


name  [neim]    n. 名字,名聲(fame, reputation),知名人士(celebirty)

vt....起名(call, entitle, label)

name a after b      b的名字來給a命名

be named after...     ...命名

in the name of...     ...的名義

call sb. names       罵某人

e.g. he is an artist of great name.


nation  ['neiʃən]    n. 國家(country, state),民族,部落(tribe)

the united nations      聯合國

e.g. one vote can change a nation .


nature['neitʃə]     n. 自然,本性,天性

conquer nature     征服自然

human nature      人性

in nature          本質上,實際上

by nature          天生就,本來

e.g. nature is at its best in spring.


necessity  [ni'sesiti]     n. 需要(need, requirement),必需品

the necessaries of life    生活必須品

e.g. water is a necessity of life.


need  [ni:d]   n. 需要(demand, requirement),必需品(necessity)

v 需要(want, be short of, lack, demand, depend on, rely on).要求,必須

in need                在危難中,在危急中

the need for...           ...的需要

need not have done...      原本不必...

e.g. you needn't have told(告訴) him the news; he knew it already(已經).


neighbor  ['neibə]      n. <> 鄰居,鄰國

e.g. britain's nearest neighbor is france.


nerve  [nə:v]     n. 神經,勇氣(courage)

get on ones nerve       惹得某人心煩

e.g. you'll need plenty of nerve to sit beside him when he is driving.


net  [net]    n. 網,網絡(network),凈數adj. 凈余的,實得的

net profit             凈利,純利

e.g. the net weight of this jar of coffee一瓶咖啡 is 180 grams.


network  ['netwə:k]   n. 網絡(net),網狀物,廣播網

network management      網絡管理

network television        電視廣播網

e.g. you can plug into接通the national computer network.


news  [nju:z]   n. 新聞, 消息(information, message, word)

news conference        記者招待會

release news            發(fā)布新聞

newspaper ['nju:speipə]     n. 報紙(paper)

newspaper week           新聞周刊

in the newspaper            在報紙上

e.g. i learned this piece of news from the newspaper this morning.


night  [nait]     n. 夜,夜晚

at night            在晚上

night and day        夜以繼日地

have a good night      睡得好

night life              夜生活

e.g. we can see the stars at night.


noise [nɔiz]    n. 喧鬧聲,噪聲

noise pollution                            噪音污染

e.g. there is so much noise in this restaurant; i can hardly hear you talking.


north [nɔ:θ]   n. 北,北方    adj. 北方的     adv. 在北方,向北方

north pole           北極

north star           北極星

in the north of...       ...的北部

e.g. china lies to the north of vietnam.越南


note [nəut] vt. 注意到(observe, notice),記下(write down, put down)    n. 筆記,注釋(remark),紙幣(paper money)

take notes             記筆記

take note of...          注意...,留意...

e.g. let me note down your address and telephone number.


nothing  ['nʌθiŋ]    n. 什么也沒有,無關緊要之事

for nothing          免費,徒然

nothing but...        除了...以外什么也不,只有...

say nothing of...      何況...,更不必說...

e.g. nothing ever happens in this town.


notice ['nəutis] v. 注意到(observe, note, discover, find, see, take note of)n. 布告(announcement, advertisement, sign),注意

take notice of...           注意...,留心...

notice sb. do ...           注意到某人做過...

notice sb. doing ...        注意到某人正在...

without notice           不預先通知

e.g. her appearance外表 attracted my notice.


notion ['nəuʃən]    n. 概念(concept, conception), 觀念(idea), 想法(intention, opinion, view)

have no notion of...        沒有理解...,不明白...

e.g. i have no notion of resigning.辭職


number ['nʌmbə]     n. 數字(figure),數量(amount, quantity, sum, total),號碼

a number of...         多的...

number one          最好, 第一

e.g. what’s your telephone number?


nurse  [nə:s]     n. 護士,保育員,保姆v. 護理(care for, look after)

nurse a cold     護理傷風

e.g. my daughter is a nurse




object['ɔbdʒikt] n. 物體(article, item, thing),目標(goal, aim, target, purpose, objective, intention),對象      vi. 反對,拒絕

achieve ones object    實現某人的目的

object to ...            反對...

e.g. put the object賓語 after the verb.動詞


observe [əb'zə:v] vt. 觀察(detect, keep an eye on, look at, monitor, notice, see, spot, stare at, study, watch),遵守(abide by, adhere to, comply with, conform to, follow, keep, obey, respect),評論(comment on, review),慶祝(celebrate)

observe a rule           遵守規(guī)則

observe time            遵守時間,準時

observed result          觀察結果

observed value/number     觀測值

e.g. i observed him entering the bank with a gun.


obtain [əb'tein] v. 獲得(acquire, attain, earn, gain, get,  win)

obtain employment      找到工作, 就業(yè)

e.g. i hope to obtain your opinion.


occasion[ə'keiʒən] n. 機會(chance, opportunity),時刻(moment, time),大事(affair, event, incident, occurrence)

on occasion       有時,偶爾

e.g. i only wear a tie領帶 on special occasions.


occur [ə'kə:]v(occurred, occurred, occurring) 發(fā)生(come about, happen, take place),出現(appear, arise),存在(come into being, exist)

(sth. )occur to sb.      某人想起/想到...

e.g. don't let this accident occur?


offer ['ɔ:fə]v. 提出(put forward, suggest, propose),提供(provide),表示愿意(volunteer) n. 提議(proposal, suggestion),報價(bid)

offer comments       提意見

offer excuses for...     ...找借口

offer one's hand       伸出手

offer to do ...         愿意...,主動...

e.g. he offered his seat to me.


office ['ɔ:fis]n. 辦公室,重要的職位(occupation, position, post, work)

office building      <>辦公樓

office hours        辦公時間, 營業(yè)時間

office worker       上班族

in office           執(zhí)政,當權

out of office        不執(zhí)政,不當權

e.g. on the wall of his office was a large map.


operate ['ɔpəreit]v. 操作(deal with, drive, handle, manage, use, work),運轉(act, function, go, perform, run, work),起作用,動手術

operate on sb.     給某人動手術

e.g. i expect to operate computers.


operation  [,ɔpə'reiʃən]   n. 運轉(action, activity, movement),操作,作用,手術(surgery)

be in operation           在運轉中,在實施中,在生效中

come/go into operation/effect     開始工作[運轉],生效

perform an operation on sb.       給某人動手術

put... into operation             實施...,執(zhí)行...

e.g. the elevator is in operation.


opinion [ə'pinjən] n. 意見,看法(attitude, comment, feeling, idea, impression, notion, point of view, thought, view)

public opinion     公眾輿論

have an ill opinion of...      ...有不好的評價

opinion poll             選舉投票,民意測驗

e.g. public opinion is against him.



opportunity [,ɔpə'tju:niti]n. 機會,時機(chance, occasion, time)

a golden opportunity    絕好的機會

e.g. i regret the lost opportunity.


oppose [ə'pəuz] v. 反對(be against, argue against, challenge, fight, )

be opposed to sth       反對...

 e.g. they opposed the government's new policies.


order ['ɔ:də]n.順序(arrangement, sequence),正常(工作)狀態(tài)(condition, state),命令(instruction),定單(demand, request)

vt. 命令(command, direct, instruct, require),定購(apply for, book)

in order that...    為了...,目的在于...

in order to...     為了...起見,以便...

be in order       狀況良好,整齊

be out of order    狀況不好,次序混亂

place an order for... 訂購...

put...in order      ...整理好

e.g. we are going to make an order.


organ ['ɔ:gən]n. 器官,機構,風琴

e.g. the heart is a vital至關重要的 organ.


organization [,ɔ:gənai'zeiʃən]n. 組織(arrangement, planning),機構,團體(association, society, union)

e.g. the organization of such a large-scale party takes a lot of time and energy.


organize['ɔ:gənaiz]vt. 組織,安排(arrange, put in order, sort out, tidy up),籌辦(create, establish, plan, set up)

e.g. the meeting was badly organized.


outcome ['autkʌm]n. 結果(result, consequence),成果

e.g. what was the outcome of your meeting?


outline ['autlain] n. 提綱,概要(framework, plan, sketch, summary), 輪廓(figure, form, profile, shape) v. 概括(draft, sketch)

e.g. he saw the outline of a building against the sky.


overcome[,əuvə'kʌm]vt. (overcame, overcome, overcoming)戰(zhàn)勝,克服(defeat, beat, deal with, win over, conquer)

overcome difficulties       戰(zhàn)勝困難

overcome ones shortcomings 克服某人的缺點

e.g. can you overcome your shortcomings?


owe [əu]vt. (債等)(be in debt), 感激, ...歸功于

owe...to...    ...歸功于...

e.g. it seems i owe you an apology.


oxygen['ɔksidʒən]n. []

oxygen treatment   n. ()()()

e.g. she died from lack of oxygen .


桃园市| 柏乡县| 乐平市| 天峨县| 姜堰市| 廊坊市| 洛川县| 繁昌县| 宣化县| 扶绥县| 浑源县| 黑水县| 绥滨县| 光山县| 黄龙县| 福清市| 济南市| 道孚县| 宜宾县| 宜良县| 石河子市| 嘉善县| 汤原县| 涡阳县| 通许县| 兴山县| 政和县| 舒兰市| 奈曼旗| 左云县| 普洱| 丹凤县| 东阿县| 兴化市| 特克斯县| 西充县| 万荣县| 辰溪县| 固原市| 新营市| 永济市|