

back [ bæk ] n 背部(reverse),后面(end )

             adj  后面的,過(guò)去的

             adv 向后,在后面,返回到(以前)

             v  資助 支持(support,后退(go backwards

back and forth                    反復(fù)地,來(lái)回地

back up                           支持

lay on one’s back                趟著

turn one’s back on               避開(kāi),不理睬 

go back to ----                   回到原來(lái)的狀況,回到原處

go back on one’s word            違背諾言

go back home                      回家

e.g. one cannot put back the clock.光陰一去不復(fù)返

background  [ 'bækgraund ] n 背景 context  (個(gè)人出身,受教育的)經(jīng)歷 experience

e.g. he stayed in the background(在背后,在幕后) to escape(逃脫) from the public attention.(公眾的注意)


balance [ 'bæləns ]  n 1均衡,平衡 2 稱,天平  scales

                  v 1 使保持平衡   2收支相抵

keep  balance                             保持平衡

lost balance                              失去平衡

in balance= on balance                    總而言之,總的來(lái)說(shuō)

be off balance                            不穩(wěn)

e.g. the girl lost her balance and fell off(跌到,摔落) the balance beam.(平衡木)


ban [ bæn ]    banned   banned  banning

v 1 禁止 forbid  stop   2

n 1禁止prohibition  2 取締                            

禁止吸煙         ban smoking

a ban of smoking 

lay /put a ban on------                            禁止某事

lift/remove a ban (on)                             解除禁令

place/put  ---under a ban                                對(duì)―――加以禁止

e.g. they laid a ban on smoking in theatre.(電影院)


bar [ bɑ: ]    v barred   barred   barring 1禁止 forbid   2 阻擋,妨礙  prevent



bar sb from doing sth                阻止某人做某事

e.g.  there are several bars in the hotel.


bare [ bɛə ]  adj  1赤裸的  bald  uncovered  2 空的  empty   3僅有的  

bare land  不毛之地

e.g. the room is bare of furniture.(家具)


base [ beis ]  n1基礎(chǔ) basic  2底部  bottom  3基地   camp

               v 以―――為根據(jù)   常與on ,upon 連用

  be based on /upon           基于,根據(jù)

e.g. family (家庭)is a base unit(單位) of world.(社會(huì))


basic   [ 'beisik ]  adj   基本的,根本的,首要的


basically [ 'beisikəli ] adv 基本上地   根本地

e.g.  the result(結(jié)果) basically is satisfied.(滿意的)


battle [ 'bætl ]  n1戰(zhàn)役(規(guī)模較大的)2 戰(zhàn)斗  fight  war    

v 戰(zhàn)斗,作戰(zhàn) fight

e.g. the battle ended(結(jié)束) in a victory.(勝利)

be [ bi: ]  v  1 是,2存在

用法:1 與動(dòng)詞的現(xiàn)在分詞連用,構(gòu)成各種進(jìn)行時(shí)態(tài)。

 e.g.   i am writing.             我正在寫(xiě)字

2 與及物動(dòng)詞的過(guò)去分詞連用,構(gòu)車(chē)被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)。

e.g. the theater was built in 1980.   電影院始建于1980年。


e.g.  we are to go on our football match.   明天我們的足球賽繼續(xù)進(jìn)行。

4 與不及物動(dòng)詞come, go 等的過(guò)去分詞連用,構(gòu)成完成體。

e.g. he is gone.(he has gone )  他已經(jīng)走了

5用于bewere 形式時(shí)表示虛擬語(yǔ)氣。

e.g.  if i were you ------          如果我是你的話――――――


bear   [ beə(r) ]       v  bore   borne  bearing

1 忍受 tolerate, stand, put up with 2 負(fù)擔(dān),承擔(dān) support

               3 生育 (孩子)give birth to    4生產(chǎn)(農(nóng)作物,水果)produce  yield

n 1 2粗魯?shù)娜?/span>

bear a hand /part in                                參加―――-

bear---in mind                                     牢記心中

bear on                                             對(duì)―――施加影響

bear up                                             支持,擁護(hù),打起精神

bear to                                                移向; ...

e.g.    the ice is too thin to bear your weight.冰太薄了,承受不住你們的重量

        she can’t bear him.  她對(duì)他無(wú)法容忍。


beat  [ bi:t ]   v  1 打,敲 pound strike

                    2 擊敗  defeat  conquer

                    3 (心臟等)跳動(dòng)

beat against/on -------           打在-----    beat about the bush  旁敲側(cè)擊

beat-----down                     打倒,殺價(jià)   使-----沮喪     

beat up                          拳打腳踢地攻擊

beat /break a record                     打破記錄


beautiful ['bju:tifəl]  adj   美麗的,漂亮的 pretty ,good-looking ,lovely ,splendid

beauty  [ 'bju:ti ] n 美麗,美人 美的事物  

e.g. i hear it's a beautiful place.

e.g. we enjoyed(欣賞) the beauty of nature.


because [ bi'kɔz ] conj  因?yàn)?span lang=en-us> because of –-due to ---owing to ---thanks to  因?yàn)?/span>

e.g. they hurried on because it(天色) was getting dark.(變暗)


become  [ bi'kʌm ]   v  became ,become ,becoming 1 變?yōu)?span lang=en-us> get  2成為  

become accustomed to ---                            對(duì)―――變得習(xí)以為常

become aware of ---                                  知道―――

become excited at/by /over                            因―――而激動(dòng)

become involved in                                    卷入―――陷入―――

e.g.  the weather became warmer.


begin  [ bi'gin ]    v began  begun  beginning  開(kāi)始 ,著手, start,  set out

begin to do sth                                     開(kāi)始做某事

begin doing                                        開(kāi)始做某事

to begin with                                       首先,第一點(diǎn)

begin with                                          以―――開(kāi)始、開(kāi)頭

e.g. when did you begin to drink?


beginning  [ bi'giniŋ ]  n 開(kāi)始 start 開(kāi)頭部分

at the beginning                             首先,起初,  從一開(kāi)始

at the beginning of                             -----的開(kāi)始

from beginning to end (from first to last )         從頭到尾

in the beginning                                 當(dāng)初,開(kāi)始時(shí)

e.g.  i've read the book from beginning to end.

beginner   [ bi'ginə ] n 初學(xué)者,無(wú)經(jīng)驗(yàn)者

娱乐| 九江县| 长海县| 承德县| 开化县| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 讷河市| 蛟河市| 阳泉市| 裕民县| 南宫市| 沁阳市| 延长县| 泸水县| 凤翔县| 紫云| 甘谷县| 府谷县| 瑞丽市| 孝昌县| 三江| 东平县| 九寨沟县| 池州市| 太湖县| 邻水| 工布江达县| 吴江市| 赤城县| 维西| 云安县| 鞍山市| 贡嘎县| 宝应县| 尚义县| 巴林左旗| 井冈山市| 富川| 蓬莱市| 黑山县| 灵丘县|