
1. 表示將來時態(tài)的其他形式與用法:
1)“be going to+動詞原形”表示很快就要發(fā)生的事情或打算要做的事。
e.g. it’s going to rain(下雨).
e.g. we are going to visit(訪問)beijing next week(下周).
2)“be to+動詞原形”表示安排好的動作或要求別人去做的事。
e.g. you are not to bring (帶來)any materials(材料) to the exam(考試) room.
e.g. he is to see(看) me today. 
e.g. they are to be married (結(jié)婚)in may.
marry sb.
be/get married
3)“be about to+動詞原形”表示即將發(fā)生的或正要做的事。
e.g. the conference(會議) is about to begin(開始).
 4)“be+現(xiàn)在分詞”有時可表示按計劃即將發(fā)生的一個動作,但僅適用于少數(shù)的某些動詞(如arrive(到達(dá)) , come(來), go(去), leave(離開), start(開始)等)而且常跟表示很近的將來的時間狀語連用。
e.g. our classmates(同學(xué)) are coming to see us the day after tomorrow(后天).
 e.g. the bus is leaving.
        4. 一般將來時態(tài)的否定結(jié)構(gòu)
             e.g. we shall (will) go to nanjing tomorrow morning. -- we shall (will) not go to nanjing tomorrow morning.
e.g. it’s going to rain. – it isn’t going to rain.
        5. 一般將來時態(tài)的疑問句結(jié)構(gòu)
         e.g. we shall (will) go to nanjing tomorrow morning. – shall/will we go to nanjing tomorrow morning?
         e.g. it’s going to rain. – is it going to rain?
(理工c級 look after your voice)
if you are willing(樂意的) to change(改變), you will soon be able to (能夠)say that(忘記) these techniques(技術(shù)) because they became(成為) a part(部分) of your life(生活). you will never forget

1. 形式:
1)   現(xiàn)在完成時由助動詞have(has)+過去分詞構(gòu)成。除第三人稱單數(shù)用has外,其他人稱一律用have。
2)   過去分詞的形式有規(guī)則的和不規(guī)則的兩種。前者由動詞原形+(e)d構(gòu)成,如worked, used, studied, stopped等,后者如made, gone, written, cut等,須逐個記憶。
            e.g. she has written (寫)three books(書) up to now(到目前為止).
2)表示過去發(fā)生但對現(xiàn)在有影響的動作。可以不用時間狀語,但也可和一些不涉及具體過去時間的副詞連用,如already(已經(jīng)), before(以前), ever(曾經(jīng)), never(從未), just(剛才), once(曾經(jīng)), recently(最近) ,yet(還, 尚)等,例如:
e.g. who has broken (打碎)the window(窗戶)?
e.g. we have never seen such(這樣的) a film(電影) before.
3) 也可表示過去某時開始的動作一直延續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,而且可能繼續(xù)延續(xù)下去, 常和for引導(dǎo)的短語或和since引導(dǎo)的短語或從句連用。
e.g. we have studied (學(xué)習(xí))english for more than 10 years.
e.g. he has lived (生活)here since he divorced(同…離婚) mary.
        3. 完成時態(tài)的否定結(jié)構(gòu)
            e.g. we have seen such a film before. – we haven’t seen such a film before./we have never seen such a film before. /we have rarely/hardly seen such a film before. 
(綜合c級the barbie dolls)
barbie has undergone (經(jīng)歷)a lot of changes(變化) over the years and has managed (設(shè)法)to keep up with(與…保持一致) current (當(dāng)前的)時下的trends(趨勢) in hairstyles(發(fā)型), makeup(化妝) and clothing.
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