



一、 不定式的形式            to 的不定式     to work  


② 不帶to 的不定式    work   







to write

to be written


to be writing



to have written

to have been written


四、不定式在句子可做的成分: 主語、表語、賓語、定語、狀語、補足語


to stop the work now seems impossible.不可能的

   it 來做形式主語,把動詞不定式放到謂語動詞后面。

   it seems impossible to stop the work now.


it +be+adj+to do (be涵蓋的各個時態(tài)如:is、was、has been、had beenwill be、would be)

   it’s easy容易的 to learn學習 a foreign language.外國語言

   it’s so good / nice to talk to ---談話you.

     it + be + n. + to do

it’s our duty 責任to obey服從the law.法律

it’s a good habit習慣 to eat slowly.慢慢地

 it+ 動詞(賓語)+ to do.

   it cost花費 a lot of很多 money to build 建筑this museum.博物館

   it amused使發(fā)笑 me to hear these jokes.笑話

it takes / took / will take +sb + some time / money to do sth

   it took us a long time to mend修補修理 the house.

   it took me exactly 正好a week to complete完成 the work.

it be + adj + for sb + to do


   it’s easy for me to operate 操作the machine.機器

不定式做表語:在系動詞be 及半系動詞(seem、appear、lookbecome等)之后,系動詞多翻譯為“是”。不定式充當表語,用于描述主語的性質(zhì)、特征等

   the duties 責任of a postman 郵遞員are to deliver投遞 letters and newspaper.報紙

    the important thing is to save挽救 lives.

比較: be to do 另一種用法,表示計劃打算做某事。

    we are to meet twice a month.

    he’s to blame. 責備



    she is to be married next month,

    the expedition探險隊 is to start in a week’s time.


    she started to clean 打掃the kitchen.廚房

    they agreed to settle 解決the dispute爭論 by peaceful means.和平的方式

如果不定式做賓語,而且賓語后又有賓語補足語,要用it 作形式賓語,不定式放到補足語后。

    she found it difficult to answer the question.

    he feels it his duty to help others.

不定式構(gòu)成復合賓語:(賓語補足語)   主語 + v.動詞 + sb + to do

                                                邏輯 主語

    she encouraged 鼓勵me to try again.

    please remind 提醒me to post郵寄 this letter.

有些動詞后接不帶 to 的不定式,也就是動詞原形。

    i heard her lock the door

    did you see anyone enter 進入the house.

    he made me move移動 the car.

   變被結(jié)構(gòu)時,不定式 + to.

she was heard to lock the door.


    i haven’t had a chance to think 思考yet.

    his efforts to get her back were vain(白費的).

    i have a right to know.

    there’s no reason to doubt懷疑 his words.

序數(shù)詞如the first、second以及lastonly、best也常用于不定式作定語。

    it’s my first time 第一次to go to america.美國


    i need a pen to write with.

    give me some paper to write on.

    there are some things to be grateful for.    (be grateful for---    ---心存感激)


表目的:we slept together to keep warm.暖和

   表結(jié)果:he left , never to return.返回

   表原因:we jumped with joy高興 to hear it.

be + adj + to do

   she was eager渴望的 to see her friends.

   he was quick 迅速的to offer 提出his counter-proposal (反對建議).

   也可以和 in order ( 為了---目的) , so as (以便為了) 連用表示強調(diào)狀語。

   i’ll write down his telephone number so as not to forget it.

注:不定式的否定結(jié)構(gòu)  not to do // not do.

可以和 so / such---as to (如此---以至于) enough to ---(足以--- too---to (--以至于不能)

   the ice is not thick enough to bear 支持the weight of a tank.坦克

   the tea is too hot to drink.


   to be honest, 老實說,i just don’t like him.

   to tell you the truth , 說時候,告訴真相i’ve never met him.

   to be frank, 坦率地說you’re a bad driver.司機



v  +  sb   to do sth


   she encouraged me to try again.

   please remind me to post this letter

for + n.() + to do


   for a child to do that job is just inconceivable(不可思議).

   it’s just inconceivable for a child to do that job.

it be + adj+ of +名詞(或代詞)+ to do

   it’s very good of you to come.


   he was seen to enter the hall.大廳

   the room was found to be empty.空的


   when to start什么時間開始 has not been decided.決定

   i don’t know what to do.做什么

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