
arrange   [ ə'reindʒ ]  v  1 排列  整理  display  ,lay out,  organize

    arrange information      整理資料

                          2 安排  manage  prepare  see to

   arrange an outing   安排旅行

       arrange on                           排列

       arrange for                          安排  ---做好準(zhǔn)備

e.g. will you arrange a hotel room?

arangement  [ ə'reindʒmənt ]  n 安排 整理    make arrangement for     ---做準(zhǔn)備


arrive [ ə'raiv ]  v 1到達(dá),抵達(dá)   drive up,  get in ,  come

                     2 得出結(jié)論

arrive in                                 到達(dá)(大地方)

arrive at                                 到達(dá)某地(通常指小地方)

arrive on                                 得出,做出

arrive from                               從某地來(這里)

   arrive at a decision                        達(dá)成決議

e.g.   finally, they arrived at an agreement.

arival [ ə'raivəl ]  n  到達(dá),到來     one’s arrival     某人的到來


ask [ ɑ:sk ]  v  1問 詢問   inquire  pose a question ,

               2 請(qǐng)求,要求   request ,  demand

               3 邀請(qǐng)  invite

       ask for                     要求,請(qǐng)求

       ask off                      請(qǐng)假

       ask after                   問候

e.g. may i ask a question?


asleep [ ə'sli:p ]  adj   睡著的,睡熟的 sleeping       fall asleep      入睡

e.g.  her brother was sound asleep.


assist [ ə'sist ]  v  幫助,援助   help  aid

     assist sb with ----                幫助某人做某事

     assist sb in doing sth              幫組某人做某事

e.g.  good glasses assist your eyes.

assistance  [ ə'sistəns ]  n 幫助 援助   

assistant [ ə'sistənt ]    adj  幫助的,輔助的  n  助手 ,助教,輔助物


associate [ ə'səuʃieit ]  v   1使發(fā)生聯(lián)系,聯(lián)系在一起   put together ,  relate

                           2 ----交往      befriends  consort ['kɔnsɔ:t]  

                       n 合伙人,同事 ,同伴    assistant

                       adj   合伙的,有聯(lián)系的

 associate ----with ---                ---- ---- 聯(lián)系起來

associate oneself with                  加入---   參入----

associated society                      聯(lián)合會(huì)

associate   professor                  副教授

e.g.  she associated happiness with having money.

association   [ ə,səusi'eiʃən ]  n 協(xié)會(huì) 社團(tuán) society    聯(lián)系 contact   聯(lián)合 


assume [ ə'sju:m ]   v 1設(shè)想  假定    believe ,deduce expect

                      2 擔(dān)任,承擔(dān)    accept  take on

                      3 假裝   acquire  dress up in ,

assume  responsibility           承擔(dān)責(zé)任,負(fù)責(zé)

assume an atitude of -------     采取----態(tài)度

e.g. i assume this is what you want.


assure  [ ə'ʃuə ]  v  1 使確信,使放心  convince   保證擔(dān)保  promise

   assure sb that -----                       向某人保證------

   assure sb of sth                             向某人保證某事

e.g.  i assure you of the quality. (質(zhì)量)


astonish  [ əs'tɔniʃ ]  v  使驚訝 使吃驚   surprise

   be astonished at sth                        使吃驚----

   astonish  sb                                使某人感到驚訝

e.g. this news astonish her strongly.


attach  [ ə'tætʃ ]  v  1 附上 ,貼上  add, affix ,fasten ,fix

                      2 認(rèn)為(重要的)

 attach ---to ----                          ----/系到----

 be attached to                             喜歡,依戀  附屬于

 attach importance to -----                 認(rèn)為----重要

 attach oneself to ------                  依附于----  參與-----

e.g. attach the handle (手柄)to the box.

attempt  [ ə'tempt ]  v 企圖  試圖,嘗試(常與to 連用)

                      n 企圖,試圖   (常與at ,on ,to 連用)

attempt  to do sth                      試圖做某事

make an attempt to do sth               試圖做某事

an attempt to do sth                    試圖做某事

an attempt at doing sth                 試圖做某事

e.g.  he didn't pass the exam,通過考試 but it was a good attempt.


attend [ ə'tend ] v  1 出席(常用at 連用),參加   appear at , be present at

                     2 照顧,護(hù)理,  look after , care for , take care of

                     3 伴隨  accompany ,follow

   attend school (go to school )                   上學(xué)

   attend to                                    傾聽,照顧

   attend at                                     出席

   be attended by -----                       ---陪同,  ---照顧

e.g.  please attend to the speaker。


attitude [ 'ætitju:d ]  n 態(tài)度  manner    看法  opinion ,thought

  an attitude towards/to -----        對(duì)----的態(tài)度,看法

e.g.  he has a mellow(成熟的) attitude to life.


attract  [ ə'trækt ] v  吸引,引起(興趣,注意等) tempt

attract  sb’s  attention                       引起某人的注意

attract sb’s interest                            引起某人的興趣

e.g. they cried out (大叫)to attract our attention.


attribute   [ ə'tribju:t ]  v  ---歸于(常與to 連用)屬性,特征

  attribute ----to ----                    ----歸因于

  be attributed to ----                    造就了-----

e.g. they attribute their success to their teacher's encouragement.(鼓勵(lì))


available  [ ə'veiləbəl ] adj   可利用的,可得到的

   be available for ---                 能用于-----

   be available to do sth               可以用于------

e.g.  this was the only available room.


avoid [ ə'vɔid ] v 避開  避免   keep away from , run away from

   avoid sth/doing sth                避開,避免-----

e.g. she tried to avoid answering my questions.


awake [ ə'weik ]    v   awoke /awaked , awoke/awaked/awoken ,awaking

                    喚醒 ,使覺醒      arouse ,wake

                 adj   醒著的,警覺的    alert  sleepless

keep sb awake                       使某人一直醒著

stay awake                            保持清醒的狀態(tài)

awake to the fact that-----              認(rèn)識(shí)到----的事實(shí)

e.g. i awoke late this morning.


award  [ ə'wɔ:d ]   v  頒發(fā) ,授予   give , prsent ,grant

                    n  獎(jiǎng)勵(lì),獎(jiǎng)品   prize  reward

award sb sth for sth                         因?yàn)槟呈露?jiǎng)勵(lì)某人某物

award sth to sb                             把某物獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)給某人

e.g.  my boss received an award yesterday.  


aware [ ə'weə ] adj  意識(shí)到的,警覺到的  

     be aware of -----                知道,意識(shí)到

     be aware that ------              發(fā)覺----   意識(shí)到------

e.g.  he wasn't aware of the danger.

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