
aid [ eid ]  n 幫助 援助   help  support   

v 幫助 援助 

  aid sb in ----                             ---方面幫助某人

  first aid                                   急救

  teaching aid                              教具

e.g. i would have failed if without your aid.


aim  [eim]   n 目的 ,目標  goal , hope, desire

             v 瞄準 常和at 連用      address ,beam,direct

            aim to do sth      打算做某事  致力于做某事

            aim at doing sth 

e.g.  he aims to be a successful writer.


alarm   [ ə'lɑ:m ]  n 警報 warning   驚嚇 驚慌  fea  anxiety  警告器

                   v  使---驚恐   disturb frighten    ---報警

fire alarm                        火警警報

alarm clock                      鬧鐘

e.g.  even the car alarm was broken.



all [ ɔ:l ]   a. 所有的,全部的  ad. 完全地,十分地  pron 全體, 一切

  above  all                       首先  尤其是

  after all                          畢竟 終究

  all over                          到處 遍及

  all in all                         總而然之

  all over the world                 全世界

all together                     一起

in all                            總計

  all at once                       突然

e.g. all of the students are there.


allow  [ ə'lau ]  v 允許,準許 support, permit , approve

                    承認  admit  accept

allow  for                    考慮到,顧及

allow sb to do sth             允許某人做某事

allow of -----                 允許----

e.g.   allow me to introduce myself.


ambition [ æm'biʃən ]  n 野心 雄心  enterprise

                        目標  target  hope  wish

e.g. what is your career ambition?

ambitious [ æm'biʃəs ] adj  有抱負的,有雄心的

  be ambitious to do sth                  渴望做------


amount  [ ə'maunt ]  n  數(shù)量,數(shù)額sum ,total   總和,總額

                      v 等于,總計  to 連用

large amounts of money                  大量的金錢

amount to                              等于,相當于

e.g. my savings(儲蓄) amount to $2000.


announce [ ə'nauns ]   v  宣布  notify  發(fā)表  publish

e.g. i have something to announce.

announcement  [ ə'naunsmənt ]  n. 公告,發(fā)表,告知


answer [ ɑŋsə ]  n   回答  reply  答案  key solution

                 回答,回復  reply   解答   explain   resolve

   answer for                            ----負責   保證

   answer the telephone                  接電話

   answer the question                    回答問題


e.g. do you know the answer to this question?


anxiety [ æŋ'zaiəti ]   n 焦慮,憂慮  worry  distress   渴望 willingness

  with anxiety          焦慮地

  anxiety for            渴望----

e.g.    that is a great anxiety to me.


anxious [ 'æŋkʃəs ]  adj   焦急的,憂慮的  afraid  nervous    渴望的   eager

   be anxious about/for sth           為了某事憂慮

   be anxious to do sth            渴望做某事

   be anxious for sth              渴望有(得到)

e.g. i am anxious about his health.


apologize   [ ə'pɔlədʒaiz ]  v道歉 辯護

 apologize to sb for sth /for doing sth           向某人因為某事而道歉

 apologize for oneself                           為自己辯解或辯護

e.g.   you should apologize to me.

apology  [ ə'pɔlədʒi ] n 道歉 認錯 辯解    make an apology for –   道歉


appeal [ ə'pi:l ]  v  n  請求 吸引 上訴

                   v 形態(tài)下常與to 連用  請求,吸引

appeal to sb                       吸引某人

appeal for                          請求

appeal to sb for sth/to do sth            向某人呼吁

e.g. jazz(爵士音樂) hasn't much appeal to me.


appear [ ə'piə ]   v 出現(xiàn) 露出  arise  come into view ,spring up

                  似乎 好像    seem   look

appear  +adj              看起來----

it appears to me that -----        據(jù)我看來,我覺得

it appears that                   看起來似乎

e.g.  problem still does not appear.

appearance  [ ə'pirəns ]  n  出現(xiàn)  外表  judge by appearances    以貌取人


apply  [ ə'plai ]   v  for 連用    申請 請求

                    to 連用      適用 應用

apply (to sb )for sth           (向某人)申請----

aplly oneself to                致力于----

apply a theory to practice         把理論應用于實踐

e.g.  in this way( 用這種方法) they can better apply theory(理論) to practice.(實踐)


appoint  [ ə'pɔint ]  v 委派 任命  designate  elect

                       約定 約會  arrange  decide on

  appoint sb to a post     派某人任某職位

e.g.  they appointed him chairman

appointment  [ ə'pɔintmənt ]  n 約會,任命 make an appointment with  約定時間見面



appreciate  [ ə'pri:ʃieit ]   v  1 欣賞,賞識  admire   enjoy   like

                                 2 感謝,感激   be grateful for

e.g.  i appreciate what she did for me .


approach  [ ə'prəutʃ ]   v 1走進,接近  catch up with , come near , move towards

                           2 處理,對待  begin , undertake

                         n 1 靠近 advance ,coming ,nearing

                           2 方法   method ,means

                           3 通路  doorway ,way in

e.g. i think your approach is right.


approve [ ə'pru:v ]  v  1  批準  accept  ,agree to ,allow

                        2 贊成   常與of 連用   

approve of -----   贊成(準許)----

  e.g. she approves of what i did .

approval  [ ə'pru:vəl ]  n  贊成 批準  with/without approval of --- 經(jīng)/未經(jīng)---的批準


area [ 'eəriə ]  n  1 地區(qū)  district , environment , part  

                    an urban area   市區(qū)

                    2 領域  field  ,subject

                      an area of study    研究領域

                    3 一片(土地等) breadth  ,sector ,

                     an area of land / water    一片陸地、海洋

   e.g.   they live in the southern area.


argue  [ 'ɑ:gju: ]  v  1爭辯 quarrel ,  claim ,爭論 disagree , dispute

   argue that------                     辯論說-----

   argue with sb                        和某人辯論,爭論

argue for /against  a proposal        辯論贊成/反對某項建議

   argue sb into doing sth                說服某人去做----

   argue sb out of doing sth              說服某人不做----

e.g.   it is not right time to argue.

argument [ 'ɑ:gjumənt ]  n   爭論 disagreement , 論據(jù) reason   論點 idea

   argument for/against               支持/ 反對------


arise  [ ə'raiz ]   arose  arisen  arising

                v 出現(xiàn) appear , come up,  起來rise  發(fā)生 occur

arise from-----                      -----引起 產(chǎn)生

arise out of ------                  起于,出生于,來自于

   e.g.  accidents(事故) often arise from carelessness.粗心 


arouse [ ə’rauz ]  v 1 引起  激起 provoke  stir up  2 喚醒,叫醒 awake

   arouse from                              ----中喚醒

   arouse sb’s interest                       激起某人的興趣

   arouse the enthusiasm of----             激發(fā)----的積極性

e.g. i should arouse her from sleep .


临邑县| 合江县| 丰宁| 海淀区| 奎屯市| 沽源县| 金堂县| 威宁| 赣州市| 呼伦贝尔市| 门源| 平潭县| 福泉市| 津南区| 香河县| 常山县| 宜昌市| 鲁山县| 湖北省| 兴山县| 满城县| 昌邑市| 韶关市| 兴业县| 繁昌县| 武强县| 合阳县| 四会市| 保山市| 通许县| 山丹县| 凌源市| 苍溪县| 砚山县| 广灵县| 乌拉特前旗| 攀枝花市| 承德市| 新竹市| 错那县| 封丘县|