
構(gòu)成形式:   beis,am ,are +v+ing形式


表示現(xiàn)在(即說話人的此時此刻)正在進行的動作常與now現(xiàn)在、at present目前現(xiàn)在、at this moment  現(xiàn)在目前

eg .  what are you doing?     

 i’m reading a book.       

they are travelling in china.

表示現(xiàn)階段一直正進行的動作,而說話時動作不一定在進行these days//months//years

     eg .  i’m wirtting a book these days.



肯定結(jié)構(gòu):   be      +  v. ing


            is   am  are

      eg . she is reading a book.   i’m reading a book.     they are reading a book.

否定結(jié)構(gòu):  be + not + v. ing

      eg .  they aren’t reading a book.         she isn’t reading a book.

一般疑問句:  be + 主語 +v. ing

      eg .  are they reading a book?           is she reading a book?


強調(diào):  一般用于現(xiàn)在進行時的動詞,都為可持續(xù)性動詞,read, write ,listen, 不可持續(xù)的動作一般不用于現(xiàn)在進行時,如用于一般進行時態(tài)表示反復(fù)的動作。

      eg . the old man is nodding his head.       she’s jumping up and down.


      eg . the weather is cleaning.           the sun is setting.下山了

           i am finishing (我快做完了)        he is dying.(他奄奄一息了)



1  i'm working with a guy from london.

2  mary is looking for尋找 the book she lost丟失 yesterday 

3  i am waiting to have a word with you .

4  he is tasting 品嘗the wine

5 they are getting married結(jié)婚 next month.下個月




the world is running變成,成為 short of fresh water淡水. populations人口 are growing 變成bigger and thirstier (渴的), with the result that起結(jié)果是 fresh water is becoming increasingly逐漸地 scarce (缺乏).half the world's wetlands 沼澤地have disappeared消失 during the last century世紀(jì), while estimates估計,看法,判斷 suggest that water use will rise上升 by 50% in the next 30 years.


構(gòu)成     have /has +v 過去分詞


現(xiàn)在完成時常用來表示一持續(xù)的動作或者狀態(tài),也可以表示某一動作對現(xiàn)在產(chǎn)生的結(jié)果或影響,常常和just剛剛,already已經(jīng),yet還,recently近來,ever曾經(jīng),never決不,從不,still仍然,up to now 到目前為止,等一些詞語連用。譯成已經(jīng),一直

 e.g.  the rain has already stopped.  雨已經(jīng)停了。

       i have never broken my word.    我從來沒有違背過自己的諾言。

       he still hasn’t finished his work.    他的工作還沒有干完。


   e.g. i have got a letter from my aunt.  我收到姑媽一封信。

        the lift has broken down .      電梯壞了。

        they have taken the injured people to hospital.  他們已經(jīng)把傷員送到了醫(yī)院。

常和for since 引導(dǎo)的狀語或者 how long 連用(v大多都是無限動詞,live ,study ,teach ,wait 等)

  e.g.  i haven’t seen you for ages.  我們好久沒有見面了

        we’ve lived here for ten years.  我們在這里住了十年了。

       they haven’t seen me since july.  七月以來,他們就沒有見過我。

       how long have you known her?        你認(rèn)識他多久了?

常和since 引導(dǎo)的一些從今連用,譯成自從-----”(主句用現(xiàn)在完成時,從句用一般過去時。)

   e.g. i have learned a lot from him since i knew him. 自從我和他認(rèn)識以來,我從他那里學(xué)到了好多東西。

        you haven’t changed much since we last met. 自我上次見到你之后,你沒有太多的變化。

2 構(gòu)成:

肯定形式 :主語是第三人稱,  has +v過去分詞   其他 have +v 過去分詞

否定形式:   主語是第三人稱,  has+not +v過去分詞   其他 have+not +v 過去分詞

疑問形式: have/has 提前就可以了  have/has +主語+v過去分詞


mary has made up her mind 下定決心not to go to the meeting 參加會議

mary hasn’t made up her mind not to go to the meeting 

has mary made up her mind not to go to the meeting?


since自從――以來 ancient times遠古時代的 people have found various 多樣的ways 方法to preserve 保存meat肉。

since ancient times people haven’t found various ways to preserve meat.

have since ancient times people found various ways to preservemeat?

3 have  gone to have been to 的區(qū)別

   have gone to 表示去某地了,而且現(xiàn)在還沒有回來

  e.g. the children have gone to the zoo.  孩子們?nèi)游飯@了。(現(xiàn)在他們還在哪里,沒有回來)

have been to 表示到過 /去過某地現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)回來了。

  e.g. i’ve been to europe several times.  我去過歐洲好幾次了。(現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)回來。)



1  the spanish government西班牙政府 is so worried about 擔(dān)心the number of young adults still living居住 with their parents父母 that it has decided to help them leave the nest.窩,巢。

2  economists 經(jīng)濟學(xué)家blame 指責(zé)責(zé)備young people's family dependence on依靠 the precarious (不穩(wěn)定性)labour market 勞動力市場and increasing漸增的 housing prices.房子價格 housing prices have risen 上升17 percent百分之 a year since 2000 years.


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