


pain[pein]n. 痛苦(suffering, discomfort, distress, torture), (ache, hurt) (pl.)勞苦

(be) in pains    疼痛,在苦惱中

take pains to do sth.   努力地...

suffer pains       感到痛,受苦

pain-killer       止疼藥

e.g. i will grow through this pain.


pair [pєə] n. 一對(duì),一雙(couple, twins) v. 使成對(duì)(mate)

in pairs       成對(duì)地

a pair of...     一對(duì),一雙

pair off with...   ...結(jié)成對(duì)子

e.g. i want to buy a pair of pants.


paper ['peipə]n. (sheet, leaf), 報(bào)紙(newspaper),文件(documents, files, records),

論文(article, essay, thesis),考卷

on paper        在紙上,以書面形式

paper work       文書工作

paper currency/money   紙幣

e.g. we've run out of typing paper.


paragraph ['pærəgrɑ:f]n. 段,節(jié)

e.g. look at the second paragraph on page fifteen.


parent ['pɛərənt] n.父親(或母親)(family),動(dòng)植物的母體,起源(origin)

parent-teacher association       教師家長(zhǎng)會(huì)

parent company/corporation/firm/enterprise      母公司,總公司

parent language          母語

e.g. she has only a single parent.


park [pɑ:k]n. 公園(nature reserve, public garden, recreation ground),停車場(chǎng)(car-park)

vt. 停放(汽車等)(leave, place)

parking lot/ground           停車場(chǎng)

parking ticket               違規(guī)停車罰單

parking meter               停車計(jì)時(shí)器(以硬幣付費(fèi))

parking space              停車位

theme park                主題公園

e.g. i often take my children to play in the park.


part [pɑ:t]

n. 部分(bit, branch, component, division, fraction, fragment, ingredient, piece, portion, section, share, area, district, region), 零件,角色(character, role)

vt. 分開(cut off, divide, separate, split),斷裂(break),離開(depart, go away, leave, say goodbye, withdraw)

have/play a part/role in ...      參與...,扮演...角色, ...方面起作用

take part in...                參加...

in part                    部分地

part of...                  ...的一部分

on the part of...           ...方面,由...作出的

e.g. i hope we can part as friends.


partner['pɑ:tnə]   n.配偶(husband, wife, spouse),合伙人(assistant, colleague, companion)

a business partner      意合伙人

e.g. are you sure you want him to be your partner?


pass [pɑ:s]    vt. 通過(go by, move past),越過(go beyond, overtake),審查通過(agree, approve, authorize, confirm, pronounce),度過(live/get through, spend),傳遞(deliver, give, hand over) n. 通行證(licence, permission, ticket, permit),考試及格

pass away               去世,死亡

pass on                 傳遞,向前

pass over...            省略, 忽略

pass an examination       通過考試

pass by...               經(jīng)過...

pass... down             遺傳...

pass certificate           及格證書

pass student             [](成績(jī))普通學(xué)生

pass word              口令

pass out               昏過去

pass a good/bad night     睡得好 [不好]   

pass a crisis            渡過危機(jī), 脫離危險(xiǎn)期

pass along...           沿...

e.g. i passed the store商店 on my way to the library.圖書館



passage['pæsidʒ]    n. 通道(tube, way, tunnel),經(jīng)過(passing, moving on),段落(paragraph, section, episode)

the passage of time    時(shí)間的推移

flying passage      天橋

e.g. i had to find the passage back。


patient ['peiʃənt]    n. 病人,患者(suffer)adj. 忍耐的,耐心的

be patient with sb.      對(duì)某人有耐心

be patient of sth.       容忍某物

e.g. i think i am quite a patient耐心的 person.


pattern ['pætən] n.模式,花樣(arrangement, design, shape),模范(example, guide, model)

vt. 模仿,仿造(imitate, simulate, copy)

e.g. this cloth has a pattern of blue and white squares.正方形


pay [pei] n. 工資(income, salary, wages),薪水,報(bào)酬v. (paid, paid, paying)支付(spend),償還(pay up),進(jìn)行(訪問),對(duì)...有利(be profitable)

pay off                償清(債務(wù)),取得成功

pay for...                ...付款   償還

pay back                  償還,報(bào)復(fù)

pay a visit/call to ...       去參觀..., 拜訪...

pay attention to...        注意...

e.g. they will pay $100 in advance.


peace [pi:s] n. 和平(agreement, harmony, order),安寧(calmness, silence, stillness)

make peace            和解

maintain peace        維護(hù)和平

world peace            世界和平

peace of mind         內(nèi)心的寧靜

at peace             處于和睦(或平靜)狀態(tài)

e.g. it gave me strength力量 and peace.平安


penalty ['penəlti] n. 處罰(punishment), 罰款(fine)

pay the penalty for...    ...而遭受處罰

e.g. she has paid the penalty for her crimes with five years in prison.


perform[pə'fɔ:m]  v. 執(zhí)行,完成任務(wù)(accomplish, achieve, bring about, carry out, complete, do, finish, fulfill),表演(act, appear, play, take part)

perform well/badly           表現(xiàn)出色/糟糕

perform an experiment on/with/upon...         對(duì)...做實(shí)驗(yàn)

perform a ceremony          舉行儀式

e.g. their football team performed very well in the match yesterday.


performance[pə'fɔ:məns]   n. 表現(xiàn)(achievement, behavior, conduct, exhibition), 表演(acting, play, show),性能(capability)

e.g. our performance was a success. 我們演出很成功。


period ['piəriəd]    n. 時(shí)期(age, session, stage, term), 學(xué)時(shí), 節(jié)(season), 周期(cycle)

a period of time       一段時(shí)間

come to a period      終止,結(jié)束

e.g. we have three periods of chemistry化學(xué) a week.


permit[pə'mit] v. (permitted, permitted, permitting)允許(agree to, allow, approve of, authorize, consent to, give permission for)

n. 許可證, 執(zhí)照(authorization, licence, pass, passport, ticket, visa)

permit sb. to do sth.       允許某人...

permit of...            [常用于否定句]容許...

e.g. you are not permitted to smoke here.


persuade [pə'sweid]  v. 說服,勸說(bring around convince, influence, talk into, urge,)

persuade sb. to do sth.         勸服某人...

persuade sb. into doing sth.     勸服某人...

persuade sb. out of doing sth.    勸服某人不...

e.g.then she persuade me to buy one.


phone [fəun] n. 電話,電話機(jī)(telephone)v. (...)打電話(call, dial, ring, telephone)

e.g. i'll phone the result of the test to you.


physician [fi'ziʃən]    n. 醫(yī)師, 內(nèi)科醫(yī)師(doctor)

e.g. nature自然 is the best physician.


玉龙| 石屏县| 安平县| 崇明县| 昆山市| 台东县| 珠海市| 巴东县| 瓦房店市| 内乡县| 咸阳市| 镇赉县| 九龙县| 宝山区| 剑阁县| 托里县| 玉田县| 邮箱| 静乐县| 惠安县| 丰顺县| 且末县| 西城区| 离岛区| 广河县| 苍梧县| 南昌县| 海城市| 洱源县| 佛教| 饶平县| 岱山县| 拉萨市| 武乡县| 黄平县| 旌德县| 博白县| 宽城| 兰坪| 吴堡县| 巴青县|