


salary ['sæləri]  n. 薪水(payment, wage)

live beyond salary              入不敷出

annual salary                   年薪

e.g. our salary scale制度 is different.


sale [seil]  n. 出售,賣出,賤賣,銷售額   

for sale                        待售,出售

on sale                         出售,上市

bargain sales                   廉價(jià)出售

e.g. the law forbids 禁止the sale of alcohol to people under 18.


sample ['sæmpl]   n. 標(biāo)本,樣品(example)vt.      取樣

a sample room                    樣品(陳列)

e.g. it's very close to the sample.


satisfy ['sætisfai]   v. 滿足,使?jié)M意(content, make happy, please)

be satisfied with...                對(duì)...感到滿意

satisfy the need of...              滿足...的需要

e.g. this work does not satisfy me.


scene [si:n]    n.場(chǎng)面,情景,景色, [戲劇]一場(chǎng)

scene of action                      發(fā)生事情的現(xiàn)場(chǎng)

come on the scene                    出現(xiàn)在舞臺(tái)上,登場(chǎng)

e.g. this scene must be very touching.感人


secret ['si:krit]

n. 秘密(mystery), 奧秘

adj. 秘密的, 隱秘的(confidential , hidden, invisible, undisclosed, unknown)

keep ...a secret                ...保守秘密

e.g. .i promise i'll keep it secret.


see [si:] v. (saw, seen, seeing)看,看見(jiàn)(discover, identify, look at, make put, note, observe, perceive, recognize, spot, view, witness),了解,領(lǐng)會(huì)(appreciate, follow, grasp, know, realize, take in, understand),考慮(consider, decide, investigate, think about),觀看(attend, watch), 會(huì)晤 (have a date with, meet, visit), 碰到(encounter, face, meet, run into, come across, visit)

see sb. off                   (到機(jī)場(chǎng)等)為某人送行

see to...                     注意...,留意...

see into...                   調(diào)查...

see through...                看透..., 看穿...

e.g. .i looked for尋找 her in the crowd人群 but couldn't see her.


seek [si:k]   

v. 尋找,探索,尋求(ask for, beg for, desire, hunt for, inquire after, look for, search for, want, wish for)

seek after/for...                 尋找...,探索...

seek fame                         求名

seek help                         求助

e.g. we want to play hide and seek.捉迷藏


select [si'lekt]  

vt. 選擇,挑選(choose, decide on, elect, pick, prefer, settle on, single out, vote for)  

adj. 精選的(chosen, selected, special)

be selected from /among...          ...中被選擇出來(lái)

e.g. we must select some for seed。種子


sell [sel]  

v. (sold, sold, selling)出售, 賣(offer for sale, trade in, market, advertise, promote)

sell out                             售完(貨),全部出售

sell up                              全部出售,賣光

sell well                            易于銷售, 行銷

sell oneself                         出賣自己, 自薦

sell at...                           ...(某個(gè)價(jià)格)出售

e.g. mary is going to sell her car.


send [send]  vt.(sent, sent, sending) 送,寄(convey, dispatch, post, transmit),發(fā)射(launch, shoot)

send sb. for...                      派某人去找...

send off                              寄發(fā)

e.g. radio beijing sends the news all over the world.


sentence ['sentəns]  n. 句子,判決,宣判  vt.判決(condemn, pronounce sentence on)

capital sentence                             極刑,死刑

be sentenced to death                       被判處死刑

pronounce sentence on...                   對(duì)...宣判

e.g. please read out this sentence!


serve [sə:v] v.服務(wù)(aid, assist, attend, help, look after, work for),服役,侍候(distribute, give out),接待(顧客)(assist, sell goods)

serve as [for]...                  擔(dān)任...,起...作用

serve at table                     伺候別人吃飯

serve no purpose                   不中用,無(wú)用

e.g. we are well served with gas in this town.


service ['sə:vis] n. 服務(wù), 服務(wù)性工作, 服役 vt. 保養(yǎng), 維修(check, maintain, mend, repair)

in service                       在軍中服役, 在使用中

out of service                   退職[]

e.g. the postal service here is very unreliable.



set [set]   v.(set, set, setting) (使人或事物處于某種狀態(tài))(arrange, lay, leave, place, put),提出(put forward, suggest, express),樹(shù)立,調(diào)整(decide, determine, settle)n. 一套,一副(pair)

adj. 固定的

set about...                         始做...,著手...

set... aside                         留出..., 不顧...

set down...                          記下...,寫下...

set off(=depart/leave)               出發(fā),啟程

set up(=establish)                   建立,成立(組織)

set the stage for...                 ...打好基礎(chǔ),為...創(chuàng)造條件

e.g. i can't stop you if you are set on going.


settle ['setl]  v. 安放(set, place, put),(使)定居(move to, occupy, stay),解決(solve, deal with, resolve),支付(pay),沉淀(deposit)

settle (down) to sth.               安下心來(lái)做某事

settle in                           搬入,定居

settle up...                        結(jié)清...

settle a bargain                    成交

settle on ...                       決定...

e.g.  we have to settle the problem.


shame [ʃeim]  n. 羞恥, 羞愧(disgrace, dishonor), 可恥的人(或事物)

in shame                               由于害羞, 因?yàn)閻u辱

feel shame                             感到羞愧

what a shame that...                   真可惜...

e.g. she was full of shame at her bad behavior.


shape [ʃeip]n. 外形(figure, form, outline, pattern),情形,尤指女子的)體形

vt.使成形,塑造(carve, cast, form)

out of shape                        身體不舒服,生病

in the shape of...                  ...的形狀[形式]

be in bad shape                     健康情況不佳

keep ...in shape                    使...保持身體健康

e.g.  this shape is out of date now.


share [ʃɛə]    n. 共享,參與,一份(part, piece, portion, proportion, ration)

vt. 分享,分配(allocate, distribute, divide, go shares with, share out)

share in the profits              分享收益

share... with sb.                與某人共同分享/承擔(dān)...

share out                        分配, 均分

e.g. we share the joys and sorrows.


shine [ʃain]  v.  照耀,(使)發(fā)光(light),擦亮(polish) n. 光輝

sunshine                        陽(yáng)光

e.g. let me shine this up for you.


shoot [ʃu:t]  n. 射擊;狩獵;急流;攝影,嫩苗

vt.(shot, shot, shooting) 射擊(fire at, aim at, gun down, hit), 伸出(spread, stretch), 拍攝, ...注射, 發(fā)芽(spring up, grow)

shoot up                            射出, 發(fā),芽, 暴漲

shoot at...                         ...射擊, 力爭(zhēng)...

e.g. i used to shoot in the winter.


shout [ʃaut]v. 大聲叫,喊(call, cry out, roar, scream)n. 呼喊,叫

shout for help                     呼救

shout out                          大叫

e.g. shout out your perfect english!


show [ʃəu]  

n. 表示(demonstration),展覽(display, exhibition ),外觀

v. 出示(produce),引導(dǎo)(direct, guide),說(shuō)明,顯示(demonstrate, prove, indicate),展覽(display, exhibit , present, produce, reveal)

show up                              露面,揭露

show a sign of...                    現(xiàn)出...的樣子

show sb.  around                     帶某人到處參觀

show oneself                         v. 露面

show sb. the door                    把某人攆走

show sb. the way                     給某人指路, 為某人示范

e.g. one evening the school showed a cowboy 牛仔film.影片


shut [ʃʌt]  v. (shut, shut, shutting)關(guān)上,閉上,關(guān)閉(close, lock)

shut up                             關(guān)上, 住口

shut down ...                       使...關(guān)閉

shut off                            關(guān)閉, 切斷

e.g. do not shut down the computer.


silence ['sailəns] n.靜,寂靜,沉默 vt. 使沉默,使安靜(keep/make silent)

break silence                          打破沉默

in silence                             沉默著, 靜靜地

keep silence                           保持沉默

e.g. there's no wisdom like silence.


skill [skil]    n.技能,技巧(ability, aptitude, craft, gift, talent, technique)

have great skill in...                ...方面技能突出

e.g. he has great skill in drawing.


solid ['sɔlid]   n. 固體 adj. 固體的,確實(shí)的(concrete, genuine, physical, real, tangible ),穩(wěn)固的(compact, dense, firm, hard, rigid, stable, strong,), 可靠的(dependable, reliable)

on solid ground                     在穩(wěn)固的基礎(chǔ)上

a solid friend                      可靠的朋友

e.g. water becomes solid when it freezes.


solution [sə'lju:ʃən]  n.溶液(compound, mixture),解決辦法(answer, explanation, key), 解決

a solution to the problem               問(wèn)題的一個(gè)解決方法

e.g. . it seems to be the best solution.


solve [sɔlv]  vt.解決,解答(explain, interpret, work out)

solve a problem [puzzle]              解決問(wèn)題[疑惑]

e.g. i can't solve the problem


source [sɔ:s]   n. 來(lái)源,水源,消息來(lái)源(cause, starting-point)

the source of knowledge             知識(shí)的源

e.g. you are my source of strength.


space [speis]

n. 空間, 余地(freedom, room, scope),太空(the universe), 空地(area, gap, place)

v. ...隔開(kāi)

space shuttle                航天飛機(jī)

e.g. our earth moves through space.


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