish youth: 7key for understanding".

     "in general, young people in spain firmly believe in the family as the main body around which their private life is organized," said minguez.

     in spain –especially特別 in the countryside鄉(xiāng)下, it is not uncommon 不尋常的8to find entire 全部的groups of aunts, uncles, cousins堂表兄弟姐妹, nieces外甥女,侄女 and nephews (外甥/侄子) all9 living on the same street. they regularly get together for sunday dinner.

      parents' tolerance is another factor. spanish parents accept 接受late-night 午夜的partying聚會 and are wary of謹慎小心10 setting 建立bedtime睡前 rules規(guī)則.

      "a child can arrive home at whatever time he wants. if parents complain he'll put up a fight and call the father a fascist," said jose antonio gomez yanez, a sociologist at carlos iii university in madrid.

      mothers' willingness樂意11 to do children's household chores 家務(wù)) worsens更壞 the problem. dionisio masso, a 60-year-old in madrid, has three children in their 20s. the eldest, 28,has a girlfriend and a job. but life with mum is good.

      "his mum does the wash and cooks for him; in the end, he lives well," masso said.

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