

require [ri'kwaiə]   vt. 需要(be short of, depend on, lack, need, want),要求(command, direct, instruct, make, order)

it requires that ...                                      有必要...

require sth. of sb.                                向某人要求...

require sb. to do sth.                           .要求某人...

e.g. the floor requires washing

requirement [ri'kwaiəmənt]  n. 要求,需求(demand, need)


rescue ['reskju:]

vt.營(yíng)救(free, liberate, release, save, set free),搶救(recover)

n. 援救,營(yíng)救(release, relief)

come to sb.s rescue                         對(duì)某人進(jìn)行援救

rescue sb. from...                              從... 中把某人營(yíng)救出來(lái)

rescue party                                     援救隊(duì)

rescue aid                                        救援設(shè)備

e.g. they'll always come to rescue.


resist [ri'zist] vt. 抵抗,反抗(avoid, counteract, oppose, prevent, refuse)

resist the temptation of ...                         忍住...的誘惑

resist doing sth.                                      忍住不...

e.g. i can never resist an ice cream.


resource [ri'sɔ:s]  n. (pl.)資源,財(cái)力(assets, capital, fund, reserve, wealth)

natural resources                                    自然資源

e.g. the job called for 需要all my resources of energy and patience.


respect [ris'pekt]  n. 尊敬(admiration, esteem, honor, love, regard), 方面(aspect, characteristic, feature, particular,)vt. 尊敬,尊重(admire, esteem, think well of, value)

in all respects                               無(wú)論從哪方面來(lái)看

in/with respect of...                         關(guān)于...,就...來(lái)說(shuō)

without respect to...                          不管...,不考慮...

give ones respects to...                     ...致候

e.g. we show great respect to them.


respond [ri'spɔnd]  v. 回答,響應(yīng),作出反應(yīng)(react, reply)

respond with a smile                              以微笑表示回答

respond by a nod                                  點(diǎn)頭答應(yīng)

respond to(= acknowledge/know/give a response to /reply to)答復(fù)...,對(duì)...做出反應(yīng)

e.g. he failed to respond to the medicine.


response [ri'spɔns] n. 回答,響應(yīng),反應(yīng)(answer, reaction )

in response to...                               以響應(yīng)...,以回應(yīng)...

make no response                                     不回答

e.g. public response was positive.肯定的


restrict [ris'trikt] vt. 限制, 約束(control, limit, confine, shut, keep, enclose)

restricted space                                   有限空間

restricted theory of relativity                    狹義相對(duì)論

e.g. the trees restrict our vision.視野


result [ri'zʌlt]n. 結(jié)果(consequence, effect,  decision, score, answer)

vi. 由于,以...為結(jié)果,導(dǎo)致

as a result of...                           作為...的結(jié)果,由于...

in the result                                      結(jié)果

as a result                                          結(jié)果

result from(=arise from)                   起于...,由于...

result in(=bring about/cause rise to /provoke)     導(dǎo)致...

e.g. the accident resulted in the death of two passengers.乘客


retire [ri'taiə] vi. 退休, 引退(give up, leave, quit. resign)

retire from the business                           退休

retire into private life                             退休

retirement payment                                 退休金

e.g. my father retired at the age of 60.


return [ri'tə:n] 

n. 返回,來(lái)回票,利潤(rùn)(gain, income, interest, profit)adj.回程的,報(bào)答的

v. 回來(lái)(come back),歸還(send back, give back, repay),回報(bào),回答(aswer),恢復(fù)(go back)

in return                               作為回報(bào)或回復(fù)的

return to...                            回到(某個(gè)話題、某種狀態(tài)),恢復(fù)

return to power                        再度執(zhí)政

return ticket                           往返票(美作:round-trip ticket)

e.g. we look forward to 期盼the return of spring.


reveal [ri'vi:l] 

vt. 顯示,揭示,暴露(announce, confess, declare, disclose, display, show, uncover )

reveal itself                           出現(xiàn), 呈現(xiàn)

e.g. . i promise never to reveal his secret.


review [ri'vju:] vt. 回顧(go over),審查 (assess, consider, evaluate, inspect, study, survey)   n. 回顧,復(fù)習(xí)

review ones lessons                      復(fù)習(xí)功課

e.g. the play was very well reviewed.深受好評(píng)



right [rait] n. 正確,權(quán)利,右邊

adj. 正確的(accurate, exact, precise  ), 合適的(appropriate, proper, suitable),健康的(healthy)   adv.正確地

have a right to do ...                   有資格...,有權(quán)...

be in the right                            有理,

right away                                立刻

right off                                   立刻

e.g. i have the right to ask for an explanation.解釋


ring [riŋ] v.(rang, rung, ringing) 鳴響, 按鈴,鐘聲 (報(bào)時(shí)等),打電話

ring off                                     掛斷(電話)

ring up                                       打電話給某人

give sb. a ring                              ...打電話

ringing voice                                響亮的聲音, 振鈴聲

e.g. in case of萬(wàn)一 fire ring the bell.


rise [raiz]

n. 上升,增加(increase, jump, leap),加薪

v. 升起,起身(get up, stand up), 增長(zhǎng)(grow, increase),上升(arise, climb, go up, jump, lift, soar)

rise to the occasion                         隨機(jī)應(yīng)變

give rise to...                               引起...,導(dǎo)致...

on the rise                                   在上漲[增長(zhǎng)]

e.g. the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.


risk [risk]vt. ...的危險(xiǎn)(dare, gamble, venture)n. 冒險(xiǎn),風(fēng)險(xiǎn)(danger, hazard, venture)

at risk                                      有危險(xiǎn)

take no risks                                慎重行事

e.g. anyone swimming in this lake does so at his own risk.


role [rəul] n. 任務(wù),職責(zé)(duty, function, job, position, post, task),角色(character, part)

play the role of ...                     扮演...角色, 起...作用

e.g. practice plays a central role.


room [ru:m]  n. 房間,屋子,空間(freedom, scope, space)

give room to...                                      給...騰地方[位置]

room and board                                      膳宿

e.g. i want a double room with a view.風(fēng)景


round [raund] n. 圓,圓形物,一周 adj. 圓的 prep. 圍著,在...周圍 adv. 在周圍

all the year round                               終年,一年到頭

round the clock                                  一直,不停地

e.g.  the earth turns round the sun.


routine [ru:'ti:n]  n. 例行公事, 日常事務(wù)(practice, procedure)adj.例行的,常規(guī)的

a routine medical examination                      常規(guī)的體檢

e.g. . it was a rather routine performance演出


rubbish ['rʌbiʃ]n. 垃圾, 廢物, 廢話

rubbish dump                                       垃圾堆

e.g. the dustman清潔工人 comes once a week to collect the rubbish.


ruin ['ruin]  v. (使)破產(chǎn),(使)毀滅

n. 毀滅(breakdown, collapse, destruction, failure, wreck),廢墟,遺跡(remains)

in ruins                                            成廢墟

bring sb. to ruin                                  使某人失敗/傾家蕩產(chǎn)

ruin oneself                                       毀掉自己

e.g. heavy smoking ruin his health.


run [rʌn]

n. 跑, 一連串(chain, series)v.(ran, run, running) 跑,競(jìng)選,(液體等)流(flow),行駛(go, operate, travel),管理(administer, conduct, control, direct, govern, look after, manage, supervise)

run the danger of...                              ...風(fēng)險(xiǎn)

run across...                                     偶然遇到...

run after...                                        追逐...

run out( of...)                                     用光(...)

a run of...                                         一連串...

e.g. the little boy ran off to get his brother.

running ['rʌniŋ] n. 跑,(機(jī)器等的)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn),經(jīng)營(yíng)   adj. 跑著的,跑步用的, ()流動(dòng)的(liquid), 連續(xù)的(continuous, successive)

running days                                    連續(xù)工作日, 連續(xù)日

running time                                    (程序)運(yùn)行時(shí)間

running water                                        流水,活水

e.g. the running man is my brother.


rush [rʌʃ]n. 匆促,沖進(jìn) vi. 沖,涌現(xiàn),匆忙 (haste, hurry, race)

rush hour                                         高峰時(shí)間

rush at...                                         沖向...

rush out of...                                     奔出...

rush through...                                 快速通過..., 趕緊做...

e.g. there’s no need to rush /hurry.


russia ['rʌʃə] n. 俄國(guó), 俄羅斯

russian ['rʌʃən]   n. 俄國(guó)人, 俄語(yǔ)adj. 俄國(guó)的, 俄國(guó)人的, 俄語(yǔ)的


e.g. they come from russia

    russian is a difficult language to master.


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