

injure ['indʒə]     vt.損害(damage, ruin),傷害(harm, hurt, wound)

injure ones pride         傷害某人的自尊心

e.g.she was injured badly in the accident.


injury ['indʒəri]      n. 傷害(hurt),毀壞(harm, damage)

suffer injuries to ...          ...受傷

e.g. he suffered serious injuries to the arms and legs.


inquire  [in'kwaiə]=enquire  v 1  詢問   ask  2  調(diào)查survey,  research

inquire into    調(diào)查,追究
inquire sth of sb   

 e.g.  if i feel any doubt, i inquire


inside ['in'said]   n. 里面,內(nèi)部      adj. 內(nèi)部的(inner) adv. 在內(nèi)部prep. ...之內(nèi)

inside out           里子朝外地,完全地,徹底地

inside information    內(nèi)部消息,內(nèi)部情報(bào)

e.g. this lock can only be opened from the inside.


insist [in'sist]   v. 堅(jiān)持(persist, adhere),強(qiáng)調(diào)(emphasize, stress)

insist on/upon(= stick to/persist in/ adhere to)    堅(jiān)持...,堅(jiān)決主張...

insist that----            堅(jiān)持……

e.g. he insisted that he had done right.


install [in'stɔ:l]vt. 安裝(fit, fix),安置(put),任命,使就職

e.g. the workers are installing a heating system.供暖系統(tǒng)


instance ['instəns]   n. 實(shí)例,例子(example)

for instance(= for example)       例如,舉例說

in all instances                 在一切情況下

in no instance                  在任何情況下都不

e.g. this is only one instance out of many.


institute['institju:t]   n. 學(xué)會(huì)(academy, association), 學(xué)院(college), 研究所

vt. 建立(establish, set up, found),制定

e.g. he graduated from a famous foreign language institute.外國語大學(xué)


instruct [in'strʌkt]vt. (teach, educate, guide), 教導(dǎo), 指示(command, direct)

instruct sb. in ...            教某人...方面的知識(shí)

instruct sb. to do sth.        命令某人做...

instruction [in'strʌkʃən]   n. 指導(dǎo)(direction),教育 (pl.)用法說明(),指示

give instruction in...       講授...

an instruction book        說明書

e.g. his uncle instructed him in french.

you must obey服從 my instruction.


intelligence[in'telidʒəns]   n. 智力(brains, intellect, mind),智能

intelligence quotient['kwəuʃənt]iq)智商

an intelligence test         智力測(cè)驗(yàn)

an intelligence agent       間諜,情報(bào)人員

e.g. his intelligence quotient is very high.



intend [in'tend]  vt. 想要,打算(mean, aim) 計(jì)劃 plan

intend to do sth.          打算做...

(sth.) be intended for...     (某物)打算供...使用

e.g. i intended to catch the early train, but i didn't get up起床 in time.


interest['intərist]n. 興趣,愛好(pl.),引起高興的事情,利益(benefit, profit),利息

vt.使發(fā)生興趣(appeal to, attract, fascinate)

the public interests         公共利益

be interested in...          對(duì)...感興趣

in the interest of ...         為了...的利益

e.g. studying did not interest him.

 interesting   [ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ]   adj    有趣的,令人關(guān)注的


interfere  [,intə'fiə]  v  干涉 ,干預(yù) interrupt , intrude  妨礙hinder, get in the way of  介入

interfere  in/with                               干涉

interfere in someone’s affairs                    干預(yù)某人的事情

interfere with the smooth running of sth         妨礙某事的順利進(jìn)行

e.g. this is my life, no one can interfere


introduce[,intrə'dju:s]   vt. 介紹(present),提出(put forward),引進(jìn)(initiate)

introduce oneself       做自我介紹

introduce... into...       ...引進(jìn)入...

introduce sb. to ...       將某人介紹給...(另一個(gè)人)

e.g. could you introduce me to her?


invent  [in'vent]    vt. 發(fā)明(devise),創(chuàng)造(create)

invent a story         虛構(gòu)一個(gè)故事

e.g. we must invent an excuse借口 for our absence.缺席

invention [in'venʃən]     n. 發(fā)明, 創(chuàng)造(creation)

e.g. your invention is not practical.實(shí)用的


invest[in'vest]    v. (),購買

invest in ...             ...上投資, 購買...

invest money in ...        ...上投資

e.g. i won't invest my money in his company.公司

 investment  [in'vestmənt]  n 投資,投資額 (時(shí)間,資本的)投入

 investor [in'vestə]    n 投資者,出資者


investigate[in'vestigeit]   v.調(diào)查(examine, research, survey), 研究(explore, look into, study, go into)

e.g. the police警察 are investigating the murder謀殺


invite  [in'vait]   vt. 邀請(qǐng)(ask, encourage, request),招致,吸引(attract, tempt)

invite disaster              惹禍

invite sb. to...(a place)       邀請(qǐng)某人到...(地點(diǎn))

e.g. we invited all our relatives親戚 to the wedding.婚禮


involve [in'vɔlv]    vt.包括(comprise, include, contain),使陷于,使參與,牽涉

be involved in...    包含在...,被卷入...,專心地()...

e.g. not all funds基金 involve oil石油 money.


issue['isju:]   n. 出版 (報(bào)刊等),問題(question, problem, argument, dispute, matter),期

vt. 出版(書等)(publish),發(fā)行(鈔票等),發(fā)布(命令)(release),(使)流出

issue an order            發(fā)布命令

issue paper money        發(fā)行紙幣

issue from...             ...流出

issue of shares            股票的發(fā)行

issue of law              []法律上的爭論點(diǎn)

e.g. is every issue black or white?


衡阳市| 石台县| 阿瓦提县| 长海县| 宁蒗| 尼木县| 南阳市| 铜鼓县| 南乐县| 静海县| 镇坪县| 天全县| 额尔古纳市| 扎囊县| 铁力市| 诸暨市| 山丹县| 阜平县| 兰溪市| 新野县| 文山县| 阳高县| 托克托县| 辽中县| 集安市| 门头沟区| 定州市| 银川市| 襄樊市| 大庆市| 永仁县| 乐陵市| 城步| 梨树县| 弥渡县| 邛崃市| 刚察县| 伽师县| 汽车| 定襄县| 开鲁县|