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(一) 主+動+雙賓(間接賓語+直接賓語)

1) she  gave  me   her telephone number.電話號碼
          v.   間賓     直賓

   please choose   me   a good one
            v.    間賓     直賓

2) our teacher notified 通知 us  that there would be a test測試 on monday.
                  v.        間賓   直賓

she asked me what time it was.
      v. 間賓  直賓

eg.  tell   give   pass  hand   advise//inform//notify    buy   borrow  lend

(二) 主+謂+賓+補足語

1) she  dyedher hair  brown.棕色
          v.       o.     adj.做補足語

     i   like    my tea   very hot.
          v.       o.         adj

典型動詞:make   keep   leave   find  

make me safe      keep the room warm    eave the door open   find the answers wrong 

2)they  called  their daughter   mary.

           v.      o.        n.(賓補)
   we   elected   tom    our chair man.
           v.      o.        n. (賓補)

3)it 做形式賓語

he found it   difficut  to satisfy their needs.
        形賓   賓補      真正賓語

i think it  best   that  you should stay with us.
       形賓 賓補      真正賓語

4)he  put  his books  in order (介詞短語).整齊

   don’t leave me behind (adv) 別把我甩在后面

5) you should get them  to help you.
               v.  o.     賓補

at the meeting  they invited 邀請 me  to speak.
                       v.         o.    賓補

帶有to 做賓補的動詞有:

advise 勸告  allow允許   ask要求    beg請求   cause引起   expect期待   forbid 禁止  

find 發(fā)現(xiàn)   invite邀請   permit 允許許可  remind 提醒   request//require  請求要求 

tell 命令  order命令   want 想要  wish希望 等

6) i’m going to have her live with us soon.

we can’t let him go on.繼續(xù)

不帶to  做賓補動詞有:(大部分都是感官動詞或者使役動詞)

feel 覺得  see 看見  watch 看見  hear聽見 notice 注意到

have使,讓  let讓  make 使 get 使

help 可帶to  也可不帶to (美人不加to 等)

he will help me (to) solve the problem.

7)i heard a bell ringing(現(xiàn)在分詞).  現(xiàn)在分詞做賓語補足語常常表示動作正在進(jìn)行中。

   i heard someone knock at the door.

life at aichi university

    i'm yamamoto mika, a 22-year-old japanese girl.1 1i'd like to invite 邀請you to aichi university 大學(xué)so you can understand my life.

    our university has a close relationship with china and my department is the only one of its kind in japan. my courses include the chinese language, modern chinese politics and economics. i love chinese culture and i have been to tianjin as an exchange student.
    in japan, our courses are divided into compulsory, optional and specialized courses. however, we have a flexible schedule. 2 we can choose選擇 classes from a wide廣闊的 range范圍 of options選擇

    many students finish the compulsory courses in three years so that they can have one year without any classes. 3 they often use 使用this period of time to study abroad, 在國外conduct research研究 and travel旅游. many students even suspend their study for additional study-abroad opportunities.  

    4 japanese universities encourage鼓勵 students to choose 選擇their own ways 方法of study, so it is quite easy for us to apply for申請 study suspension.懸,吊,終止,休學(xué)
    japanese students participate in various kinds of extracurricular (課外的) activities. they attend clubs from elementary schools, so many have already been accustomed to clubs when they enter university.

    our university now has 42 art clubs and 45 sports clubs. the annual university festival is the grandest carnival (狂歡節(jié)) of japanese universities. in the festival,students promote their clubs and organize various activities. our university's festival attracted about 150,000 people last year. 5 i really真地 like this festival.節(jié)日

    when we promote our clubs, we cook "tonnjiru", a kind of pork soup, and sell it to other students at the fair.

    6 we also go to different places to interview會見 celebrities (名人) who attend 參加our festival節(jié)日 as guests客人. it is a wonderful精彩的 experience經(jīng)歷經(jīng)驗 to talk to those stars faces to faces.面對面的

    7 japanese students like to hold 舉行parties聚會. we have two kinds of parties. one is the mochiyori party. if you want to attend this party you have to cook a course and take it to the party. the organizer buys drinks and snacks.

    the other kind of party is the nomikai, which mainly involves alcohol. we drink something called chu-hai, which is a combination of soda and wine. we also drink japanese sake (日本米酒) 

and beer. there are parties for many occasions, like welcoming new students, celebrating victories and birthday parties or just for promoting friendship.

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